Okay. I know I haven't written in ages, and I'm sorry. I've been busy! DX This idea came to me earlier. I decided that it might be funny to have all of the Death Note character's biggest –coughrabidcough- fans (or, fictional ones, at least) meet them. I have no idea if it's gonna be any good, so please tell me!

Me: Hello, L. I would like you to meet your fangirl.

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: OHHH MMYYYY GODDDDDDD! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ITS L! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! :D –squashes in a hug-

L: …Yes, I am L.

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: I KNOW! –gasp- SQUEE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ISN'T IT GREAT? ! AREN'T YOU HAPPY TO MEET ME? ! ? ! ? ! ? =D

L: I see no reason why I would be excited to meet—

L's Rabid Fangirl # 1: -interrupts- OH MY GOD THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS TO ASK YOU! ! ! ! ! ! ! MAY I, MAY I? !

L: I will not give up information about myself that would put me at risk.

Me: -whispers to L- I'm pretty sure it would be fine to answer her questions. She can't do much. She lacks the brain capacity, I'm sure. Besides, she is completely anti-Kira.

L: Well…I suppose so…

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: OMG YAY! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Okay, ready? !

L: Sure.

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: WHEN WERE YOU BORN? !

L: I was born on Octo—

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: -interrupts- WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR? !

L: …My favourite colour is—

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD AT TENNIS? !

L: I would say, but you keep interrupt—

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: -interrupts- DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE SUPER HOT? !

L: I don't exactly—


L: … -is silent, knowing he will just be interrupted-

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: O: Well? !

L: …It's a—

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: -interrupts- AWESOME! ! ! ! ! !

L: -stares at me- Get her out.

Me: -sweatdrop- -nervous laugh- Uh…sure thing…. ^ ^ ; -drags L's Rabid Fangirl #1 away-

L's Rabid Fangirl #1: -screams while she is being dragged- BYE L! I LOVE YOU! ! ! ! ! !

L: -stares-

…So…what do you think? o.o I have no idea if that's any good. Next, if you guys like it at all, I'll do Light's rabid fangirl. I might even get fanboys for some of them. But only if you like it! :D So tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!

~Ratt Kazamata