A/N: So, getting this out took much longer than I was expecting. Sorry about that. Christmas madness and sick grandparents have both been rife in my family. I found it difficult to write this, but I hope you like it. And I hope you all had a lovely and safe Christmas.

the day is breaking, we're still here
your body's shaking, and it's clear
you really need it, so let go
and let me beat it, but you know
that i've been down across the road or two
but now i've found the velvet sun
that shines on me and you

He heard her take a deep shuddering breath as he reacted to her touch, pushing his lips hard back against hers, his tongue tracing her lips. Damon couldn't believe she was kissing him. Elena Gilbert was kissing him. She could touch him. And it meant so much more than just the fingers resting on his face, surprisingly hesitantly. More than the way she was beginning to explore his mouth with her hot little tongue, her breath mingling with his own. More than them fucking on the floor of a dark room in his basement. More than him coming inside her. More than her moaning his name as he pushed her over the edge.

It meant everything. He couldn't help but take pause from the sensations that were overwhelming him to guiltily thank Katherine, and those damn pharmaceutical companies, for the role they had played in setting her on the path towards him.

He strained forward and upwards to her, needing more, his hands reaching to grasp her around the waist, pulling her down towards him. She moaned into his mouth, their kiss becoming urgent, her hands moving quickly to grip his shoulders tightly. Damon broke his mouth away from hers, taking in her swollen lips and dazed eyes, before leaning in to bite her gently on the ear, and whispering, "This might get rough." Elena sank down into him, her head falling to his shoulder as he moved his assault down the side of her neck.

"Don't care," she managed to mutter, enjoying the feeling of his hard thighs beneath hers, "need this." Damon's hands moved roughly up her body to her head, forcing her to look at him, amazed at the trust he saw there.

"How did I get so goddamn lucky?" He asked. Elena gave him a small, wicked grin, before thrusting her hips against his playfully, and they both gasped at the brief, searing contact. She couldn't help herself from doing it again, slowly, her senses heightening even further as her jean-clad centre met his painfully hard erection. She stayed there, dazed by pleasure, and leaned forward to kiss Damon again, lazily, and then harder when he thrust his own hips up, giving her much needed friction.

She could feel the need that had been building inside her becoming unbearable; she had never felt this wet before, never felt this sensitive and desperate. Feeling him hard beneath her, his dark hair messy and eyes slightly crazed, she knew Damon was feeling the same. He had leaned back against the wall, and was watching her face as she pleasured them both, rubbing herself against him. One of his hands went down to rest on her hip as she moved, while the other remained at her jaw, to bring her face down, only centimetres from his.

"You know this isn't the drug right? You need to know that," his voice was rough, his eyes burning, and she nodded almost imperceptibly, intoxicated by him. "I've done PT-141 before, and it's never been like this." He thrust up against her hard at the last word. "It's not the drug. It's you. It's us." It took all her effort to keep her eyes open, her body was shuddering lightly, her skin flushed and damp. She kissed him hard then, meeting his demanding tongue for a few moments before slowly stopping all of her movements.

"I know," she said softly against his mouth, "I know. I can feel it everywhere. There's this throbbing, and fuck, yes, it's down there, but it's everywhere else too. I can feel it in my chest. In my heart." She kissed him again. "I know."

He growled low in his throat and grabbed her hips roughly, lifting her off him, till they were both on their knees, his hands supporting her as she steadied herself. Her could hear her pulse beginning to positively race as he skittered his fingers across the exposed skin between her top and jeans, before abruptly pulling the top off her in one smooth movement and throwing it away from them. She moaned gently as his hands began to travel over her exposed skin with a light, torturing touch, drawing circles up her hips, over her stomach and the edge of her ribs, grazing the underside of her breasts. Her own hands let go of their firm grasp on his biceps, moving down to the top of his jeans to pull him closer to her, before slipping under the material of his shirt. She felt the hard muscles of his abdomen tense as she touched him urgently. She needed to feel his skin against hers, and he seemed to sense this, or maybe he just had the same hunger, suddenly leaning back from her and ripping his shirt off speedily. Then before she knew it he had pulled her against him, his hard chest rubbing hers as he kissed her hungrily, moaning into her mouth. She could feel his hardness digging into her lower abdomen, and ground against him, gasping when a fresh rush of wet pleasure rewarded her. Damon broke away from the kiss harshly in response and stared her down with black eyes, saying nothing as he pushed her roughly to the floor. She watched him kneeling there between her spread legs eagerly; she was lying on her back, panting, her body straining. His hands hooked into the top of her jeans and peeled them down and off her legs, leaving her in only her plain black panties and bra.

It felt so surreal to her, impossible that this vampire, this man, was hers. He was remarkable. His eyes were filled with love and desire as he regarded her, his throat working. She allowed her eyes to drift over his strong, defined body, pale in the darkness, and rest on his open jeans. Without thinking she lifted one of her hands and stroked his straining penis lightly. He jerked against her, cursing, and encouraged by his reaction she began to stroke him firmly, lifting her eyes to stare directly into his.

Damon couldn't believe how erotic this felt, considering how mild it was on the scale of his past experiences. But with that hot little hand on his cock, stroking him innocently, and those sweet half-open eyes boring into his he felt overwhelmed. And Damon Salvatore did not do overwhelmed, especially when it came to sex. He was meant to be the picture of cool control, but he found himself feeling ready to break. The girl he loved was jerking him off. Jesus Christ. He grabbed her wrist and reluctantly pulled her hand away from his throbbing dick, ignoring her whimpered complaint.

"We're going to do this right," he growled seductively, enjoying the shiver he saw run through her. His hand was still holding her wrist and as he leaned down over her he grabbed her other one and pinned them both to the ground on either side of her head. His hips came to rest in-between her legs at the same time as he kissed her roughly and they both moaned in relief, immediately moving against each other, both seeking friction with a depraved urgency that could only come from being under the combined influence of a sex drug, and love. Elena wrapped her legs around him, pushing herself up into him, and the persistent heat that pooled between her legs began to throb rhythmically, giving her no break from the pleasure that rocked through her. She craned her neck back as Damon began to lick and nip his way down her throat, sucking on her collarbone as her eyes glazed over, unseeing. He kept Elena's wrists pinned to the rough ground, even as she struggled against him, wanting to touch him. His mouth continued to journey down her chest, the light stubble on his jaw grazing her sensitive skin.

She groaned lightly, the feeling of his tongue on the tops of her breasts, teasing her, was sending unrelenting pleasure down her spine. Her body was so completely focused on its arousal that the pain of the rough floor digging into her back was numbed, providing a contrasting sort of pleasure as she writhed beneath him.

Still keeping her desperate arms captive, Damon used his teeth to roughly pull her bra down, exposing her, the sudden violent movement causing Elena to arch strongly towards him. She continued to arch as his mouth latched onto one of her hard nipples, sucking forcefully.

"Da- ohhhh…fuuuu…st-stop." She said breathlessly, after minutes of him paying almost painful attention to both her dusky nipples. He pulled his mouth from her, and she felt a perverse kind of satisfaction at how hungry he looked, how irritated he was to be pulled away from her, how he couldn't stop himself from looking down at her, admiring her glistening peaks that were flushed and grazed by his stubble. He looked back up to her face, confusion in his eyes as he restrained himself from going straight back to his administrations. She looked intensely up at him through her lashes, and he swallowed thickly as she smirked very briefly at him. God, she looks like fucking sex epitomised.

"What? Is something wrong?" He said in a deep and tense (but also gentle) voice. Elena saw a look of uncertainty, maybe fear, cross his face.

"No!", she replied quickly, and leaned up to kiss him quickly but heatedly on the lips, before whispering against them, "I just…I need more." She bucked her hips against his to make her point, and tried to suppress a giggle as his eyes widened.

"Well, who would've thought, Elena Gilbert, playing coquet with the king of coquettish…", he said huskily, smirking as she raised one eyebrow at him.

"Still talking, Damon? Really?" She teased, and then moaned as he suddenly ground himself slowly against her, his eyes blazing on hers.

"I like talking" He said seriously, before he was kissing her again, drugging her with the languid touch of his tongue, both of them unable to stop their bodies from continuing to move urgently against each other. She began a renewed effort to try to free her wrists, to get this show on the fucking road. He growled in response, and she bit his lip, hard.

"Damon," she glared up at him (she was adorable), "please." Her husky, frustrated whine was unbelievably sexy to him, so he thought maybe he'd draw this whole thing out a little bit longer. Sure, every inch of his body was demanding release, (in a hot prickly way that he was certain he hadn't felt since he became vampire), but…it was fun to play.

His mouth began to move down her body again, pausing briefly to unexpectedly kiss both her breasts tenderly, in a way that made Elena blush. Then it was hot on her ribs, his wet tongue flicking at her skin in a way that caused a small thump low within her, as she suddenly imagined it on her clit, knowing she wouldn't have to be imagining much longer. It struck her that she would never have to imagine anything about Damon ever again. No more fantasising about his touch, no more mouthing his name silently as she came by her own hand, no more fleeting, saddening thoughts of how they might be together. He was hers now, it was real, that exquisite feeling of his tongue against her skin was real. She felt more alive, more in the moment, than she could remember ever feeling.

He had dragged her wrists down with him, and held them next to her hips as he tongued the skin just above her panties, feeling her quiver beneath him, enjoying the sound of her panting growing louder.

He finally let go of her hands reluctantly, but she kept them at her sides as he lifted her hips and pulled her underwear down her legs. He sat back on his knees, staring at her, taking her in. From her flushed, sweating face, her eyes closed, panting mouth open, down to her reddened breasts that moved with her heaving chest, the erotic sight of her bra unevenly pulled down beneath them, the straining flat muscles of her stomach, and then, finally, he let his eyes rest on her exposed sex.

"Oh, fuck. Elena, you're dripping wet. I can see it from here." She groaned quietly in response to his gravelly voice and opened her eyes to meet his heated gaze. He had hitched her legs, bent at the knee, to either side of him, and his hands, which had rested on her knees, began to slowly move, his thumbs drawing circles gradually down the skin of her inner thighs. "This drug got you bad," he murmured, and she saw his eyes flick from hers, down to between her legs, feeling a light trickle under his gaze.

"It's you Damon." He didn't look up at her, it appeared he had barely noticed she had spoken. "Damon."


She took a deep breath as she felt his fingers inch their way closer.

"It's not just the drug, Damon. It's you. I know it." She was surprised by the smirk that crept onto his face, and finally he looked back to her eyes. And then, at the same time as his fingers lightly grazed over the throbbing flesh of her folds, he leaned down closer to her and whispered, "I know that. I've always known, even when you refused to accept it", before thrusting two fingers straight into her, his thumb clamping down hard on her clit as he worked within her. She moaned loudly, and then she could do nothing to hold it back, the heat that had pooled so strongly in her pelvis was released, and rocked through the rest of her body, both aggressive and tender. Her hips bucked up into him, drawing his fingers in as deep as they could go, and he felt his cock twitch and ache at the feeling of her muscles clenching and rippling tightly around them. Moans were ripped from her throat as her orgasm continued, his thumb still pressing down on her clit, forcing extra shocks of pleasure to shoot up her back. He suddenly noticed that her hands, once idle, were now grasping roughly at her breasts and nipples, and couldn't help but gape at the sight that he had only ever fantasised about. He slowed the movement of his fingers within her, and watched her body shudder strongly before her muscles finally relaxed, and her knees sank to the floor. He had never wanted to be in someone nearly as badly as he did in that moment.

"Elena. Look at me." She moaned very quietly, but her eyes remained closed. "Open your eyes." She frowned, before opening them slowly, looking straight into his, with a defiance that dissolved as soon as she saw the look in his eyes. An unhidden, unrestrained look of love and passion. He saw her gulp and smiled.

"I was planning on tasting you," he chuckled seeing her eyes light up, "but after that I can't wait. I need to be in you." She nodded in understanding, the warmth in her beginning to grow again as she looked down to his now very hard and straining cock. She wrapped her legs around the backs of his thighs as he lowered himself down to her, coming to rest in between her legs. She gasped at the feel of his naked skin against hers, his length hard against her sensitive, wet flesh, small aftershocks rocking her lightly at the contact. For a moment they stayed still, his eyes exploring hers as he tenderly pushed stray hairs from her face and tucked them behind her ears.

"I love you." He said earnestly, and then before she could reply, his mouth was on hers. His tongue quickly became passionate and demanding, his body was no longer willing to be patient. She responded equally eagerly, determined to show him her reply if she had to. I love you too.

She used her feet to push his jeans down his thighs, and he kicked them the rest of the way off, the movement causing their hips to bump together hard, drawing erratic moans from both of them, that intermingled in the humid air of the dark room before fading to the sound of their harsh, heavy breathing. She struggled to get her arms behind her back, finally yanking off her bra that had been digging uncomfortably into her ribs, while he continued to kiss her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth in a way that made her yearn for him to be properly inside her.

Deciding she had waited long enough, a quick shift of Elena's hips placed him at her entrance, his head nudging into her. Damon opened his eyes and pulled his mouth away, studying her face intently, never wanting to forget this moment. She looked up at him encouragingly, lovingly, waiting.

"This is happening" he said, sounding awed.

"It's happening." Elena repeated him, with more certainty, and then at the same moment they both shifted, him pushing himself into her as she lifted herself to meet him.

It was like something switched inside Damon as he slid into her tight, beautiful heat. Any sense of calm, any intentions to be slow and loving and gentle, were suddenly replaced by a raw need. He couldn't help beginning to move immediately, giving Elena no time to adjust to him, absorbed by the feeling of her melding to fit him perfectly. But when she began to scratch her fingernails down his back, and kiss him eagerly, nipping his lips and ignoring the clashing of their teeth, he was aware she was just as impatient as he was to reach release.

He was suddenly aware of how roughly he was pushing into her, and the gritty ground that would be digging painfully into her back with every thrust.

Immediately his hands had gripped her firmly around her waist while he twisted, so that he was lying on his back, her straddling him. She was still for a few seconds (although he could still feel her clenching unintentionally around him), looking wild-eyed and crazy and thoroughly fuckable. He allowed himself to enjoy the view of her, as well as where they joined, for only a short time before he impatiently thrust up into her, using his hands to guide her to move. It wasn't long before she got used to being in control, and began to experiment, enjoying the flits of annoyance and satisfaction that crossed Damon's face as she teased them both. She swivelled her hips in a full circle, moaning at the feeling of him gliding in her, his head hitting her g-spot with every small thrust downwards she gave. The unpredictable changes in speed and direction were driving Damon fast to the edge, his fingers gripped tightly to her hips, leaving white marks when he moved them to her thighs. He resisted the urge to flip her back over and pound into her roughly until he came, unseeing. Elena's own hands were moving quickly over the muscles of his abdomen and chest, before coming to a rest on his shoulders, leaning over him further as she moved, enjoying the way her clit rubbed against him. The pressure was building inside her again now, everything felt so overwhelmingly good, and there was that feeling like she never wanted it to end, but it had to. She began to move faster, up and down more rhythmically, Damon encouraging her with his ragged groans as she did.

An overwhelming feeling came over Damon as he watched Elena above him. His chest felt constricted, his throat dry, it was as if it wasn't enough to be in her, he needed more, and he began to feel desperate as he felt his impeding orgasm. He quickly reached up to pull her down onto him, kissing her hard enough to draw blood and then licking it from her mouth without stopping to gage her reaction. She whimpered but continued to kiss him back, with a similar urgency. He snaked one hand down her body, feeling her jerk when it reached the place where they joined, and used two fingers to rub her wet clit frantically.

"You can bite me…if you want," Elena groaned out, her movements becoming erratic as the heaviness in her core mounted, ready to explode.

"Not this time my love," he managed to get out, overwhelmed even by the thought. Drinking her blood in this scenario, with the drug running through her system, would shatter them both, possibly not in a good way. He wouldn't take the risk. But soon, he promised her silently.

He held her body against his with his arm around her back as she moved, feeling the muscles in his body tense with soon to be released energy. She was twitching as he began to thrust into her harder, tremors running through the skin of her back beneath his hand. The room was filled with the sound and smell of their sex, intoxicating both of them as they worked ever closer to release.

His fingers continued to move against her swollen clit, working her up into a fury, until finally, everything snapped, her body tensed completely, clenching around him as a white searing pleasure ripped through her, leaving her boneless, unable to control her body from riding it out. She wrenched open her eyes, she needed to be with him in this moment, needed to see it. She forced her eyes to focus on his, satisfied by his wild glare, and tried to move her mouth, even as her body writhed above him and waves of pleasure washed through her.

"I love you."

She thought she felt him swell within her as he joined her in ecstasy. He yelled her name coarsely as he spilled himself forcefully into her, a powerful, burning pleasure racing through his veins, his mind able to think of only one thing. Her.

He held her shaking, exhausted body to his as she came down, still moving softly in her, unable to stop. One hand smoothed her hair gently, tangling it around his fingers, loving the feeling of her hot moist breath against his chest, where she had collapsed onto him. She was so warm and soft in his arms, and he revelled in it, slightly surprised at the relief he felt now that they had gotten rid of some of the extremely distracting sexual tension. He knew it may not last long, that the drug still had hours to go yet before it wore out, but in this moment he was able to concentrate completely on the woman who lay on his chest. And she was finally his.

One of her hands lay limp on him, and he lifted his own hand up to cup it, feeling a swell of warmth in him as she intertwined their fingers, her breathing slowly becoming even. Nothing needed to be said. He closed his eyes, and let himself drift off into a weightless doze, feeling content even while knowing all the while that it wasn't even nearly over yet. This room, once their cage, had become their home. They'd be leaving it soon, and their actions wouldn't be without consequences in the outside world. But he knew they could do it. They had been weak as separate parts, but now together they were strong. And Damon was determined they wouldn't be broken apart. He would never allow them to be separate parts again.

Our minds pressed and guarded
While our flesh disregarded
The lack of space for the light-hearted
In the boom that beats our drum
And I know I make you cry
I know sometimes you wanna die
But do you really feel alive without me?

Is this the end? I'm not sure, but a part of me wants to do an epilogue to explore the details that were kind of skipped over in the rush to smut. Like, what happened to get them both in there, how they get out, what happened to Stefan et cetera et cetera...Let me know if you do want that (any further chapters wouldn't be posted for a while as I'm going away), and also what you thought of this chapter.