Ah, pleasant island. Your new home. Isn't that right, Raren?

Raren nodded, seeing the nice island, and the fog following the grass. It was early in the morning, and the bears were restuffing themselves because they had a rocket launcher take down their home. Naughty Bear walked out, and heard of the new person coming. The other bears had a present for Raren. They gave him a cake...but it was slammed into his face. Naughty Bear was so suprised that they'd do this to a new person. Raren sprinted into naughty's hut, without knowing that it was his. Raren was crying, laying down on the sandy, brown, cut, grass. Naughty ran back to his hut, seeing raren on the sand, crying. Naughty turned around him.

Shouldnt you help him, Naughty Bear? Hes just like you and what happend to you, shouldnt you just help a...'friend' in need? You were always rejected, so, how about you accept this newcomer?

Naughty smiled, and nodded, while walking to raren. Raren had these nice features, White colors of his skin, and a small coat since it was cold. And some good boots. Naughty thought he was going to like this already. Naughty pulled him up, and gave him a proper introduction by shaking his hand. Raren put his hands in his eyes, and rubbed them.

Naughty had a new friend.