A/N- Ok so I know that I haven't updated "A Headache Named Damon" in FOREVER but some things have came up and I guess I just temporarily lost my muse for writing about Delena, I am working on chapter 2 I promise! I just needed another little Delena fic to get me back into writing about them, which is what this is. This is my first attempt at a somewhat holiday/pure fluff story. I wrote it while I was sitting at home enjoying my own snow day, and I am planning on updating it with a new chapter for every snow day I have. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: If I owned The Vampire Diaries Stefan would still be locked in that tomb with Katherine, Bonnie wouldn't have turned down Jeremy, Lauren Cohan would still be playing Bela on Supernatural instead of Rose on VD, and Damon would never wear a shirt and he would be with Elena. But since none of these are occurring, I obviously don't own them! =)

It was 2:43 in the morning when Elena woke up to her cell phone ringing. Rolling over with a sigh she grabbed her phone off her night stand and answered it, still half asleep.

"Ugh, Hello?"

"Elena! Come on, get up!"

Pulling the phone away from her ear she looked at it in disbelief, but there was her proof. The name "Damon" was clearly displayed on her screen. But she had no idea why he was calling her in the middle of the night.

"Damon, what's going on?" she asked, attempting to stifle a yawn while she talked.

"Look outside!" he exclaimed; excitement obvious in his voice.

"What the… Damon Salvatore it is 2 a.m., I have school in the morning! I swear this had better be important or…"

She was cut off by his voice interrupting her rant, "Look. Out. Side!" He practically screamed in her ear.

With a sigh, she threw back the covers and sat up complaining. The longer she was awake the angrier she got. She was so focused on her anger that the sudden feel of the freezing cold hardwood floor under her bear feet was an unexpected, and extremely unpleasant, shock.

She squealed and quickly jumped back in bed. "Damon! What the heck? It's freezing!"

"I know! That's what I have been trying to show you! Now go look outside!"

The pure excitement in his voice was peaking her curiosity, so she braved the floor again and quickly tip-toed across her room over to her window seat. After hurriedly wrapping herself in the blanked she always kept there, she parted the curtains to see what had Damon so excited. Once she wiped away the fog from the pane, all she could see was white. Everything was white. The lawn, driveway, road, everything! She couldn't even tell that her car was red, it was just another meaningless blob covered in the snow's evil cover of white. Then, as she continued to survey the winter disaster-land, as she liked to think of it, she finally realized why she could see everything so clearly; the moon had decided to illuminate everything in whiteness, only to have the crystallized white snow reflected back at it. It was terrible.

Ugh! Seriously! This is horrible!" She pouted.

She was met with silence on the other end of the call.

"Damon? You still there? Cause if not I'm going to go back to sleep and pretend that it isn't a disaster zone out there…"

"Horrible?" He said in a shocked whisper. "Disaster zone…? Elena, are you HIGH?"

"Umm, no but I think you might be. What's wrong now?" She was thoroughly confused.

"How can you say that it is horrible! It is amazing!" She could tell he was getting angry now. Apparently Damon Salvatore liked the snow! Who knew?