A/N: Hi guys! I am in class now and REALLY BORED, so here this is! It's REALLY REALLY FLUFFY!

Disclaimer: I OWN NO-THING!

Sam sat in her chair, bored to tears. Really, when would class be over? It seemed to go on forever! She did not have enough patience for this. She decided to go ahead and leave; however, at that moment, the bell rang, signaling her freedom.

Thank God.

"Hey Sam. Wanna walk home together?" asked a voice.

It was Freddie.

"Sure, Fredwart. I just hope no one sees me with you."

Freddie scoffed, pulled his bookbag over his shoulder, and grabbed Sam's arm, leaving the school-together.

"It's too bad Carly's sick, huh, Benson?" Sam asked.

Freddie looked confused.

"Carly who?" he asked.

Sam looked as if she were about to shit bricks.

"What? Carly who? Are you kidding, Benson? Only the girl you've been in love with your entire life! Do you mean to tell me that you've forgotten who she is?" Sam exclaimed.

Freddie paled.

"Woah, Sam. Calm down. I just couldn't think for a minute, was all. Of course I know who Carly is." he laughed. "What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't?"

"A bad one." Sam replied, shuffling her feet as she walked.

"Yeah. But I don't really look at her like that anymore. Not anymore." Freddie said.

Sam smirked.

"So, who's your next victim, then, Benson?" Sam asked.

"What makes you think I like someone new, Puckett?" asked Freddie, glaring at the blonde.

Sam smirked again. She knew that she had won.

"Because, Benson. You're as red as a sheet. So, who is it?" Sam pressed.

Freddie smiled. "Okay, okay. You got me. But she doesn't like me back. In fact, she hates me." Freddie looked really sad.

Sam smiled sadly.

"Well, who knows, Benson? Maybe one day she'll love you back. Have you even talked to her about it?"

Freddie shook his head.

"No, of course I haven't. She'd kill me."

"Ah, she's a Puckett-type girl, huh?" Sam asked.

"No." Freddie said.

Sam's eyes drooped in sadness. For a minute, Sam thought he was actually talking about her, and it made her heart swell, for she loved him. She did.

"Oh." Sam looked at her shoes, as if there were something very interesting about them.

"She IS a Puckett-girl. There's no "type." There's only one Sam Puckett."

And then he leaned down to capture her lips with his own.