Thank you for the awesome reviews and the encouragement! Special thanks to csguterres for shooting me a personal message to get on it! I apologize for the lateness of this update; grad school is kicking my butt! That being said, I will do my very best to keep up with this fic from now on! Hope you all enjoy, and as always please let me know what you think!

Susan groaned in pain, carefully lifting a hand to rub her aching head.

She opened her eyes, moving slowly into a sitting position.

"Don't move, my lady. I've only just stopped your bleeding." A gentle voice whispered to her.

Susan looked between her, surprised to find a small girl dressed in rags staring at her with a smile.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"My name is Carole," the girl whispered shooting closer to where Susan rested.

"Where are we Carole?" Susan muttered, rubbing the back of her neck, ignoring the growing anxiety in the pit of her stomach.

She remembered everything. She didn't need to know who took her or why. Edward had struck her brother, leaving him bleeding on the floor then fled with her. No amount of struggling against him had helped her. With one blow she was lost and she was his to take.

She knew, she remembered, and for a brief second Susan wished she didn't. She couldn't think of what had transpired, she couldn't dwell on the fact that her siblings were lost to her now, she was alone.

"You called me my lady," Susan muttered, "You know who I am."

Carole nodded, bowing her head, "I do my lady. When master Edward set me to care for you I knew who you were right away."

Susan nodded, "Well I thank you for your care." She lightly touched the bandaging around her head. The wound was superficial she knew, nothing compared to the bleeding gash her brother must bear. "Can you tell me where we are headed?"

"Lord Edward's castle…."Carole dropped her eyes, "I heard that there is going to be war soon."

"No, no there won't be."Susan swallowed the urge to sob. She wanted to believe her siblings would do anything to rescue her. She wanted to believe that she meant that much to them, but all she could think about was the disgust her brother had shown her only the night before.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He snapped.

Susan dropped onto her bed, "Peter," she begged, tears swelling in her eyes at her brother's rejection. "I thought-"

"I'm drunk-I didn't mean to …but what the hell was that? Did you just KISS me?" he snapped.

The gentle queen looked at the floor. "I thought- I thought you wanted-"

"You thought I wanted you? Like THAT?" Peter finished for her.

He had been utterly disgusted by her actions, she thought shamefully. She had broken a law that was present in both worlds, one that would lead them down a path of shame and guilt. Tears streamed unwantedly down her face. He would mourn her loss at as a sister, but start no war on her behalf. No, no one was coming for her, she furiously wiped at her cheeks, realizing she was going to fight for herself.