So this is for the 9th day, which means once I post another today, I'll have caught up, then there's only 1 left until I actually have to think of my own story to compete with all the other amazing things that people have come up with. Damn. For those of you who've read my other work, you know how morbid my stuff is and how hard it'll be! So, still one place going for anyone who wants it.

This one is rather a random entry…from my sister. Who keeps walking in, watching me write and then randomly pops up with 'let me have a go!' So I was all 'Ok…what do you want?' and she happens to be extremely random, and says her own idea is cheesy but I'm to write it anyway.

So this is 'A Turkeylicious Day' (don't ask) submitted by my little sister, Amy, via…pestering me. Constantly.


Seto sat in front of the oven, watching the cookbook, then the timer, then the turkey. He was pretty sure he was doing it right, but then again, he'd never needed to cook before. Until now. It was 1pm. Christmas day and the kitchen was a mess. There was mashed potato on the walls, sprouts on the floor, carrots on the table and string hanging from the ceiling. Himself, he was covered in flour with chunks of butter in his hair and grease marks down his face. He blew his fringe from his eyes. He could never, ever, make Christmas dinner again. Not even if his life depended on it because this had nearly killed him. He sat, watching the bird turn brown. Jou was upstairs playing video games with Mokuba. Between them they had got a ton of games and they we're busy getting to know each and every one.

Which meant Kaiba had been alone to prepare dinner. Which he thought he could handle, being the smart person he was. I mean, seriously, how hard can it be to boil a few veg and shove a bird in an oven? Apparently, he had underestimated the task and now had a new appreciation for chefs everywhere. How they could cook and keep calm was beyond him. Four saucepans had already gone through the window and two in the bin. It was a bloody good job he was rich.

Why didn't they do takeaways for Christmas dinner anyway? They had them for everything else. God damn this stupid time of year.

After loosing all patience with the turkey, Kaiba decide he would try to clean up the kitchen. It took a good hour to scrape everything from the walls, and he was beginning to wonder if he really wanted to eat something so…sticky. He hadn't bothered to taste anything, so how it would go down would be a mystery. Once the room looked like a kitchen again…or at least something of the sort he headed back to look at the turkey, which had now past the stage of golden brown, and was becoming more of a charcoal…well, black. Panicking and swearing, the brunet flung open the oven and pulled the bird out, sitting it on the side to rest, before kicking the oven until it smashed, which appeared to work in turning it off. He sighed. It was a good job he inherited money, without it, he would probably die.

Giving in, he smushed all of the food into small bowls and carried them to the dining room, placing them wherever they landed. He had had enough and really just wanted to get this stupid ordeal over with. All of it had been such a good idea last week. He had researched every little detail, but now, well, it had been a disaster and he wanted to give in. He looked at the turkey for a moment before shrugging and carrying it in. he placed it on the table before running upstairs to rinse his hair and face and change into a different set of clothes. God forbid he looked as horrid as the meal he had prepared.

As he left his room he called Jou and Mokuba to the dinner table. They reluctantly left their rooms and headed down to the dining room. By the time they arrived, Kaiba was already sat there waiting and watching them.

'Erm, it smells…great.' Mokuba forced a smile, sitting down.

'I'm starving anyway, so I don't care anymore!' Jou smiled, sitting across from the brunet, who rolled his eyes.

'Jou, would you carve the turkey please?' Seto tried his best to smile. The last thing he wanted to do was play with a knife after trying to cook. Jou smiled and pulled out the blade, sticking it into the turkey,

'Looking good, Kaiba.' He smirked, and shoved the blade in. Smiling nervously, he sliced the turkey, handing each person a piece, when in the middle he noticed a little black box. Curious, he picked it out and opened it up. Inside was a 24 carat gold ring with a large diamond in the centre. Jounouchi looked up and Kaiba smiled meekly,

'Will you marry me?' Jou nodded slowly, as Kaiba leant across, placing the ring on the blond's finger. Mokuba smiled and bit into the turkey,

'Not to ruin the moment, guys, but the turkey is really really cold.' Jou began to laugh as Seto's face turned a light shade of red. He proceeded to snatch up all of the plates and march into the kitchen. A loud ping was heard and minuets later, Seto returned with steaming hot dinners. Smiling once again they began to eat, before Jou spluttered and choked the food out. Seto had forced down a few bites but it was no use. Everything was dry and tasteless. Giving in, the brunet marched to the phone, mumbling was heard and within 10 minuets a man with a bag showed up at the door.

The boys sat down in the living room with a bunch of trays watching a Christmas film. On their knees they had Lambdansak, tikka masala, onion bhajis, chicken chat with pickle trays and naans. Mokuba had a crazy zoo. Seto smirked.

'Tastes a damned sight better than my cooking.'

'Yup. I won't lie to you there.' Jou smiled, shovelling more food into his mouth. 'I love you, but you definitely can't cook.'

'We'll hire a chef for the wedding.' Mokuba chipped in,

'I think I can agree there.' Seto smiled, and the boys proceeded to enjoy their Christmas lunch.


So that's my sisters story. And yes. It is more about food than…anything. But so is my sister. We just ordered an Indian takeaway, and yes, most of the food listed is what she ordered…for herself. She enjoys her food bless her. It's a wonder she isn't fat. Anyway, I hope you all liked her…menu with a story.

Please R&R

Much love

AB & Amy
