Rating: T for language

Pairing(s): Laven

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own DGM in any way, shape or form.

This is my first fanfiction so I hope you guys like it. In my English class we had to write a short story and writing a Laven inspired one came to mind. This is the uncensored version I gave to my teacher. (I go to a Christian school) Reviews and suggestions are nice. It'll probably be lemony, just a warning. And if you're gonna flame, please don't, you're just wasting energy but CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is welcome. I hate the title but I couldn't think of another one so title suggestions are nice ! By the way, Allen doesn't have his scar, Lavi doesn't have his eye patch and Lenalee still has long hair but that will change soon ! Anyway, I'll shut up and let you all read.

Chapter One

Welcome to the Black Order High School

Allen walking unsurely opened the door to his first hour chemistry class.

"Uh hello? I'm Allen Walker and I'm new here. I'm sorry I'm late, I just can't seem to figure out these hallways and… yea." Allen felt like such a fool.

"It's fine Mr. Walker. Just grab a seat, your only a few minutes later." replied the teacher.

Allen sheepishly smiled and headed towards an open seat. There were three empty seats to chose from. One was next to a tall boy with a long ponytail who looked like he wanted to kill Allen, another was next to a small girl with long greenish-black pigtails, and the last was next to a tall boy with ruby red hair that stood up on end who was sleeping. Deciding that the girl looked friendly, he sat next to her at the table.

"Hi" she whispered to him while a smile.

"Oh, hello." replied politely.

"I'm Lenalee Lee."

"Allen Walker."

Lenalee smiled at him again before saying, "Do you wanna sit with me and some of my friends at lunch today?"

"Oh, that would be great. Thank you." Allen said smiling at the girl he had just met.

Lenalee smiled again before turning back to the front. Allen was about to follow her lead when he felt like someone was watching him. He assumed it was because he was new or the fact that he was sixteen with pure white hair. He turned to see who it was out of curiosity. He looked around and quickly found a pair of emerald green eyes that belonged to the boy with the red hair. He had a smirk on his face and was looking at Allen fun. Allen blushed slightly and the other boy laughed softly. Allen was about to turn around when the older boy waved at Allen like a girl would to her boyfriend. This made Allen snap his head to look forward. He could hear the other boy laugh.

"Mr. Bookman, what is so funny? Are chemical properties (A/N: I don't know anything about chemistry so bare with me) funny?"

"No sir." The boy answered, still with that smirk on his face.

The teacher glared at him quickly but went back to teaching. Allen couldn't wait to leave this class. He still felt the boy's eyes on him and he shivered, making the boy laugh. Allen nervously started playing with his left hands glove, not noticing he was pulling it up to expose the dead, black skin hidden by the glove. Lenalee looked over at Allen to ask him a question and noticed his arm.

"Allen, not to be rude or hurtful, but what happened to your arm?" Lenalee asked softly.

"Oh, I-I was born with it. It use to be red and all wrinkled with dead skin but now its black. I'm sorry if it grosses you out." Allen said as he pulled the glove back over the skin.

"It's okay, it takes a lot more than dead skin to gross me out." She said smiling her warm smile. Allen couldn't help but smile back.

The class ended and Lenalee and Allen packed up their books and walked out together.

"What class do you have next?" Lenalee asked while they walked to Allen's locker.

"Uh, history? Yea, yea, that's it." Allen answered.

"Darn, I have English. What about the rest of your schedule?"

Allen listed of his schedule to Lenalee who still had a frown on her face.

"We only have chemistry and lunch together."

"Oh." Allen answered sadly. He wanted Lenalee in all of his classes so at least he knew someone.

"Well, I gotta go; I'll meet you outside the media room so we can walk to lunch together, okay?" Lenalee called over her shoulder while she walked to her next class.

"Sounds good!" Allen shouted to her. He collected his next hour's books and walked to the history room. He talked to the teacher a little and the teacher gave him a seat. Allen was one of the first few there so he didn't know who he sat next to yet. Allen looked up right when the boy with the long ponytail walked in and sat next to him.

"Hello, I'm Allen Walker." Allen said nicely and smiled to the boy.

"Fuck you." was all the boy said.

Allen was very discouraged that the other boy wasn't as nice to him as Lenalee was. Allen sighed heavily then turned back to the boy.

"I'm sorry; did I do something to offend you? If I did, I apologize."

"Fuck you." was the boy's only reply.

"There is no need to be rude!"

The boy turned to Allen with pure murder in his eyes. "Why you little bean sprout, I'll-"the boy lunged at Allen but was pulled back by the boy with red hair.

"Now, now Yu, is that anyway to treat new people?"

"Fuck you, you retarded rabbit!"

The boy holding him just laughed then looked at Allen.

"Sorry about him, he obviously didn't take his happy pills this morning." the boy laughed again. "This," he nodded to the boy kicking and swearing at the taller boy, "is Yu Kanda. And I am Lavi Bookman." Lavi said as he smiled at Allen.

"Uh, I-I'm Allen Walker." said Allen, still shocked that Kanda lunged at him.

"I think Kanda and I should switch seats." Lavi suggested.


Lavi let go of Kanda, who walked over to Lavi's desk and sat down. Lavi quickly slid into Kanda's seat and looked at Allen with the same look he had in science.

"Yes?" Allen asked.

"You're kinda sexy." Lavi said nonchalantly.