Since Christmas is coming, I have decided to show some spirit and write this fic. It will contain more or less 7 chapters, so I guess I can finish it till Christmas.

EDIT: In the end I didn't finish until Christmas. But at least I edited the grammar errors, so there's that.

Tic tok. Tic tok.

A huge mahogany clock stood at the living room's corner, showing that it was almost eleven o' clock. A little girl looked at the gigantic clock with bright, anxious dark brown eyes. As the pointer changed position, she gave a quick glance at the adults behind her before turning to the clock again. Soon it would be eleven o' clock, and then, it would be only an hour to midnight. And then...

"Yuki, why are you standing there like this?" asked someone with a rather metallic voice.

The girl gasped in surprise and turned around, only to see green-haired teenager looking at her with a curious expression on her face. How long had she been watching her?

"Sonika, you scared me!" Yuki pouted, her eyes nervously alternating between Sonika and the clock. "It's not Halloween for you to be scaring people."

Sonika giggled. Yuki was a very jumpy child, one of the many reasons why it was so fun to startle her.

"Sorry about that. But what are you doing here, anyway?" the teen pointed to the crowd behind her. "The party is over there."

Kaai Yuki looked uninterested at the adults, drinking and celebrating. It was Christmas Eve's night, time for the Vocaloid family (including the semi-official Vocaloids Akita Neru and Yowane Haku) to reunite and celebrate that special date at the Engloids' place. There was a buffet in the dining room, and drinks were being passed as the huge family of virtual singers chatted. A huge and colorful tree stood in the corner with lots of presents under it. The atmosphere was pleasant, with soft Christmas songs playing in the background, and even the most stoic people, like Megurine Luka and Miriam, had a smile stamped on their faces. The teen Vocaloids were gathered at Sonika's room, playing video games and using her computer, so the living room was dominated by the adults.

However, Yuki was basically the only child in the whole party (Gachapoid not counting), and she felt a little excluded. Gachapoid was a nice friend and all, but she couldn't ignore the feeling of loneliness. Besides, he was too busy annoying Iroha to talk to her. So to pass time, the little Vocaloid decided to wait for Christmas, so then she could open the present that Kyoteru left for her under the tree and occupy herself with something.

"I want to open my present soon..." she muttered.

"Just wait a little longer," Sonika said. "Think positive. Most people only open their presents in the morning. You have the privilege to open at midnight."

"It's still too long..." Yuki kicked an imaginary rock. "It's that I don't have nothing to do. Miku-san, Rin-chan, Len, Neru and Miki-nee are in your room. Almost everyone is talking about grown-up stuff and even Gachapoid has someone to play."

"Why don't you go play with him then?"

Right after saying that, both girls saw a rather annoyed Iroha chasing Gachapoid through the corridors, ready to beat him as soon as she caught him. Gachapoid seemed pretty desperate and begged for her to stop.

"Oookay, never mind," the British Vocaloid scratched the back of her head.

Sonika looked at the black-haired girl sympathetically. Yuki didn't seem to be enjoying, and she couldn't blame her. It really sucked being alone, especially in a night like that. Sonika knew she needed to do something to cheer her up or, at least, make the party less boring for her. But what to do? What could cheer lonely a nine-year-old? After a few seconds, an idea came to the green-haired teen. Oh, how she loved being brilliant like that!

"Yuki, how about that? While we wait for midnight, I can tell you a Christmas story," she smiled.

Yuki put a finger on her chin. That didn't sound bad at all. Also, Sonika was being so nice to her...

"Sure!" she replied after two seconds of thinking.

"Alright, so let's go to a better place then," Sonika gently got her hand.

The two virtual singers left the room and walked upstairs. After crossing the whole second floor, they finally reached Miriam's room.

"Why we are at Miriam-san's room?"

"Because I always liked how her room smells, of course," Sonika sniffed the air.

Yuki shrugged and sat on Miriam's bed. Sonika sat besides her and, after digging into her memories, decided which story she would tell.

"Is the story a fairytale?" Yuki asked.

"Um... if you want to see the story that I invented as a fairytale, then it is."

"You... invented?"

"Yup. Now pay attention, for now I'll start. This is a story about a poor woman who lived with her five cousins."

It's called "Snow Prima and the Five Vocaloids".

Once upon a time, there was a small house made of wood in the middle of the mountains. There lived a very poor and fair young woman called Snow Prima, whose hair was as black as a night without moon, her eyes were green like emeralds and her lips were pure pink. In that house, there also lived the beautiful woman's five cousins: Miku, the popular; Rin and Len, the twins; Miki, the freak; Iroha, the fangirl and Lily, the unloved.

"Wait, so Snow Prima had actually six cousins!"

"Nah, Rin and Len count as one," Sonika smirked. "Just like their product. Now let me continue."

It was Christmas Eve and the family, being poor like they were, found themselved without nothing to eat in that special evening. No turkey, sweets or even a cup of juice. The tree didn't have any ornaments, not even a star, as their trinkets were old and they were forced to throw them away and couldn't afford to buy new ones. The house looked empty and sad, just like their owners.

Miku couldn't take it anymore and sobbed. "Oh, dear cousin," she said to Snow Prima. "I'm so hungry and cold. Don't we have money to even buy some cabbage?"

"I'm afraid that we don't have, Miku," Snow Prima said. "Tonio was responsible for our earnings, but he disappeared and left no money for us. And you know, finding a job is very difficult. We will have to pass this Christmas without celebration, it seems."

"But... there must be something we can do!" Iroha protested. "Even if we earn only the suficient to buy a sandwich, or something like that."

Snow Prima began to walk in circles, reflecting on their situation and how they could get over their crisis, even if was only for that night. The five (or six, whatever) children looked at her with high expectations, their eyes shining in admiration.

"Alright, that's it..." the raven-haired woman sighed. "My dear family, the only way to get out of this situation is..."


"We all finding a job."

The kid's jaws dropped. "But you said that it's been hard finding a job lately! Besides, it's Christmas Eve. How can we find a job in a day like this?" Miku whined.

Their protests and questions rose quickly. Snow Prima raised her hand in order to make them quiet down and, after making they all shut up, she said...

"Um... Sonika?" Yuki shyly asked. "I think that you're exaggerating."


"Shouldn't Snow Prima's family get help from the government? Why aren't her cousins at school, learning and being fed? Rin, Len and Iroha aren't even in the age to be working."

Sonika's looked astonished at her. For a nine-year-old, Yuki could say some pretty mature stuff. The Brittish singer patted her head and gave an embarassed smile.

"It's that I forgot to tell you that in the land where they lived, the regime was monarchic."


"They were rulled by an evil queen," Sonika simplified.

"Who was the queen?"

The green-haired teen put her index on her chin for a while and smiled mischivously as she got an idea.

"The queen was a yound girl with long golden hair tied up in twin tails and bright golden eyes. Her face, while pretty, also showed anger and her nose was always stuck up in the air. Her name was Akitamyia Neru, the kingdom's tyrant ruler."

"Neru Akitamyia?" Yuki raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

"Don't worry. I'm absolutely NOT implying that Neru was the villain. Akitamyia is my original character." Sonika snickered.

So Snow Prima said: "Tonight, queen Neru is throwing a huge Christmas party to all her noble friends at her palace. She's inviting a great number of UTAUs and Boukaloids across the country."

"Oh, I see!" Miku exclaimed in joy. "So there will probably be traffic with so many people. And with that, we can do some performances so they can give us money!"

"That's not an actual job, you know?" Len pointed out.

"It's better than nothing," Lily shrugged. "Maybe we can even sell some stuff we have. If we have any left."

"I doubt you have anything left, Lily-nee," Rin said as she observed her stripperific clothes.

The family decided it would be best for them if they went to the traffic that night and try to get some change. And so, when night arrived, and each one decided what they would do to help, they got their winter clothes and parted into the town's direction. And so their quest for money began.

Review if you liked. Review if you didn't like it. Just review and tell me what you're thinking.