Chapter 3: Allied Powers

Okay, sorry for the late upload.

It is kind of hard when you are writing anime 'porno' in school, and you are trying your best NOT to let your friends peek over your shoulder. And what's even worse is that I started writing some at home so I could get it done a little faster… my mom almost started reading it… and everyone in my family is homophobic, except me, which severely SUCKS on that part.

I was also trying my best to draw some picture for some class and try doing the first chapter on a SpaMano fanfic and finish an AmeriPan AND figure out a format for a SuFin story I'm writing as a Christmas present for a friend who gave me the inspiration =I (Which is like.. really late...)

So… I do not own Hetalia/the characters, and THIS IS NOT HISTORICALLY CORRECT! I've had about 5 people ask me if it was, and I shall answer it on here, IT. IS. NOT.

Here is something actually funny, I was typing most of this to a couple of 10 minute challenges on youtube.. =/ that's not creepy at all, nope, not at all.

All three guys were asleep, and a rainstorm was coming by. The wind was violently blowing; shaking the trees and tents. But that was only because the allied powers were coming. (I said that because Russia/Ivan was with them xD)

"Uwaa~ scary scary scaaryy~" whined Italy as he woke up, holding his pillow.

"-Gasp-! I wonder it Germany is alright! I hope the mice didn't get him!" (Kudos to a friend who put that in her GerIta fanfic… so I put it in mine too~ xD) Italy then got up out of bed, and peeked his head out of the tent. He saw dark skies, lightning, rain, leaves blowing, trees shaking, and the tents looking like they were going to lift up and away. He ducked his head back in and scurried to his bed.

"Uwaa~ how am I going to help Ludwig? ~" He whined, shaking on his bed. He then played around with his blankets, as if he was looking for something.

"Ayah~ I love you Kiku~ Thanks for not throwing it ouuuut~" He said, lifting his white surrendering flag. He started flapping it around just for fun and to calm himself down for a bit. All that could be heard was 'Pata pata pata pata…' fast and quietly.

"EEK!" Italy blurted out, dropping his flag due to the sound of thunder.

"Okay, no m-matter how s-scary this is… I'm going to see Germany!" Italy said, clenching his fist with spirit. He then turned around and grabbed the blanket behind him and put it over his head. He yet again peeked his head out of the tent and looked around. Soon, a bolt of lightning struck and in that split second, Italy bolted for Germany's tent. When he entered the 'doorway', he was panting in exhaustion, and to see Germany sleeping peacefully.

"Heh… heheh… I made it… That was fast- EEK!" He slowly said, hugging Germany because of another bolt of lightning. Italy was too scared to say anything else, so he started nudging Germany to wake up. No luck. He continued. Still no luck. He was starting to become tired, (You know, because he ran and stuff... and 'Cuz he lazy… no offence to the little guy.) so he then laid on Germany's stomach, gripping it tighter as another bolt came to kiss the Earth's surface.

"You don't have to be so rough…" Germany half-awake-like said, turning his head to smile at a brunette with eyes of glitter.

"L-l-Ludwig! You're finally awake!" Italy blurted with excitement, while nuzzling his head into Germany's stomach and stopping to look at Germany's smile which he rarely saw.

"What are you talking about?... I've been awake…" Germany replied, still smiling. It sort of bothered him that Italy was hugging him. But they were on a 'vacation' so he let it slide.

"AYIA!" Italy screamed, as he ducked his head down because of the delayed thunder.

"you know, you kinda sounded like Yao just then." Germany pointed out, while sitting up and tilting his head.

"I guess I did... heh." Italy laughed, while holding Germany. He was frightened of the raging storm that was right outside their tent.

"It's alright, the storm will pass by soon..." Germany lightly said, patting Italy on the back.

"Ney ney, Ludwig, I don't feel so good…"

"Maybe because you haven't eaten anything since Kiku knocked you out. I think I still have the pasta you gave me yesterday, in the cooler over there." Germany said, getting one of his arms free to point in the direction of the cooler.

"Veee~" He said, letting go of Germany's other arm, and 'running' to the cooler. (I put quotations marks around running because you can't really run in a tent, but how fast he was going, it seemed like he was running... because he can defy physics, just like his curl =/)

"Uwaa~ you have so much beer~ I can't find- OH! Here it is!" Italy said, excitedly. His shirt came up as he bent over to look in the cooler. His underwear was showing too. Germany kept staring at Italy's underwear, which had a wide variety of pasta noodles. He lashed his head to the side and covered his face from the warmth he felt creeping across his cheeks. He just didn't want Italy to see him, the guy he looks up to, blush all because of something as small as underwear.

"Uhh… Feliciano… while you are still over there… can you get me a- oh thanks." Germany said, as he was asking for a beer, but Italy dropped one in his lap as he plopped back down where he was sitting, opening the plastic take-out box with lasagna in it.

"I'm glad you had some pasta for me… but I'm mad because you didn't eat it" Italy pouted, as Germany opened and chugged down a beer. As soon as he finished his beer, he got up and got the cooler, and brought it to where they were sitting. (Italy had made Germany some pasta 'yesterday', and Italy is a little ticked off because he didn't eat it.)

"Ehh? Sorry… You gave me two boxes of it, and I can only have but so much pasta at a time. I completely forgot I had it in the cooler, but good thing it was, right?" Germany joked, sitting down and pulling another beer from the cooler.

"Yeah, I guess it is a good thing." Italy said, slightly laughing. Germany was a little relieved that Italy stopped thinking about the thunderstorms.

"…H-hey… Feliciano… c-come here…" Germany stuttered, as Italy scooted over next to him.

"Yesss? ~" Italy said, nearing his face closer to Germany's, like a dog would do. But Germany took the opportunity to slightly kiss Italy on the lips while Italy was close.

"L-… Lud-…" Italy tried to say, as all his speech just flew away. His eyes were wide open and he had no expression on his face. He just sat still, not moving a muscle.

"I'm… sorry… I don't know what came over me… I'll be going to bed now…" Germany nervously said, as he turned around and started fixing his bed.

"Ludwig… I-… I'm not mad…" Italy finally managed to say. He then reached for Germany's shoulder, like he was going to say something else. But he was pushed down, with Germany looking down on him.

"How can you not be mad? What? Did you like it? I don't-"Germany ranted, as Italy got back up and cut him off with a kiss back.

"Feliciano…." Germany slowly said, as Italy started to pull away.

"I like you too… that's why I'm not mad." Italy smiled, as Germany pulled each other back into a kiss. He then slowly started laying Italy down, still in each others arms. He couldn't stop, it was like something was calling out to Germany saying 'you have to do this, if you wait any longer, it will be too late'. Italy's face was red, and not just on his cheeks, his whole face and Germany just chuckled while bringing his hand up the Italians shirt.

"C-c-cold…" Italy muttered, from the feeling of Germany's cold hand.

"Sorry. Here, let me warm things up a tad bit…" Germany said to where you could barely hear, as he accidentally pulled Italy's curl.

"Lu… Lu… Ahh… Ludwig… Don't… Touch that…. Ahh…" Italy moaned, as his lower parts started burning. (Okay… In the manga, if you tug on either of the Italians' curls, it triggers 'pleasure'… because it said something about being an erogenous zone…) Germany just chuckled and traced his other hand down Italy's chest to unbutton his pants. He glanced at his underwear and started blushing again.

"Y- you know… you g-gave me… Ahh… those when we… Ahh… had our first… ohm… C-Christmas to-together…" Italy spacely said, while looking at Germany who had a light fade of pink that was barely visible across his cheeks.

"I-I know…" Germany stuttered, as Italy's moans were turning him on. He stopped pulling Italy's curl as he needed both hands to slowly slide off the pasta boxers.

"You remember! I'm glad." Italy said, smiling at the German who came back for another kiss and he [Germany] started lightly pushing his tongue into the Italian's mouth, exploring the inside. Soon after, they parted and Germany was slowly placing his knee in-between Italy's legs.

"Aa… Aaa-"Italy sharply moaned, feeling Germany's leg rub between his legs. Italy looked away in embarrassment and slowly moved his hands to unbutton Germany's pants. 'I want it… no… I don't want it… but why do I feel like this? Why do I feel like I want him to do more…? I can feel myself go warm, but what does it mean… Uwaa~ I'm kind of scared~' Italy thought, and surprising enough, Germany lightly chuckled.

"So this is your first time? Ja? Your body wants more, but your mind says otherwise. I was like you once… b-but it's not like I w-would remember such… I-It was a l-l-long while ago... YES! It was so long ago I already forgot…" Germany stuttered, thinking of what to say back to Italy. He knew he wasn't supposed to hear that, because it was a faint voice meant for the Italians' thoughts only, but he wanted to say something to reassure Italy that it was alright. Italy kept thinking this was wrong even though it felt so right. (Ha-ha… I just recited some lyrics without knowing it~ xDD)

"L-Ludwig? Did you really just read my mind? That was cool~ …But it is true what you said…" Italy sighed, admitting something he didn't really need to.

"No I didn't read your mind… I just read the expression on your face" He lied. He knew that it was none of his business to hear that. "What's true about what I said?" Germany asked, puzzled as can be.

"How you said 'your body wants more, but your mind says otherwise'… I want more… But I don't know what to do… I'm a little scared…"

"Don't be, I'll guide you. This might be a little scary because it is dark, but it's alright, I'm here." Germany reassured him, as he kissed him again.

"Then be my guide, Ludwig~" Italy happily said, kissing Germany back.


"oh ho ho ho~ this is nice~ hey hey, who wants to circle jerk? I have such a sudden craving for one..." France suggested, as he was spying on Germany and Italy with binoculars about five yards away through a crack in the 'door' of the tent.

"Francis... you are such a pervert..." America bluntly stated.

"You bloody bastard! Who would want to do a 'circle jerk' with you?" England ranted.

"kol kol kol... I believe he's right. There is no need to fight, da?" Russia said cheerfully, slightly banging his water pipe in his palm while standing right behind America.

"All of you guys are strange..." China trailed off, looking disappointed in France's behavior.

~~the 'camera' now zooms out of what that is all about, and goes to the forest to show Romano and Prussia, screaming and hugging each other.~~

this will continue, and I'm not sure how to start the 4th chapter... but I do know how to end that chapter though.~

OKAY- so, please review/ask questions/request things to happen between the characters. There are some couples I support, but I don't support all... just wanted to tell you that~

new characters next chapter, and a hell of a lot of writing ahead of me. wish me luck.

Until next time. Ganel1~