It's Christmas! Ok, 12 days to go, so this is the first entry on the 12 days of Christmas competition. It's not too late to enter, I'm taking entries up to the 20th of December. This one (lol) is from my very eccentric friend Jess…who I love and miss cos she buggered off to uni. I still love her though, cos she's coming to Amsterdam with me next year, whether she likes it or not!

This is 'The Snow Cabin' Submitted by Jess, via email.


Kaiba stared at his bags. Field trips. He despised field trips. It meant there would be no work, no time alone and defiantly, no fun. He sighed. Shiga Kogen. Not only would it be cold, there would be no internet. No cell reception. Nothing. He was going to freeze to death in a horrid cabin that he would have to share with some unlucky boy. He looked over at his classmates. Surely he could pay them to stay somewhere else? He needed someone easy to bribe. He stared at the teacher before him, reading a list of names. He rolled his eyes.

'Seto Kaiba. You are paired with Kyo Takeda.' Everyone looked around.

'Takeda is in China visiting family.' A random voice echoed. The teacher nodded.

'Oh, then you will be paired with the next person…Jounouchi Katsuya.'

'What?' The boys looked up, eyes wide with anger. The both began shouting instantly, pointing, snarling.

'Boys.' The teacher looked at the sighing. 'Now, no disrespect, but these lists took hours. I can't be bothered to remake them. So shut up, get your stuff, and go. Cabin 4.' She handed them the keys and turned to the other students, ignoring their shouts.

Kaiba stared at the blond mutt for a long moment, before sneering, snatching the keys and marching off through the snow to the cabin. Jou shouted after him in anger, before he also began to stumble through the snow, dragging his case behind him.

By the time he got to the cabin, Kaiba had already arrive, just in time to slam the door in the blond's face. Jou frowned and pushed it open, before walking in, slamming it shut, and staring at the brunet, who was stood gaping at the room.

'I hate this place.' He frowned, kicking off his shoes. 'It's cheap and it's fire heated. Did they miss the turn of the century?' Jou rolled his eyes and dragged his case past the brunet into the bedroom.

'Yeah well, you seem to forget that most of the students aren't billionaires, ass hole.'

'The failures of the rest of the class are of no concern of mine.'

'They're not failures. You're only rich cos you inherited it, ya jerk.' Jou continued into the bedroom and slammed the door as Kaiba yelled back. He couldn't be bothered with this. The vacation was already ruined, he wasn't going to make it worse. He flopped on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out his cell. He marvelled at it for a moment before flipping it open to scroll through his friends list. He opened the messaging option to text Yuugi, before realising that he had not signal. He took out the SIM card, cleaned it…still nothing. Great. Just great. Throwing the phone to the bottom of the bed, he pulled himself up, picked up his suitcase and dropped it onto the mattress. He pulled at the zip and began to unpack, tossing the contents of the case onto shelves and into drawers rather carelessly. When it was finally empty, he pushed on his slippers and headed to the small kitchen.

Kaiba was sat on the sofa in front of the fire, sipping a cup of tea.

'Gee, thanks for offering to make me one.' Jou snapped at the brunet.

'Mutts don't drink coffee. They drink water. And I'm sure you can get that yourself.'

'I ain't a mutt, richboy. Go shove yer coffee up yer ass, and I hope it burns.'

'At least I have opposable thumbs to do it with.'

'At least I have friends.'

'Yeah, because all weird kids like dogs. Personally I prefer human company over that of a mongrel.'

'And I prefer not to be called a dog. Ya bastard.' Jou snipped back again, before boiling the kettle, watching the brunet drink his coffee as he did so. By the time Jou had made himself a hot chocolate, the sun had begun to set. It had been a 5 hour drive up to the resort, and all he wanted to do right now, was sleep. He wasn't sure where Yuugi's cabin was or who he was sharing with. He'd only listened out for his own name, and once that had been called, he'd lost faith in the entire trip. He took his hot chocolate to his room and closed the door. Yes. This was going to be the trip from hell. He pulled out his PSP from a drawer and turned it on. He sat on the bed for a good hour flicking the buttons, mesmerised by the game, occasionally drinking the hot liquid. As the battery flashed, he sighed and clicked it off, before looking to the clock and deciding to sleep. It was 10 past 11 and darkness had fallen. Sighing, he dragged himself to the bathroom to find it occupied. Stupid fucking Kaiba. Being too lazy to wait, the blond decided that he would shower tomorrow morning. On the way back to his room, he turned on the cold water in the kitchen, waiting for the pained scream of one stoic brunet. He listened cautiously, and grinned when the shriek echoed in the cabin. Perfect. He turned off the cap, and smiling went to his room, pulled on his pyjamas and snuggled down into the bed.

When he woke up, the room was still dark. Frowning and in his pyjamas he headed out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. Kaiba was sat before the fire again.

'We have to be outside and at the ski lift by 9am, yeah?' Jou spoke in a dull tone, not even looking at the CEO.

'We won't be going to the snow lift.' Jou looked up.

'Why not?'

'We're snowed in.' The blond began to laugh. What the hell was Seto talking about? Seto glanced over, before going back to a book that he appeared to be reading.

'Since when?' He looked over, challenging the brunet.

'Last night.' His voice held no emotion. 'See for yourself if you don't believe me you stupid mutt.' Jou rolled his eyes and walked over to the kitchen window, and tugged lightly at the blinds. As he did so, the light in the room didn't seem to change.

'What's happened?' The blond looked at the black window,

'It's snow, you idiot.'

'Why isn't it white?'

'No light is reaching it.'

'So why don't we turn the lights on?'

'Power cut you idiot. I don't read by candle light for the excitement of it.' Jou stared at Seto. He hadn't noticed until it was pointed out, that the brunet was in fact sat besides a candle.

'Oh.' He frowned, scratching his head, 'How long is this gonna last?'

'Until they dig us out I suppose.' The brunet sighed, 'Before you speak again, please think…is it worth it? Is it absolutely worth it?'

'Is it worth what?' Jou raised an eyebrow, watching the unmoving brunet, careful to hold his position.

'A punch in the face. If you disturb me…one more time,' he licked his finger before flipping the page over, 'I will hurt you.' Honey eyes narrowed,

'Oh yeah? And you think I'm scared of that? Huh? Richboy?'

'Mutt, you have been warned.'

'Yeah, and I'm not scared.' Kaiba frowned. He placed his book down gently and stood up, rubbing his temples. He walked slowly over to the blond, before grabbing him by his pyjama shirt, and punching him in the face, knocking the blond clean onto his ass. Jou wiped his mouth on his arm. He watched the brunet turn his back and walk away. As he did so, he stood up quickly and darted at the boy, fist in the air.

Just before the impact reached the brunet, he leant quickly to one side without looking, grabbing the blond's arm and tossing him onto the floor. As he fell, Jou caught hold of Kaiba's sleeve, pulling him down with him, his elbow hitting the wooden floor with force. As it did so, the blond yelped with pain as Seto flopped by his side, failing to catch his own balance. As Seto became aware of his position, he rolled quickly onto the blond, holding his fist in the air. As it came down, Jou grabbed it, pulling it over his shoulder and above his head. The speed and force pulled Kaiba down quickly, his face inches from the blond's. Blue eyes opened and stared directly into chocolate brown for a moment, emotions racing across their faces and their hot breaths mingling together. They could both feel their hearts quicken, the pace become unbearably fast in their chests, banging against their bones and echoing in their head. Seto swallowed. What was this? Why did it feel so strange. Jounouchi stared back, and felt his hand lifting slowly into the brown locks that fell before the blue eyes. He brushed it back gently, observing the crystal cerulean colour, the ice melting for one brief moment. Without thinking or warning, Jou gripped the brunet's hair and forced his face closer, capturing the shocked lips in a powerful embrace. Quickly, he forced his tongue into Seto's mouth, their tongues dancing and he explored the walls of the brunet's mouth, tapping and teasing his tongue. For a few seconds, they shared that moment. Seto could feel his skin burn, his lips tingle at the feel of the unusual pressure. His eyes opened wide, to see the blond, gripping him tightly with his eyes shut. What was going on? Why was he doing this?

Suddenly, the realisation hit and Kaiba snatched the blond's hand and tore it from his hair, forcing his hand downwards.

'What the hell?' Seto glared downwards and Jou opened his eyes, smirking through a half grin.

'Geez richboy, are ya really that dumb?'

'Don't piss me off, I'm about to kill you.'

'Kill me?' Jou mused. 'Don't lie. You loved it.' His face darkened with a confident smugness, to which Kaiba pulled away. The cocky blond was looking more annoying that even, and he really couldn't stand it. Slowly, the brunet picked himself up from the blond and began to walk away. As he did so, he kicked Jou in the ribs with a mild force. The younger boy flinched, before getting to his feet. 'Don't deny it, moneybags.' He smirked getting closer, 'You liked it. If you didn't, you'd have stopped me sooner, and you know it.' Folding his arms, Jou watched as Seto froze in his footsteps before spinning on his heels and striding back over the shorter man.

'Trust me, Jounouchi, I do not like mutts, and I do not like bestiality.' Jou smirked again, closing the distance between the two.

'Whilst that may be true, Kaiba, your book is only so long and your stuck with me for a while.' He paused, looking the CEO up and down, 'And besides, I know you loved it. You can't hide it. It's written all over you trousers.' He looked down again, this time Kaiba's eyes following him down. Dead giveaway. Blue eyes narrowed as they came up before smirking at the blond.

'Well Jounouchi, if you think this is for you, you better start acting like the mutt you are and learn to beg. I don't give in so easily.' His eyes turned dark before he spun on his heels and headed for his own room. Great. That should give the stupid blond something to think about for the next few days…



This could have probably made a full length story, but I had to keep it short. I'll leave it up to you as to what happens.

Anyway, I hope you all liked it (especially Jess)



Much love

