Hi everyone! :)

First of all, thanks so much to all of you who reviewed this story, for those who put it on favorites and story alert! You really made my Christmas better, just for that! :) Thank you all so, so much!

Well, this is the last chapter of this story, sooner than I thought. Apparently, waking up earlier leaves us with more time to clean the house and therefore more time to come here and post chapters! :)

I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the other chapters!

Now, a very Merry Christmas to all of you and a very prosperous New Year! :)

See you in my next story! ;)

Disclaimer: Don't own Glee. If you feel like you're into making good deeds, now it's the time to give Glee to me! But I'll be satisfied with reviews! :)

Chapter 5: Christmas (k)night… and day

Finn woke up out of breath. He looked around and found himself on his bed.

Wait. Didn't he fall on the ground hours ago? Maybe it were minutes, he's not sure. Or maybe, that whole thing was a weird, freaky dream.

But… what if it was true? Was he prepared to live in a future with no Rachel in it? Now that he thought of that, he didn't think he could. Rachel always managed to make the best of him and he knows he does the same to her. Is he willing to let a relationship with potential slip through his fingers?

The hell he is!

Mr. Schue showed him the bad things he made in the past so he could fix it. Puck showed him many different situations from the now so he could understand that he was able to forgive and love people he wasn't supposed to, because they either hurt you or really don't deserve your love. Finally, Kurt showed him the horrible future he was destined to if he didn't do the right choice.

And it all comes to Rachel. She's the key to everything. She always was, but sometimes he needed more time than the regular people to get there, to get into the right path.

Of course there were other things he had to do. Like forgive Puck as well. It wasn't fair that he had forgiven Quinn and not his best friend. Plus, he thinks that Puck's visit as the Ghost of Christmas Present was the one who put more sense into his thick skull. Years and years of a friendship could do that.

Another thing he had to do is to talk more to Kurt. They never were that close, but since their parents' marriage, they considered themselves brothers, and after all, friends and Finn hasn't been as good as a friend should be.

However, he could do those things in the morning. Except talk to Rachel. That has to be done now.

He looked over at his alarm clock. 2:07. She must be sleeping. But this is for a good cause, he thought.

He stood up and, trying to be quiet, he changed his clothes into warmer ones. It looked like it was still snowing and he didn't want to catch a cold. If he gets a cold, Rachel won't kiss him, and that's not the purpose of the operation.

Once he was ready, he thanked the gods once again that his bedroom was located on the ground floor and jumped out the window.

It took him just about ten minutes of running to get to Rachel's house. It was kind of close from his. As soon as he got there, he realized he forgot his cell-phone at home.

Damn it!, he cursed mentally, You always have to mess everything, don't you, Hudson?

Then, he saw some little tiny pebbles hidden in the snow on the ground and he caught a few.

Okay, Finn, just don't break her window…, he thought and threw the first pebble.


Rachel was curled in a ball, sleeping, when she heard some noises. She had cried until she finally fell asleep, so she thought the noises were due to her imagination.

However, the noises kept going on. Along with the noises came a voice, calling her name. She knew that voice very well. It was Finn's. Either that or her mind was playing tricks on her. She decided the last, because she didn't need to be more heartbroken than she already was.

Then, she heard another noise and realized it came from her window. She drifted out from her slumber state and heard a frustrated groan from the outside.

"Rachel, I'm running out of pebbles here! Please, wake up!" it was Finn. It was really Finn. Her mind wasn't deceiving her. He was really there, outside her house, throwing pebbles at her window.

She turned the lights on and neared the window.


Finn saw the lights turning on and her tiny features approaching the window. Moments later, he saw her sticking her head out.

"Thank God, Rachel. I was thinking that you weren't sleeping and that someone had discovered you were alone here and kidnapped you." she said nothing and Finn started to worry "Am I still sleeping?" he pinched himself. A sharp pain passed through his arm. Nope, he definitely wasn't asleep.

"What are you doing here, Finn? It's 2:30!" she asked, her voice low and unsure. She was never unsure. Finn needed to fix that too.

"I need to talk to you. May I come in?"

She seemed to consider if it was a good or a bad idea.

"I don't know, Finn. Are you going to bash on me again? Or are you going to remember me that we're officially broken up?"

"Neither of that. Please, let me in." he pleaded.

Rachel nodded, slowly. Hope grew on his chest.

"Okay, meet me at the front door."

He did as she told him to and a couple of minutes later she opened the door for him. She stepped back, giving him space to go in, and he fought the urge to kiss her senseless, right there.

Finn looked at her and he thought he had never seen someone more beautiful than her. Her pajamas had little Santa Claus plastered all over it and she had a pink robe over it. He was sure she just bought that pajamas, because she thought they were going to spend Christmas together and she knew how much he loved Christmas.

When his gaze reached her face, he saw her eyes were puffy and red. She had been crying, just like in his dream, when Puck showed him the present. Well, that's not totally odd, right? It's perfectly natural that she would be crying, especially since she was spending Christmas alone.

"What do you want, Finn?" she asked, softly.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure, you can start."

"What about we go to your room and talk there?" he needed to see something.

She frowned.

"I'm not sure, Finn. My dads aren't home and why is the bedroom a better place to talk than this where we're at?"

Finn scratched the back of his head.

"It's just… I had the weirdest dream. I need to check something."

"And what would that be?"

"Please, Rachel," he sighed, frustrated "as soon as we get to your room, I'll explain everything. I promise!"

Even though she didn't want him to notice, there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes, so she let him go to her bedroom, following closely.

Once he got there, his eyes searched the floor next to her bed and as he suspected there it was. Her scrapbook opened on the pages where their photo from Regionals was. The same photo he saw with Puck. Could the dream actually don't be a dream? Was it possible that all that thing about ghosts of past, present and future was true? Or was it just a weird coincidence? If it was true, he had to make things right, now, because he didn't like the future. Not even a bit.

"Rach, if I'd tell you something really crazy, would you think I'm crazy as well?"

She looked at him, quizzically.

"Well, that depends on what you're going to tell me, but I'd probably…"

"I was here tonight." he blurted out "Peeking at your window, with Puck."

Her mouth hanged open and she had her brows furrowed and Finn thought she was really scary in that moment. But he couldn't figure out why, until she held her robe more tightly to her body. She thought he was a pervert. Nice one, Hudson…, he thought, Really nice…

"No! No! It's not like that!" he assured her "What I mean is that in my dream, I was here. You were looking at that scrapbook, then you tossed it on the floor and it opened in the same pages that it's opened now. I know I look like I've lost my mind, but I didn't. This is true, Rach, you have to believe me."

Her expression didn't reveal any emotion, but at least she wasn't looking at him like he needed to be taken to a mental care house.

"Let's just assume that I, hypothetically, believe in what you're saying. Why was Noah with you, lurking at my window?"

"I… uh… you're not gonna believe this." he paused.

"Try me." she replied slowly.

"Well, let's just say the movie we saw at Mr. Schue's got stuck into my mind and in my dream I was visited by three ghosts and Puck was one of them." he stated, a bit afraid of her reaction.

"Who were the other ones?" she asked, with real curiosity. He was surprised. He thought she was going to yell at him and then kick him out of her house.

"Well, hmm…" he cleared his throat "Mr. Schue was the first one, the Ghost of Christmas Past, Puck was the Ghost of Christmas Present and Kurt was the Ghost of Christmas Future."

"And you came here just to tell me your dream and see for yourself that it all had been a dream?"

"No, Rachel. Well, when I got here, I thought about the scrapbook and wanted to be sure if it was really just a dream or not." she frowned a little, folding her arms "But the main reason I came here for is to beg for your forgiveness."

He had never seen her eyes grow that much wide, before that moment.

"W-what? Why?" she stuttered. Rachel Berry never stutters.

"Rachel…" he grabbed her hands and she didn't pull away "I saw my future and it was without you. And I don't want to live in a future if you're not there to put some sense in my head and to teach me new and cool words and, more importantly, to make me happy. I can't be happy if you're not there with me!" she was fighting back tears and, so far, she was succeeding "I love you, Rach. And we did some pretty messed up things to each other, but I hurt you more times than I can count and you always forgave me."

She pulled her hands from his and averted her gaze to the floor.

"You know what hurt the most about this Santana thing?" she asked, barely above a whisper "It was that you didn't even tell me that you were sorry. Because of that I started to think that you liked mean girls, so, stupidly, of course, I decided to be mean. And Noah was there for me, he noticed me when I needed most. I didn't even think about what he had already done to you in the past." she let out a small sob.

"It's okay Rachel, it was my entire fault. I should've told you in the beginning. She never meant anything to me. After we… did it, I felt empty, numb, because I knew I always wanted you to be my first and I knew that what I had done was wrong. I didn't tell you before, because I didn't want to hurt you. I was trying to pretend that never happened. And I'm sorry, Rachel, so sorry!"

"It's fine, Finn. We both have our share of guilt and how about we put the entire situation behind our backs?"

Finn grinned her favorite grin that melted her heart. He grabbed her hands again.

"That would be great Rachel. I have one condition, though." she lifted a brow, waiting for him to continue "Actually, there are two conditions. Will you spend Christmas day with me?" she nodded, smiling "Now, it's the more important condition… Will you be my girlfriend again? Please?"

Rachel's smile grew into that million mega watt one that he knew so well and loved so much and she jumped into his arms.

"Yes Finn, I will!" she shouted.

"I love you so much, Rachel!" he whispered in her ear, while engulfing her in his big arms.

"I love you too, Finn."

When they pulled apart, his lips brushed gently against hers and he sure as hell loved Christmas again.


When he got home, he could only think about how lucky he was. His reconciliation with Rachel was much easier than he thought. It was so good to feel her lips on his and her laughter and her smile and her everything.

The first thing he did when he got home was to pick his phone and call Puck. He tried once and no one picked up. The second time, he heard his friend's groan on the other side.

"Hey man!" greeted Finn.

"The fuck you want, Hudson? Better be something worth it or I'll kick your ass, next time I see you… This isn't time to be calling people, dude!"

"I just wanted to thank you. For everything. Without you I would still be miserable right now."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Finnessa." he replied, grumpy.

"Just thanks, okay?" he paused and heard another grumpy groan "Oh, and ask Quinn about Beth! Merry Christmas, Puck!"

"Yeah, whatever. Merry Christmas to you too." And with that the phone call died.

After that, Finn thought about going downstairs to catch up with Kurt, but he also thought the other boy wouldn't find that funny at that hour in the morning, so he decided to go to sleep and when the sun rose he would talk to his brother.


Finn didn't wake up as early as he had in mind, but he still managed to wake before the lunch was served and he still had time to catch up with Kurt. He now knew it all about the dude Blaine and he had his fingers crossed for that relationship to work out. He also told Kurt that he and Rachel got back together and his brother was really happy for that.

After lunch, he went to pick up Rachel and soon after that they were pulling into his driveway. Once she got there, she started to distribute all the presents she had bought to his family, leaving his present to the end.

"Merry Christmas, Finn!" she said, smiling at him, kindly.

When he ripped the wrapping paper, he saw the scrapbook she had in her room.

"You made this for me?" she nodded "Thanks Rachel."

He turned his gaze to the floor, embarrassed.

"What's wrong, Finn? You don't like the present, is that it?" she asked.

"No, no! I loved it! It's just, I didn't buy you anything and I was planning on giving you another thing. At least, it's a meaningful one."

"Finn, look at me." she sighed and he did as she said "I bought the scrapbook a long time ago, before I even met you, but I hadn't found the right memories to put in there until this year." they smiled at each other and then she demanded "Now, show me my present."

He took her hand in his and led her to his bedroom. It was decorated again with every type of Christmas ornament plus a big Christmas tree.

"I have a tree in here that needs a golden star." he stated, handing her a golden star and flashing her his half-grin "And I promised you a long time ago that when I became stronger and taller I would help you to put that star wherever you wanted."

"You remember that?" she asked, her eyes wide open.

He nodded, and then grabbed her waist, lifting her up while she put the star on the top of the tree.

"Thanks so much, Finn! It's the best Christmas present anyone has ever given to me!"

He smiled at her and she pecked his lips.

"Wait, there's more." he added "Close your eyes, please." she did as he obliged and felt something against her collarbone. She immediately took her hand to it and felt the letters of his name at the tips of her fingers. It was her Finn necklace "I missed that on you, so I hope you don't mind that I broke into your locker and kind of stole it. Merry Christmas, Rach!"

She couldn't contain so much joy, she was almost bursting. So, she threw her arms around his neck and tackled him. They both fell on his bed, laughing. Rachel lifted her head up so she could kiss Finn, but he stopped her, reaching for something and holding it above their heads.

"Two years ago, someone slushied you and Quinn got in the way. Last year, there was no Quinn, but there was also no mistletoe. Now, we gathered all the conditions to a romantic Christmas kiss under the mistletoe." he grinned at her; she was speechless and he continued "You know, you can kiss me if you want to!"

She giggled, the giggle he missed so much.

"I want to."

They leaned towards each other and their lips crashed.

Yes, definitely, Christmas was awesome.


Did you love it or hate it?

Let me know!
