Title: Drunken Karaoke (1/4) Revised

Author: Anne Midnight Hunter

Beta: Nope! All errors are completely mine

Rate: M/R

TV Series: Supernatural

Pair(s)/Characters: Gabriel/Sam (Pre-slash)-Dean/Castiel (Established relationship), Impala,

Type: Slash/Humor/TWT/One-Shot

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or the song "If I Had You" of Adam Lambert. The plot bunny…COMPLETELY MINE!

Anne: Hi! This bit…I really don't know where it came from, but had been swimming in my head for so long. *sigh* and I was dying to write more Gabe/Sam! Oh GOD! I love them! I know I am supposed to be working on my other SPN fic; I just needed to get this out of my system.

Part One: If I Had You


It had been an awful week for the Winchester brothers. First, they run into a horde of demons just outside South Dakota after visiting Bobby, they got their asses royally kicked until Castiel and Gabriel came and saved them. Dean's nightmares were getting worst and he was cranky all the time, slashing out at Sam for every little thing! In addition, his craving for demon blood was slowly returning, with every passing day.

Sam was in Hell…

However, that wasn't the worst. Oh no sir, it was NOT!

His stupid, idiotic attraction to the archangel was getting stronger. For only a glance, the celestial being could make Sam blush and a wink could send his body temperature up by a matter of seconds. He decides to blame it all to Dean's PMS'ing mood swings! He needed to blame someone, and it wasn't going to be himself.

No way!

It was after a hunt in Connecticut, that the tension between the Winchester brothers came to its peak. Because, the spirit got the upper hand and had bashed Dean around, while Sam was trying to discard the body; the older hunter thought it was Sam's fault he got a dislocated shoulder.

"You should've watched my back, Sam! This hurt like a bitch!" The blond screamed at Sam, as the brunet was trying to put his shoulder back in its place.

"Just coz, you got your ass handed, it doesn't make it my fault, Dean! Stop being such a damn pussy!" Sam retorted back, and while Dean was bitching that it hurt, the younger hunter put his shoulder back, earning a startled, pain-filled yelp from the shorted man.

"Fuck. That hurt." Groaned Dean, throwing himself backwards on the bed he had been sitting. He glared at Sam and grumbled.

Sam had it.

The brunet took his jacket from his bed, put it on and took the keys of the Impala. At that, Dean was already sitting on the bed; he was holding his injured arm.

"Where do ya think you're goin, Sam?" Sam glared at him and threw the keys at the other side of the room; they landed near the bathroom floor.

"Away from you! You're such an asshole, Dean!" Yelled Sam and slammed the door. He could hear the blond's angry screams of his name.

Sam completely ignored his brother, his feet taking him away from the motel.


The air smelled like sweat, stale beer, and smoke. Gabriel didn't understand why Sam was doing here; at Strut. It was a gay, karaoke bar in this Nowhere, Connecticut town. The archangel smirked slyly at the two men besides the door that were making-out. HOT! He walked into the Karaoke bar, hopping himself in one of the stools there and signaling at the bartender.

A hot brunet man in his early thirties smiled at the golden-eyed angel.

"What're you havin', sweetheart?" The bartender winked at Gabriel. The angel smiled and asked for the best-imported beer he had and turned to the bar. It had that new modern look. It was colorful, artistic, and very 2010. A crowd was surrounding the stage and they were cheering someone on. Gabriel couldn't see who it was, but he knew that Sam was somewhere in that crowd. The bartender put his beer in front of the angel, followed his gaze and chuckle.

"There's new meat tonight. A tall, pretty brunet thing. Gorgeous boy." He commented, watching Gabriel take a swing from his Irish beer. The celestial being looked at him.

"A tall, pretty brunet? With hazel eyes and dimples?" He asks, dreading to know that it was the missing Winchester, but at the same time, thinking the thought was completely hilarious. The bartender nodded.

"Yeah, he's yours? He came a while ago. Fuming and sad, a few of the regulars brought him drinks and he got quiet smash. Now, he's the one singing for the enjoyment of these perverted asses." Finish the older brunet with a smile. Gabriel sighed.

This was so like Sam.

The stupid Sasquatch had the decency to enter a gay KARAOKE bar, get smash by a group of horny, older/younger GAY men and last but not least; sing in say place. The archangel nodded his thanks to the barkeep and made his way to the crowed stage. He pushed his way to the front and almost pissed himself laughing.

Sam was wasted, completely and utter wasted. He was standing in only his jeans and t-shirt on the stage. His boots and jacket had disappeared. He had the microphone in one hand and in the other a glass of Hazelnut Martini. The boy drank all of it in one go, settle down the glass in the table and scrolled down the songs of the machine. Laughing at the suggestions, he was getting from the merry spectators. Until he yelled that, he found the one he wanted to sing.

He actually giggled.

Sam Winchester GIGGLED!

This was priceless!

The music started, the lights working with the dance beat and bass. The brunet was swinging his hips with the rhythm, and started to sing; without actually looking at the screen with the lyrics.

'So I got my boots on, got the right 'mount of leather

And I'm doing me up with a black color liner

And I'm workin' my strut but I know it don't matter

All we need in this world is some love

There's a thin line 'tween the dark side and the light side baby tonight

It's a struggle gotta rumble trying to find it'

Sam was strutting around the stage, like some American Idol-wanna-be; ll of this in a drunken stupor. Nevertheless, his voice was actually strong, and it sounded really good. The younger man finally saw him and Gabriel smirked. He's gonna run now. Or freaked, whichever comes first. The archangel thought, instead of doing what the powerful being thought he would do, Sam gave him a slow smile, his eyes glitter in the light of the bar.

'But if I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need

Yeah if I had you, then money fame and fortune never could compete

If I had you, life would be a party it'd be ecstasy

Yeah, if I had you




If I had you'

Those hazel eyes followed him, daring him to do something; anything. Gabriel could feel the heat of Sam's gaze, he lick his lips and smirked. I dare you to do something more… risky; Sammy-boy. The angel planted in the hunter's mind, earning him wide eyes and a sexy smirk after the surprise passed.

'From New York to LA getting high rock n' rollin

Get a room trash it up 'til it's ten in the morning

Girls in stripper heels, boys rolling in Maseratis

What they need in this world is some love

There's a thin line tween a wild time and a flat line baby tonight

It's a struggle, gotta rumble tryin' to find it'

While he sang that part, Sam had taken his shirt off, throwing it to the crowd of horny men. One of them caught it and whooped, laughing when the others groaned. Sam kept singing the song, touching his chest and pinching his nipples, groaning at the sensation.

OK! This was getting a bit too hot for Gabriel's liking. The boy was touching himself in front of a ready-to-fuck-him-to-the-next-century crowed (that was getting bigger the more he touched himself) and the idiot was only looking at him. In the last chorus of the song, the archangel decides he needed to stop the madness. A young, dark-haired man jump in the stage and pressed himself on Sam's back. He began to grind their hips and his hands tracing the sculpted torso of said hunter.

That was NOT in the plan.

Before the song ended, Gabriel took Sam and disappeared from the bar, leaving the young man alone in the stage and a gasp from everyone at the bar. They appeared in a hotel room; Sam bounced on the bed and groaned. Gabriel was sitting in a chair near the window. Outside the room, Sam could see the beginning of a sunrise. Palm trees and the smell of salty water entered the room.

"Welcome to Puerto Rico, kiddo." Said the angel and glared at the young man spread on the bed. Sam sat down and gave the angel a bitch face.

"Why ya did that? I was enjoyin' myself!" The boy yelled at him and slumped back on the bed, the room was spinning. It needed to make it stop. "Gabe? I think the room is drink? Drank? Drunk? How'd u say it? "

Gabriel sighed and stood up from the chair, sitting down on the bed besides the young hunter. He brushes the bangs of brown hair away from tightly closed eyes; making the headache and the urge to vomit disappeared, but not the note the boy had. Sam gave a happy sigh when the room stop spinning and dancing.

"Thanks." Hazel eyes opened and gazed at the angel, the eyes darkening a bit at the sight of said being. Sam sat down on the bed, his long legs spread and his arms spread behind him, supporting his weight.

"Why'd you looked for me? Dean asked you?" He interrogated, his slim, strong fingers playing with the jean-clad thigh of Gabriel. The kid was so far gone, he didn't know what he was doing touching the angel like that, or so he thought.

"Nah, I arrived at the motel to find Dean and Castiel fighting. Dean wanted to look for you, but lil' bro said that you needed space. So, before Castiel decide a better way to keep your Papa Bear occupied, I bailed and went looking for you." Gabriel snickered at the disgusted look and glare the 'Papa Bear' comment earned him. Sam's hand was stroking his thigh, going higher with each movement of his hand.

"Well, I ain't goin' back there, for now." Said the brunet with a determined tone, his eyes turning back on the angel, he gave him his 'Hi-I'm-Adorable-You-Should-Fucked-Me-Hard' smile and turned on his side, his movements' slow and tipsy. Gabriel watched his hand and gave the boy a smirk, reading Sam's drunken, dirty thoughts of all the positions he wanted to try with the angel.

The most that lingered were the ones with Sam on his back or on his hands and knees, while Gabriel fucked him opened with his tongue.

With a groan, Gabriel tackles the human and landed on top of him. Sam huffed when his breath was knocked out of him; he blinked and blushed when he felt the small, strong body pressed against him.

Golden eyes smoldering into hazel ones.

"I always knew you were a kinky, little bastard, Samuel. But never thought you go for the bottom part. I'll love this." To his surprise, Sam smiled, twined his arms around his neck and kissed him. The kiss was all tongue, teeth, and passion. He could taste the sweet drink that the boy had drank before, moaning at the sweet taste and at the moist, heat of that wicked mouth.

They broke the kiss; Sam moaned softly and pressed licks and kisses on the neck, while trying to take the jacket off of Gabriel. Gabriel helped him and rocked his hips onto Sam's, earning a groan.

"So, tell me Sammy-boy. You want me to lick you open?" Gabriel husked out, nipping at the nipples in front of him.

"Ye-yeah. I wanna." Sam panted out, tugging at the shirt that still covered the angel's torso. The golden-eyed man laughed and took off his shirt, rolling his hips and pinching his nipples, laughing at the lust reflected in the hunter's eyes.

"C'mon. Snap your fingers and take all off." Demanded Sam, he was trying to undo the button of the stupid jeans that were blocking his eyes and hand to see more of that milky, soft skin. The archangel chuckle and waggle his index finger.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Sammy. That would be cheating." He took a hold of Sam's jeans and tore them off with only a yank, ripping apart the material. Sam groaned at the display of raw power, his cock pulsing with blood and aching with need. "This way it's much more fun." He purred and licked the brunet's collar bone, sinking his teeth a bit. The hot body underneath his was so responsive, so hot, and firm.

He was going to have fun with this one.


Anne: Um…this was suppose to be an one-shot, but I have a few ideas for it. So, till next time! Review please!