AN: This is just a short story to capture my thoughts about what wasn't said in the most recent episode - The Doctor in the Photo. As always, I don't own any of the characters. Spoilers for Season 6, especially The Doctor in the Photo. I have rated this M based on where I think it is going, but it may not get there...

Chapter 1: Methinks He Doth Protest Too Much

"I'm with someone."

"Hannah, she's not a consolation prize."

As he drove back to his apartment after dropping Bones off, those words went around and around in Booth's head. He meant them, dammit. What could she have expected him to say? He slammed the steering wheel with his palm.

Although he'd known Bones had been going through a tough time with this case – he'd followed her tonight out of growing concern for her safety – her story about the pilot and then her statement about wanting to have no regrets, had hit him hard. Blindsided, he'd stated the obvious. He had a girlfriend now. Bones knew that. If she'd been her usual restrained self, she'd have kept her regrets to herself.

Instead, she'd cried.

Bones had cried over him and their missed chance. Booth took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. He'd moved on, so why did remembering that scene in the car cause him such pain.

What would happen now?

She'd adjust.

He'd told her that he had.

He'd adjusted well.

Hadn't he?