I don't own Yugioh nor the song the twelve days of Christmas…however the lyrics in this fic I do own.

Atemu climbed into his car, his eyes sliding shut in pure exhaustion. It was times like this that he wished he wasn't a CEO. He, like his cousin, was the chief executive officer of a gaming company and due to the looming holiday season he was having to work longer and longer hours.

Atemu opened his eyes and pulled out his cellphone to see if he'd missed any calls. He saw that he had one missed call at 6 PM…more than five hours ago. Atemu groaned when he realized that before he played the voicemail, "Hey Atemu it's me, I was wondering if you'd be home tonight? It's okay if you're not. I just…never mind, I'll see you when I see you."

For several minutes after the voicemail had ended Atemu just looked at the phone. The caller was one that he knew very well, his boyfriend Yami. The two had been dating for going on five years and they were also living together.

Atemu slid his phone into his pocket and pulled out of the parking lot. He'd been so busy with different company issues that he hadn't been home in four days…though he almost wasn't sure this would count. He'd get home at a little after midnight to go crawl into bed beside his already sleeping boyfriend, sleep for four hours then get up and be back to work by 5 am…before Yami'd even be awake.

Atemu pulled into his driveway at 1215 am and climbed out of his car and walked up to the front door. He walked into the entryway and pulled off his shoes and jacket and headed towards his bedroom, only to pause when he realized that he heard the television on in the living room.

He walked into the living room and smiled slightly at the sight of his boyfriend dozing on the couch. Atemu walked over to Yami and lifted the boy up into his arms. His eyes softening when he felt how Yami unconsciously snuggled against him. Atemu knew that Yami only ever fell asleep on the couch if he was waiting up for Atemu to get back, which Yami didn't do very often since he hated falling asleep on the couch.

Atemu gently lay Yami down on their bed and pulled off Yami's shirt and jeans before covering him up and stripping himself. He walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He frowned however, when he noticed a prescription vial for nausea medicine sitting on the sink. Atemu picked up the bottle and looked at it. The prescription was in Yami's name and had been filled a week ago. He had no idea that Yami had been sick and again he cursed his work schedule keeping him from his boyfriend for so long.

However, it was far too late to be thinking about it now so he quickly did his teeth before he walked back into his bedroom and set his alarm for 4 am and crawled into bed pulling Yami close to him.

"Até?" A sleepy voice mumbled. Atemu froze and glanced down to see Yami's beautiful crimson eyes open a crack.

Atemu smiled at Yami and pecked him lightly on the lips and said, "Go back to sleep Yami."

With a yawn Yami mumbled, "Love you." Before he drifted back off to sleep. Atemu kissed the sleeping Yami on the forehead before he drifted off to sleep as well.

The following afternoon Atemu answered the phone while looking over a company financial report. "Sennen."

"Hey cousin, I guess you must be pretty excited. Congrats."

Atemu frowned, he didn't have even the slightest clue what his cousin was talking about, "Seto, what on earth are you going on about?" Atemu asked.

For several seconds Seto was silent before he said, "You honestly have no idea. You aren't just shitting with me?"

Atemu rolled his eyes, "No, Seto, I'm not messing with you. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."

Again Seto was silent for a few seconds before he all but exploded, "IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT THEN YOU NEED TO GET YOUR ASS HOME RIGHT NOW ATEMU SENNNEN!"

Atemu yanked the phone away from his ear and held it at arms length until his cousin had finished shouting before hesitantly bringing the phone back to his ear. "Seto, I can't go home right now, I've got a ton of work I need to be getting done." Atemu said.

Seto all but growled his response, "You are going to go home right now Atemu. If you're still there by the time I get there I will drag you home. This is to fucking important for you to put on the back burner, Atemu. You have 15 minutes. 15 fucking minutes." Before he slammed the phone down.

For a few seconds Atemu just starred at the phone, "O-o-okay, that was weird." Atemu just shook his head and turned his attention back to the financial report. That is until his office door was thrown open and Seto Kaiba marched into the room, grabbed Atemu by the front of his shirt and dragged him out of his office.

"You are taking the rest of the day off and tomorrow as well so you can get your fucking priorities in order because this is just plain ridiculous Atemu. If I was Yami I'd dump your sorry ass."

"Seto what…"

Seto, who by this point had dragged Atemu out of the building and into the parking garage tossed Atemu against the side of his car, "Get home and find out what the hell I was talking about earlier." Seto said.

Atemu sighed but decided to do as his cousin said and go home. He walked into the house at a little after 1 and yelled, "Yami, I'm home!"

There was no answer, with a small smile Atemu went and changed out of his work clothes before he went and laid down on the couch pulling out his cellphone and texting his boyfriend.

"Where are you?"

A few minutes later his phone vibrated indicating he'd gotten received a text from Yami, "Out, why?"

With a smile Atemu texted back, "Managed to get off early today so I'm at home."

His phone vibrated again, "That's great Até! I'll be home in 10 minutes."

Atemu chuckled at Yami's enthusiasm, he hadn't been home before 10 pm or had a day off since before thanksgiving and it was now December 14th.

Ten minutes later the front door was thrown open and Yami ran into the house, "Até where are you?"

"In the living room Yami." Atemu shouted back.

Yami ran into the living room and once he'd seen Atemu on the couch Yami practically tackled him. Atemu laughed, "It's good to see you too Yami."

Yami looked up at Atemu smiling widely before the smile slipped off his face and he suddenly looked very serious and said, "Atemu, there's something you and I need to talk about. Something important."

Atemu nodded, "I'm listening Yami."

Yami sighed, "Atemu, this may come as a surprise to you, but well we're going to be parents…I'm pregnant." Yami said.

Atemu's eyes widened, "You are Yami?" He asked. Yami nodded. Atemu pulled Yami close pressing their lips together.

Once the kiss broke Atemu asked, "When did you find out?"

Yami sighed, "Last week. Joey dragged me to the doctors when he found out I'd been sick every morning for more than a week." Yami bit his lip before adding, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. I went to your office right after I'd gotten the news but your secretary wouldn't let me see you…and I'd guess she didn't give you the message that I had something important to tell you. And, well I didn't want to tell you over the phone so I decided to wait until you got home. I knew you'd come home eventually."

Atemu pulled Yami in for another kiss while mentally noting that when he got back to work he needed to fire his secretary. When the two broke apart he asked, "How far along are you?"

Yami just smiled and said, "I'm about a month along."

Atemu just grinned holding Yami close while whispering in his ear, "On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…" His hand came to rest on Yami's still flat stomach, "a great, life changing piece of news."

Yami laughed, "That's not how the song goes Atemu."

Atemu stuck his tongue out at Yami and said, "Well, maybe I want to write my own version of the song."

A/N: Please review and let me know what you think. I'll have the next part posted tomorrow.