Well, I thought there simply is not enough little!Australia to go around, so naturally I wanted to write this! Also, this has some relevance to my life, as my cute stories tend to...

I don't own Hetalia! end /AN/

Canada sat at his desk, utterly bored. He was supposed to be doing some reading in order to broaden his mind or whatever, but right now he couldn't find it in him to really care about Gulliver's Travels. It was an old book. Not quite so old as some of the other books England made him read, obviously, and this one was supposed to be funny, but it just wasn't doing it for him. He leaned his head back, letting out a discontented and wishing England would hear it and care.

Suddenly, a little head bumped against his knee, and Canada lifted his head to look down. A pearly-toothed smile greeted him, and he couldn't help but smile back. "Hi Australia."

"Hi. Hi... hi." In Australia's eagerness to copy Canada, he brightly repeated the greeting three times. He might have done it more if Canada had not reached down, and, with a heave, pulled Australia up onto his lap. Australia gurged happily, one finger immediately finding its way to trace Canada's nostril, which made him giggle.

"Don't put your finger up my nose again," Canada corrected, stifling his chuckles. Australia looked up unknowingly, breathing heavily in excitement as his hands began to explore Canada's face further. Canada, however, caught his hands, pulling them down.

"You'll poke my eyes, I know you," and Canada puckered up his lips and placed a kiss on either of Australia's cheeks. Then he let go of one of Australia's hands, using his finger to tap his own cheek. "Kiss, kiss," he said, leaning just a little bit closer to make it easier for the younger colony.

Australia obediently placed his open mouth on Canada's cheek, too young to know how to pucker his lips and kiss. Canada smiled, and Australia withdrew, leaving a patch of slobber on Canada's cheek. But of course, Canada didn't care.

Just then, however, the sharp tapping of England's shoes interrupted Canada's train of thought, and he looked up to be met with his older brother, who refused to be called 'papa.' He looked into the brilliant green eyes, only to see annoyance and possibly anger. England reached down and lifted the chubby form of Australia out of Canada's lap.

"Is this how you repay me for being so lenient? I give you something fun to read, and you spend your time playing with Australia! Well, I can see being so soft on you is not going to work; you'll have to read something more your taste... And since apparently, fun things aren't your cup of tea, we'll just move on to the Greek philosphers," England monologued to Canada, who sat obediently still. Australlia cooed at Canada from his new position, tiny fingers wrapping around one of England's.

"And another thing! I can't believe you've trained Australia to kiss you! How utterly shallow! You should have waited until he learned to do it himself! You are to go to your room and wait for me there, understand?" England gestured with one arm towards the doorway, and Canada nodded glumly. He certainly hadn't thought he had done anything wrong. In fact, he was fairly certain he had helped Australia. But of course, was he one to talk back? No, definitely not.

As Canada disappeared up the stairs, England looked thoughtfully at Australia, before tapping his own cheek hesitantly. Australia immediately placed an open mouth kiss on it. England smiled, and went off to deposit Australia into his crib. What a sweet little tyke he was.

Canada watched from the railing upstairs, and giggled to himself. England must like getting kissed by a baby as much as he did...

/AN/ Okay, so, yes, I taught my little brother to kiss me when I tap my cheek. He only does if he wants to though, so he's certainly not 'trained' or anything.