Hi! Its my first fanfic story, so if you leave any comments please make them constructive to help me out. I will be taking plot points and aspects from other animes and putting them into my stories so that's a forewarning.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any other anime represented in any way in this story, I only own this story.


A 12-year old blonde haired boy was walking down a forsaken road in Fire Country, his head down thinking of what has transpired in this last week and a half.




The two attacks clashed in a blinding light, a black-haired boy was thrown into one side of the waterfall, the side that had a statue of his ancestor, the other side the a blonde-haired boy crashed into the wall that had the statue of the Shodaime Hokage.

Slowly the blond boy picked himself up and walked over to his 'brother'

"It looks like I won, huh teme?" said Naruto as he gently picked up Sasuke Uchiha, the 'Last Uchiha'.

" I made a promise and I never go back on my pomises!" continued Naruto with a smile as he walked into the forest to bring his friend back home, ignoring the blood gushing out of the hole in his chest.

(In the Forest)

Kakashi followed Pakkun as he was trying to calm himself from worrying about his two students fighting, potentially to the death. He already lost to many people precious to him to lose two more.

"The trail stops here Kakashi" reported Pakkun

Kakashi looked up from his worrying and stared at the place they stopped at.

"The Valley of the End." Stated Kakashi as he stared thinking it nostalgic as he stared at the two giant statues sitting on either side of the waterfall. Kakashi felt shivers climb up his spine as he felt the lingering residue of the Kyuubi's charka.

Kakashi and Pakkun started looking for any traces of Naruto or Sasuke for half-a hour until they finished there search.

"There is blood all over the place." Stated Kakashi.

"Most of it is Naruto's." said Pakkun." Whatever they fought with it was destructive, and I'm sensing the lingering feel of the Kyuubi and Sasuke's Curse Mark."

Kakashi's eyes widened, " The Curse Mark?"

Pakkun nodded, " Yes, but if feels way stronger than what Sasuke used before."

This is not good. Thought Kakashi.

"Let's go back to Konoha and report this to Hokage-sama"

Pakkun nodded and they both left for Konoha both fearing what would happen to them when they reported in to their fiery tempered Hokage.

(Konoha Front Gate)

Sakura Haruno stood anxiously waiting for her two teammates to come through the gate. She had Naruto promise to bring Sasuke back, while she hoped he could but she couldn't help but worry as the rest of the Retrieval Team came back, Choji and Neji were almost dead, Kiba and Lee were hurt bad but wouldn't as bad as the first two, Shikmaru came back with only a self inflicted broken finger. The Godaime Hokage was standing with her until the wounded came home, she went with them to the hospital.

Sakura suddenly saw a blur come out of the forest tree tops and land in front of the gate.

"Sasuke-kun?" hesitantly asked Sakura.

"Uh, no." said the figure as he stepped out of the light and she recognized it as Kakashi.

"Kakashi-sensei! Where's Sasuke-kun and Naruto?" she asked, she instantly noticed that her jounin sensei gaze immediately fell.

He was about to answer when he was interrupted

"Yes where are they Kakashi" asked the Godaime Hokage, Tsunade.

"They fought near the Valley of the End," started Kakashi, " there was blood all over the place, most of it was Naruto's" he added, " We looked around for a while but me nor Pakkun could find where they went."

Sakura's and Tsunade's reactions were completely different. Sakura was worring about the precious Uchiha, Tsunade was worrying about what happened to the kid she started thinking of as a little brother.

"We should send a team to find Naruto and Sasuke, they could still be in the forest somewhere, even if Sasuke went to Orochimaru we can still find Naruto." Suggested Kakashi.

"Very well, Kakashi form a team to find Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumak-"

"Hey do you guys have that much faith in me?" said a voice.

Immediately all three of the Konoha nins turned their heads to the gates where a boy in a tattered blue and orange jumpsuit and a grin on his face, with a battered black haired boy on his back.

A/N Well there is the first chapter, hoped you liked it but I think it was kind of short. I will be updating with Prologue Part 2 either this weekend or sooner, don't hold me to that. So if you comment please give me some tips and stuff for later chapters.