Ok people first chapter of the sequel to The Guardian. Hope you like it!

Chapter 1

Rowena Potter sat in her room at Zabini Manor. It was summer time, a week into her arrival and everything was going really good. The Zabini's were extremely nice and welcoming even teaching her different things. Two days into the summer they had insisted an buying her a full new wardrobe. Now thought she was in her room looking outside.

"Rowena is something wrong?" Came a soft voice from her doorway making her turn to see Lady Zabini or Cassandra as she insisted Rowena call her.

"No nothings wrong." She answered softly.

"Now do not try to fool me Rowena. By the look on your face I know something is bothering you. Please if it's something I can help you with tell me." She said while sitting in front of her.

Hesitantly Rowena looked at Cassandra who smiled at her.

"Well there is this person that used to baby sit me at Privet Drive. He was a really nice person to me and I just wanted to know if I could perhaps visit him?" She asked while casting her eyes downwards.

"Of course you can darling but on one condition. Either me or my husband go with you." Cassandra stated.

"Blaise wished to come as well." Rowena said softly.

"Then he can come along." Cassandra agreed making Rowena brighten considerably.

"Thank you so much Cassandra!" She exclaimed while hugging to woman who then hugged her back. "I will write him right away!"

With that she jumped up and ran to her desk were she started to write a letter. With a soft chuckle Cassandra stood and left the room.

Two days latter Rowena, Blaise and Cassandra were all getting ready to Privet Drive.

Rowena was dressed in a pair of white washed short shorts with a purple tank top and a pair of purple flats. Her black hair was pulled up into a ponytail and her wand was attached to her arm with a wand holster that nobody could see. She smiled brightly before leaving her room and meeting Cassandra and Blaise in the entrance hall. With bright smiles they all disappeared and arrived at Privet Drive. As Cassandra looked around she was slightly horrified that all the houses seem to look the same and that everything seemed so boring around the place.

"So which one is your relatives?" Blaise asked.

"Number four." She answered while pointing to the house.

"What about that man you were talking about?" Cassandra asked.

"He lives at number 7." She answered brightly.

Swiftly the trio started to make there way to number 7 until a laugh could be heard. Turning around they found a fat boy with three other friends walking there way.

"That's my cosine." Rowena whispered while stepping closer to Blaise who glared at the group.

"Come on you two let's get to the house." Cassandra stated and with a nod they continued to walk.

"Hey Dudley isn't that your cosine what's her name Rowena!" Somebody shouted making Rowena tense.

"It is her! What till mom and dad find out that you here! They wont be very happy!" Dudley exclaimed causing Rowena to turn and smirk at him.

"What can they do. I'm not staying with them and plus I'm not here to see them or you!" She shouted back then turned and continued to walk to Mr. Wren house.

Finally they arrived and Rowena rang the door bell. After a few seconds the door was opened wide and Mr. Wren appeared smiling brightly.

"Rowena!" He exclaimed brightly.

"Hi Mr. Wren." Rowena laughed while hugging him.

"Come in, come in don't want to mix with that cosine of yours do you." He chuckled while leading them inside then to the sitting room.

"Mr. Wren I'd like to introduce you to one of my best friends Blaise Zabini and his mother Cassandra Zabini." Rowena introduced. "Blaise, Cassandra meet Mr. Wren."

"It's a pleasure to meet the both of you." Mr. Wren said with a broad grin.

"Pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Wren Rowena seems very found of you." Cassandra said softly.

"Well I am very found of her as well. She's like a grand-daughter to me." Mr. Wren said making Rowena blush. "Oh right sit, sit. Would anybody like some tea?" He asked.

"I'll help you." Rowena said making him chuckle.

"We will take some tea please." Cassandra answered.


Then together Mr. Wren and Rowena went into the kitchen. Swiftly Rowena went to the kettle and put some water in it before putting it on the stove.

"So Rowena, are they treating you alright?" Mr Wren asked while putting his hands on her shoulders.

"They are treating me like a Princess Mr. Wren although I don't know why they would." She whispered softly.

"I can answer that for you Rowena. They treat you like a Princess because you deserve to be treated as one. You are an amazing girl Rowena and will make an even more amazing woman one day. You are being treating like you should have been from the start." He stated making her blush.

"I don't deserve to be treated like a Princess Mr. Wren I'm just Rowena Potter." She said making him chuckle.

"You'll see Rowena one of this days you'll see what we all see." He said while patting her head. "Now what else are they doing?"

"They're teaching me all sorts of things I should have known before now. As I'm going to be Lady Potter in the future, I have no choice but to learn about politics's, etiquette and all sorts of things like that." She answered while pulling the singing kettle of the stove. Gently she put it on the plate that Mr. Wren had set up.

"I will bring it into the sitting room my dear." He said while picking the plate up.

With a smile they went back into the sitting room to see Cassandra looking at a photo that was on the fire mantel.

"Was this Sakura when she was younger?" She asked when she heard them come in.

"Let me see." Mr. Wren mumbled after putting the plate down. He took the photo Cassandra offered and looked at it.

It was a little girl of around six. She had long black hair and wore a cute little pink dress with white socks and black shoes. Her emerald eyes shined brightly as she smiled up at the camera.

"Yes that is Rowena. It was the day of school photo's at her muggle primary school. One woman had given her a dress and some socks to wear to it because the Dursley's wanted to send her in her cosines old hand-me downs." He answered making Cassandra smile.

"Such a sweat woman." She whispered.

"Yes she is a very sweet woman. She's been asking about you Rowena. Many of the people are." Mr Wren said while smiling at Rowena.

"Well Dudley saw me when we came here along with a few others. The news is probably already all over the place by now." Rowena mumbled.

"Probably true." Mr Wren agreed.

Soon tea was served and every sat down.

"Rowena has told us a bit about you. She said you had a daughter?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes my daughter was a Slytherin during her time at Hogwarts. She was killed during the war." Mr Wren answered.

"What was her name?" Cassandra asked.

"Her name was Astoria. Astoria Wren." He answered making her gasp.

"I remember her. She was in seven year when I arrived at Hogwarts. She was an amazing Slytherin and helped us a lot during our year. Head Girl if I remember correctly." Cassandra said making Mr Wren smile.

"Yes she was, she spoke of the first years in her letters. She was always very found of children. She had always wanted a child of her own." He sighed making Cassandra smile sadly. "So Rowena tells me that you invited her to Christmas."

"Yes, we did. Rowena was really a joy to have around and still is. She was very elegant during the Christmas ball my family had organized." Cassandra told him making him smile.

And so the conversation continued. Rowena asked Mr. Wren about what was happening at Privet Drive, Blaise and Rowena would talking about their school year and other things like that. Finally tough it was time to leave and the trio left with Rowena giving one last hug to Mr. Wren with a promise to write.

As they walked down the streets of Privet Drive Rowena noticed her uncle outside glaring at her. She pointedly ignored him until a female voice caught her attention.

"Bless me soul its Rowena Potter!"

|Turning Rowena was met with the sight of an old woman with short snow white hair wearing a white blouse and a pair of black pants.

"Hello Mrs. Caselda it's great to see you again." Rowena greeted.

"Oh you must be on your way home dear but I just had to say hello. You should come and visit one of this days." The woman said as gave Rowena a hug.

"Of course Mrs. Caselda I would be glade to visit you." Rowena agreed making the woman smile.

"Terrific don't bother telling me when just pop on by one of this days. Well you best get going home dear." She said before walking away.

"Who was that?" Blaise asked.

"That was the woman who gave me the pink dress." Rowena answered making him grin.

"Oh." He whispered making her giggle.