Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing.

Warning: Lemon/Lime Alert!

Between Sunrise and Sunset
Part Eight
By Loyce

It was a perfect desert night. A small slice of the moon lit their way. Stars, both bright and dim, dotted the black canvas of the sky, helping to aid the moon with their light. In the distance, a lone coyote called to his mate with a mournful cry. The cool night breeze danced across her exposed skin, causing it to pucker against the chill.

Hilde glanced over her shoulder and took a quick look at Duo. The brim of his hat shadowed his face, but she saw him roll his wounded shoulder and clutch it tightly. Biting her bottom lip, she put her hand up, giving the signal to stop. Duo pulled up beside her and yanked back on Bandit's reigns. His hand drifted up to his hat and using hit thumb, he pushed it up allowing her to see his face.

"Are you okay?" His voice came out as a rough whisper.

The night provided enough light for her to see the pained expression etched across his features. They had been riding hard since leaving Las Cruces, taking advantage of the cool night to reach El Paso. But in doing so, they hadn't taken near as many breaks as they normally would.

Hilde's eyes drifted from Duo's face to his shoulder and back again. She had a feeling male pride wouldn't allow him to ask for the break he desperately needed. "I need a rest." She replied as she swung her right leg over the saddle. "And all of this jostling around probably isn't making the trip anymore comfortable for you."

He stiffened as he dismounted. "I'm fine, there's no need to worry about me." Duo muttered, removing his hat and tossing it onto the saddle horn.

Rolling her eyes, Hilde placed her hands on her hips. "If you're doing *so* well, Maxwell, then why is your face engraved with that permanent frown? Why are you still grabbing your shoulder? Why do you curse every time you lose rhythm with Bandit? Why do you..."

"Back to calling me Maxwell?" He snapped. "Enough, already. I get the point. Damn, you're just like a vulture, picking and picking until you get to the meat of it."

She outwardly glared at him, while on the inside; she smiled and mentally chalked up another point in her tally. Her eyes followed him as he moved over to one of the nearby rock formations and slumped down. Hilde took hold of bridles of both horses and led them over to the same place where Duo now sat. Pulling a canteen of water from her pack, she passed it to Duo as she leaned up against the rock beside him. He reached for it with his right arm and hissed when the canteen slipped from his limp hold.

Bending over, Hilde righted the container before of their water slipped onto the dry ground. As she tightened the cap, she stood up and turned towards Duo.

"Shed the duster and your shirt."

The statement had come out more as a command than a simple request. Duo looked back at her with an incredulous expression on his face. "What did you just say?"

"I told you to take off your duster and shirt, Maxwell."

He gave her a pained smile and winked. "If you wanted me out of my clothes so bad, all you had to do was ask."

Hilde felt her color rise in her cheeks and was happy dim light of the night was able to hide most of it from his eyes. "In your dreams." She scoffed, knowing he would see right past her, especially after the heated kiss they had shared in the livery. Clearing her throat, she tried to push the memories to the back of her mind. "I wanna check you wound. The way you've been acting means you've probably reopened it."

"I told you, Hilde. I. Am. Fine."

She cocked an eyebrow and looked at him. "Oh really?" Knowing that he was just as stubborn as she, Hilde decided to take the direct approach. Placing the canteen down on the rock beside him, she moved over to his right side, lifted her hand and pushed her index finger into the muscle of his arm.

It took less than a minute for her to claim victory in their battle of wills. Duo smacked her hand away with his left hand.

"Damnit that hurt! What are you trying to do to me?" He gently rubbed the place where her finger had dug into his arm. "Do you always resort to violence to get your point across?"

"Only when it comes to mule-headed people like you." She chuckled at the hurt look he sent her. "Now, are you going to listen or not?"

Duo grumbled and she took it as a sign of his reluctant acceptance. Moving over to Bandit, Hilde began rummaging through his saddlebags.

"What are you looking for?"

"Supplies. I have a strong suspicion that Dr. Po didn't send you off without some sort of bandages and medicine." She huffed and threw her hands up in the air. Turning back around, she found him struggling to take off his duster. "Give me a minute and I'll help you. Which side?"

"Left." He answered, turning his face from her as he slid the jacket off his injured shoulder.

Muttering a few German words under her breath, she turned back to the saddlebags. She ended up emptying most of the contents of the bag before she came across a jar of ointment and a roll of clean bandages. Minding the small rock illuminated by the moon, she made her way back over to Duo.

The duster had been tossed to the side and he was now trying to undo the buttons along the front of his shirt, with very little success. Sighing, Hilde set down the medical supplies and gently brushed aside his hands. She snuck down to her knees in front of him.

"You better let me do that otherwise we'll be here all night."

She barely recognized the voice that resounded in her ears as her own. Half hoping he would stop her; she took hold of the front of his shirt, keeping her eyes down cast. Her normally nimble fingers seemed to falter as she began to undo the tiny buttons. A deep breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding released itself when the last button slid free from the material. Swallowing what little moisture remained in her mouth, Hilde rose off her haunches and carefully pushed back the edges of the fabric and helped him shrug off his shirt.

All the dreams that he had haunted hadn't prepared her for what she saw. He was...beautiful. Broad shoulders, muscled arms, tanned skin; everything about him was appealing to the eye and causing her heart to skip a beat every now and then. The corners of her mouth fell when her eyes focused on the mass of white bandages wrapped about his shoulder and chest.

Her finger ran along the edge of the white material, and she felt the flutter of his muscles as the flexed under her touch. She pulled her hand back as if she had been burned. "I did this."

"No, you didn't."

His response startled her because she was sure that she had thought the words, not spoken them out loud for him to hear. Shaking her head, she took a deep breath. "Yes, I did, Duo. It's just like I pulled the trigger myself."

Under the weight of his stare, Hilde found herself tipping her face towards his. "I can stand here and tell you 'I'm sorry' til I'm blue in the face, but it will never be enough. I never meant for any of this to happen, you know that, right?"


She broke eye contact with him and began unwinding the white gauze from his body. The task was completed in silence; the last thing to do was to pull the white padding away from the actual wound. Hilde reached for it a couple of times, only to pull back time and time again, each time failing to remove the padding.

Finally, Duo sighed in frustration. "Here. I'll do it." And without waiting, he yanked the padding away from his skin.

"OW! God...gosh darnit!"

She couldn't help but laugh. "Gosh darnit?"

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Duo nearly growled out the words.

"Nope, not a one." She answered him, holding her hands up with her palms facing him. A small gasp escaped her mouth, and all the humor dissipated into the night air as her eyes settled on his shoulder, and she was able to see the damage she had caused.

The deep red scab formed an almost perfect circle, the outer edges of the wound stained with fresh blood. From the looks of it, the cauterizing had done its job, stopping the flow of blood, but in all the exertions, Duo had managed to pull part of it open. Again, guilt formed a huge pit in her stomach.

"Don't worry about it. It's only a flesh wound."

His cheerful demeanor did nothing to lighten the mood. Pulling her knife out of her boot, Hilde cut a small piece of fabric from her shirt. With steady hands, she poured a small amount of water onto the rag and gently wiped clean the area surrounding his injury. She then reached for the jar and unscrewed the lid, nearly dropping the entire thing when its foul smell assaulted her nose.

"Ugh. What is this stuff?"

Duo leaned forward and took a quick whiff; wrinkling his nose. "I have no idea, but I sure as hell know who packed it."

"Do you think it's safe?"

"Only one way to find out."

Pursing her lips and turning her nose away, Hilde snuck her fingers into the gel and pulled out a huge glob on her fingertips. They both took a deep breath before she touched his skin with the ointment.

"Ah!" Duo yelped as he shied away from her touch.

Instinctively, Hilde backed up and addressed with him a voice full of concern. "Did...did I hurt you?"

"No, you didn't." He sighed and motioned to the gel on her fingers. "But that stuff is cold." Shuddering, he gave more emphasis to his words.

Hilde looked at the glob of ointment and then back at his chest. The stuff may feel cool to the touch, but it was doing nothing to extinguish the heat rising up through her body. She moved up beside him and tucking her leg up underneath of her, she sat down on the rock beside him. Once again, she reached out and began rubbing the ointment carefully across his wound.

His skin felt so warm, she could feel his heat radiating into the air around them, casting away the chill of the night. Without thinking, she grabbed hold of his arm with her free hand, using it to steady herself. The muscles in his arm were solid and the flexed ever so slightly under her touch. Hilde had to stop herself from rubbing her thumb along the tight cords of muscle in his upper arm.

She glanced up from his wound to stare at the profile of his face. Duo's eyes were closed and his mouth was parted, each breath dancing across his lips. How she wanted to lean forward and capture his lips with her own... The wayward thought stilled her hand for a brief second. She had fallen in love with him, plain and simple.

There were no lingering doubts this time, she couldn't pinpoint exactly when it had happened, but it had happened. After Oz, she never thought she'd feel comfortable in the presence of another man, but just the sight of Duo made her wish for the simple things in life: family, children, and love. Somehow or another, the man sitting beside her had broken through her defenses and made her care; and it scared her.

With the semi-damp rag, Hilde wiped the remaining gel from her fingers and tossed it aside. The white padding was folded into a square and pressed against the injury, held partially in place by the ointment. Taking the roll of gauze in hand, she started to wrap the bandaging into place. Her fingers skimmed across Duo's skin and she heard the sudden intake of his breath. Fearing she was hindering more than she was helping, she rushed to complete the job. As she tucked the edge of the bandage into the wrap, securing it, Duo closed his hand over hers.


Again, the sound of her name sounded seductive coming from him. Blinking, she looked up into his eyes and saw them as she had never seen them before, dark and clouded over with desire. It was crazy, the whole idea of falling in love so quickly, but she trusted the emotion and knew it was real.

His hand slid up the length of her arm, across the sensitive skin of her neck and cupped her cheek in its callused palm. Leaning forehead, he pressed his lips against her forehead. His voice was muffled as he spoke, "You're so beautiful."

Hilde let her eyes drift closed. Maybe it was the magic of the moonbeams or the stardust, but fear didn't well up inside her as he touched her. Instead she found herself relaxing into his warmth, wanting to take it into herself.

Slowly, her trembling hands moved up to frame his face. She traced the contours of it with her fingers, etching each line into her memory. Her fingers stilled as she traced the outline of his lips. The space between them disappeared and soon his warm breath washed over her face. Keeping her eyes locked with his, she leaned forward and took hold of his lips with her own.

Never in all her life could she ever tire of the way he tasted. It reminded her of the cool water that flowed down the mountainside and into the river bends during the spring; you could never drink enough of it to quench your thirst because it was so fresh, so pure. He let her set the pace, and she was thankful for his restraint. Tilting her head, Hilde let her eyes close and the power of his touch crash over her. Just like the kiss in the livery, this one was filled with the same fire and passion.

His hands slipped inside her leather duster and settled on the subtle flare of her hips. Through the thin barrier of her clothing, small fires were ignited only to be fanned into ragging flames as his hands roamed over her body. She arched against his touch, unwilling for him to stop the sweet intoxication that consumed her. Her pulse skipped when his hands made their way up to the swells of her small breast and toyed with the skin along the collar of her shirt.

Minutes passed like an eternity before she felt him begin to pull away. She let the kiss end with a groan of protest, but still enjoying the feel of his hands on her body. Leaning forward, her limp body came to rest against his, allowing his arms to encircle her entire body. Hilde buried her face into the crook of his neck and breathed in his heady scent.

"I want you and I won't be able to stop myself if we go any further. I'm not going to push you into this, the decision is yours alone, Hilde."

Though his voice was calm, Hilde could feel the thundering beating of his heart. She lifted her head and looked into the beautiful sky above. Stars twinkled overhead, the clean desert breeze drifted passed them, ruffling their hair; it was if Mother Nature herself had prepared the evening just for them. Pulling back, she looked into Duo's face and smiled.

Words escaped her, but actions did not. Reaching around her body, Hilde grasped on to his hands and broke the hold he had on her. She slid away from him and walked over to where Renegade was standing. With deft movements, she removed her duster tossing it across the worn saddle. The hat she pulled over her head, allowing her hair to fall to her shoulders. She went to reach for the bedroll, only to have Duo's hands envelope hers. His heat called to her and she couldn't resist leaning back against him as he tugged her bedroll free. A chaste kiss was placed against her neck as he moved away from her, spreading the material out on an area of flat ground.

Anticipation and anxiety ran through her as she watched him make his way back over to her. He held his hand out to her, in the simple gesture Hilde felt like he was offering her the world and she took it by taking hold. Together, with fingers entwined, they made their way back over to the blanket. The stars bathed them in their sweet light, the moon smiled as it looked down on the scene-taking place below.

His hands worked at the buttons of her shirt, fumbling with the material as Hilde kept her eyes locked onto his broad chest. A sigh pushed past her parted lips as he slid the material off her shoulders and down her arms. Callused hands, slipped and slid over her skin; long, strong fingers stoked and massaged. She was only dimly aware of his hands traveling lower on her body and taking hold of her hips, until he pulled her against him.

The contact of his skin on hers sent a thousand small lightning bolts crashing around her body. Hard, warm. Strength like a coiled rattler, ready to spring free at any moment was held in check as she ran her small hands over his exposed skin. While she had been exploring his body, he had removed the leather belt to her pants and tossed it aside. It felt like she was being lifted up into the sky as he gently guided her to the ground with him.

Sitting on her knees, Duo moved around to her back and traced each one of the long scars that marred her back with a branding kiss. The muscles in her stomach fluttered as his hands barely brushed the surface of her skin, sensitizing every inch of her skin. Shifting his position, Duo trailed a string of kiss from the back of her neck to her small collarbone and down to her small breasts. A deep sigh echoed in the close space between them as he lowered his mouth and lavished each swell with the attention of his mouth. The toned arms that she counted on for support, gave out and she fell back onto the blanket. She watched with wide eyes as he made his way down to her stomach, his tongue tracing the way. Finally he sat up, moved down by her feet and slowly pulled off her boots and ran his hands over the instep of each foot, eliciting a moan with the pressure. When he reached for the button on her jeans, Hilde had to struggle to keep herself from allowing the panic from washing over her. Feeling her stiffen under his touch, Duo stopped and moved to lie beside her.

He brushed the back of his hand across her cheek. "I would never do anything to hurt you. Do you want me to stop?"

The words, whispered with such concern, brought tears to her eyes. Hilde shook her head. "No. Help me forget; give me a happy memory, Duo."

She knew her plea hadn't fallen on deaf ears when his lips came crashing down on hers. Drowning in a sea of wonderful sensations, Hilde gave up and let the flood take her where it may. Inhibitions were shed along with the remainder of their clothing. He overwhelmed her senses, causing her thoughts to scatter to the four winds with every kiss and caress.

With their breath growing more ragged, he lifted his head, his dark eyes intent on her face. His hand slid between her thighs and pressed there against her heat. He played his fingers over her, causing pleasure and excitement to show on her face. The stars overhead seemed to swirl as Duo continued to pull every breath from her body with the movements of his hand. Just as she was ready to take flight, he brought her crashing back down to the desert floor.

Her skin quivered as he snaked his hands up along her sides, to her arms and then entwining with hers. Not once did her eyes leave his face, as he settled between her thighs. The twinge of fear that bubbled up inside of her was quickly put to rest when he squeezed her hands.

"I'll never hurt you."

Heat exploded in her as he buried himself into her. A few salty tears escaped from the corner of her eyes, which Duo kissed away before capturing her lips with his own. A startled cry muffled as he slowly pulled back. Instinctively, Hilde arched her hips to accept him as he moved back into her. Together, they formed a slow, steady rhythm, moving as if they were one soul, instead of two.

They rode the waves as they crashed down on them, each one taking them higher than the last. Hilde felt the pressure building up inside of her, and just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore; the dam broke, flooding her with a variety of new and wonderful sensations. Only then did Duo press his face into the soft pillow of her hair and allow himself to follow.

She was quiet for a long time after they had finally calmed their breathing. Duo had moved besides her, pulling her naked body to him, trying to ward her heated skin against the chill in the night air. Her chest rose and fell with every steady breath she took, and Duo thought she was asleep. His hand moved from the curve of her hip to brush a strand of her midnight colored hair from her face.

"You know, you're gonna have to check my boots for critters."

The soft serious tone of her voice startled him. With her back to him, he felt it safe to smile at her comment. "Deal, I'll check your boots if you re-check my bandages."

A groan of protest rumbled in the back of his throat as she quickly pulled away from him. Her brow was pulled together in a tiny frown while her hands danced across his skin examining the bandages and the wound. She was scolding him as she moved him into a sitting position, but he didn't pay attention to what she was saying, his mind wrapped up in the idea of having Hilde straddling his hips, with the starry sky as a back drop.

"What are you thinking about, Maxwell?"

Her question caused a light pink tint to stain his cheeks. He raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Would you really like to know?"

Duo watched the blush that moved up her neck and into her cheeks. Clearing her throat, she went about her business; her deft hands repaired the damage they had caused to his bandages. A hot sensation radiated from the wound and he bit the inside of his cheek to stop from alerting her much it hurt. But he wouldn't give up what they had just shared to take away the pain.

Moving around him, Hilde tucked the edge of the binding into the wrap securing it in place. The pale moonlight reflected off her skin as she reached for her discarded clothing. His blood ran hot watching her moving with all the grace of a cat. Part of him wanted to reach out and grab hold of her, to make love with her until the sun crested the horizon. The other part knew that they had to continue on their journey, leaving everything that just happened hanging between them until the issue with Oz had been resolved. With a few quick tugs, her pants and shirt had been pulled back on, dumping a bucket of ice water on him in the process. While he watched her walk over to collect his shirt from the rock, he realized just how hard he had fallen in love with her.

Hilde walked back to him, each step full of giddy emotions, and a secretive smile on her face. He had heard tell that a woman would appear to glow after making love. Having never witnessed the 'phenomena' before, Duo thought it was just a bunch of bull, but with Hilde glowing bright enough to alert Indians in the surrounding area of their presence, he'd been proven wrong.

"You may want to get dressed. I don't think riding in the saddle bare-assed would feel too comfortable." She giggled as she tossed his shirt at him, catching in square in the face.

Duo sputtered as he pulled the material way from his head. "I think you're more worried about me becoming a distraction then my comfort." He shifted on the blanket and took hold of his pants, the soft material cushioning his bare skin from the rough desert floor as he slid them over his hips. Turning away from her, he contorted his face in the dull pain that shot through his shoulder at the movement.

Her warm hand touched his bare back, slowly moving down the length of his spine. "Here, let me help you with your shirt." She sank down to her knees behind him, holding the shirt so he was able to slide his arms through the sleeves.

A scent that was all her own assaulted his nose, as Hilde leaned close to him, gently tugging at the material. Her small breasts were pushed into his back, and he could feel himself physically respond to the innocent touch. When the shirt finally hung on his shoulders, Duo moved to fasten the buttons, only to stop when Hilde's fingers took hold of his braid.

"Do you want me to re-braid your hair for you?"

In her voice, he could her hesitation and wondered what it would be like to have someone else do the simple task for him. For as long as he started growing his hair out, no one had ever touched it but him, not even Sylvia. Duo's mouth went dry, making it harder to answer her. He shrugged, trying to play off the nervous feelings that caused butterflies to form in his stomach. "If you don't mind."

With a tiny tug, the leather strap that held the braid together gave way. Hilde's hands began untwining the three strands of hair, working their way up to the base of his neck. The breath he had been taking stuck in his throat as she sunk her hands into the mass of his long locks. Nimble fingers began to gently pull through his thick hair, brushing out the knots that had formed since leaving Socorro. His eyes drifted closed as he lost himself in the simple motions of her hands, his skin becoming covered in goose pimples at the sensations she created in him. She pulled her fingers through his hair one last time, separating the mass into three long sections and began winding them together. As quickly as it began, it was finished; Hilde wrapped the leather band around the end of his hair.

Duo felt her lift the weight of his braid of his back. Before he knew what she planned, she had taken hold of the end of the braid and had stuffed it directly under his nose, prompting a sneezing fit for the tickling strands.

"Hey! Cut that out, will ya?" With a mocking tone, he pulled his braid out of her hands.

Hilde laughed. "I've been wanting to do that since I first met you; that and introduce you to a pair of scissors." She reached out and brushed the long bangs off his face. "But, I think, I'll hold off on the scissors." Winking at him, she pushed off the blanket and moved about the small area.

Her laughter was such a joyous and wonderful sound. Duo knew he could be content listening to her laugh for hours, forever. The thought didn't startle him as much as he thought it would have, it was more of a confirmation of things he had been thinking about for a while. The tones of her voice were calm and soothing, floating across the space between them as she repacked the supplies they had used. After Duo tugged his boots on, he climbed off the blanket, rolled it up and placed on the back of Renegade's saddle.

Turning around from the horse, Duo looked down into her beautiful face. Every protective instinct in his body came alive and he reached out and pulled her into his arms. Her fingers played against the exposed skin of his chest, her warm breath washing over him. Placing his chin on her head, he tucked her closer to his body, relishing in the feel of her. If there was a moment in time that he would want to get lost it, this was it.

A cool desert night, with the stars and moon looking on from overhead, as he held the woman he loved tightly in his arms.

Duo tipped his head to the side and placed a kiss into her silky hair. He felt, more than heard her sigh. Moments seemed to tick away slowly, and with each one that passed, the memory of it was engraved clearer into his mind. If he concentrated hard enough, he could have swore he saw the air stir around them with each breath they took.


Her voice broke through the magic of the night, pulling him back to reality. "Yeah?"

"What happens now?"

How was he supposed to reassure her about the future, their future, when he wasn't sure himself? There were too many things that could happen in El Paso, some of which stoked the fires of rage in him with the tiniest thought. His arms tightened around her waist, giving her a quick squeeze. "I don't know, Hilde." Snaking his hands up her back, they landed on her shoulders, pulling her away so he could look down into her face. "But what ever happens, it ends in El Paso."

He watched her nod, understanding what he meant. This would be there last chance to catch Oz, and he wasn't going to fail this time. Her soft hands moved up to frame the sides of his face and he nuzzled against the smooth texture of her skin. Rising up on the balls of her feet, Hilde brushed her lips against his own. The kiss held some many different emotions that Duo felt like he was drowning in a sea of feelings.

When she pulled away, she ran her hands down his cheeks and slipped her hands into his callused ones. "Let's go end this."

Hand in hand, they moved over to their horses and only releasing the hold when they mounted their restless animals. Exchanging a quick glance at each other, both Duo and Hilde turned towards the south and spurred their mounts into a run.


El Paso.

It rose out of the ground in front of them, starting out small and then growing bigger and bigger with each passing minute, like the stories of the famed wheat fields in Oklahoma. The sun had risen off to their left a few miles back, casting the sky into a beautiful golden color. Long morning shadows followed on the ground beside them, foreshadowing events to come. Usually, stepping foot in his native Texas would lift his spirits not matter what his mood. But this time, Duo's brow creased in a deep frown, his normal jovial personality subdued. Stealing a quick glance to his right, Duo noticed the way Hilde had become stiffer in the saddle the closer they came to town.

Her eyes never faltered from the direction they were heading, not once had they drifted over in his direction. It didn't sit well with him that as they made their way across the barren ground that her personality nearly reverting back to the one of 'Barton', though she didn't return to the guise of being a man. And the idea of her facing off with Oz wasn't high on his list of happy thoughts.

The woman next to him had become one of the most important things in his life, and he would protect her at all costs; even if it meant protecting her from herself. Feeling her eyes dart to him for a quick second, before turning back to the town ahead of them, Duo knew what he had to do, even if it meant breaking promises.

'She's just going to hate me for it.'

When she had questioned him about what would happen next, he had to stop himself from telling her that they would finish it together, because he knew he would've be lying to the both of them. A quarter of a mile from the outskirts of town, Duo lifted his hand in the air and reigned Bandit into a stop.

"Are you ready to do what needs to be done?"

Turning in her saddle, she faced him with the determined look she had acquired after three long years. He didn't need to ask if she was ready, she had been ready for the longest time. "Ready as I'll ever be."

He nodded and spurred his horse into a canter. Following his lead, Hilde touched her heels into Renegade's sides. Her hands itched to get a hold of Oz and turn him over to the authorities, to see him punished for all the horrors he had caused across the territory. The justice she had originally wanted was nothing more than revenge cloaked in anger. She knew that now, thanks to Duo. Justice and the law were better served by those that understood and protected it. Being a bounty hunter didn't give her that luxury, but it was an honest job and she would be there to help him in anyway she could.

She couldn't help the quick glance she stole of his profile from the corner of her eye. Images from the night flashed in a collage in her mind, stirring up more than feelings, but also the heat that he helped her to discover. Regrets were few and far between. Not once did she think about taking back anything they shared on the worn bedroll. Her only regrets were that it didn't happen sooner, and that once they had finished their job, they would go their separate ways. How could anyone regret the one thing that made them happiest? Hilde didn't think it was possible. It was crazy, the whole thing. Falling in love within a short span of time; but that's why she trusted it more than the guns lying against her sides.

With eyes as big as saucers, Hilde tried to soak in everything around her. At home, even the nearest towns weren't nearly as sophisticated El Paso. The town had its own courthouse, where in other areas, saloons served duel purposes of incriminating and creating more drunks. General stores littered the walks, allowing more than one place to select from for supplies. People strolled the streets at a slow pace, enjoying the beginnings of the new day.

It had been only two years, since the US Marshals and Texas Rangers had cleaned up the city. Over run with gunfighters, cattle rustlers, and saloons, the border town had become a sanctuary for thugs on their ways into the wilds of Mexico. For some aspects, El Paso still had its problems with outlaws, but nothing compared to the six-year reign of lawlessness it had experienced.

Not sure if it was just in the space between them, but Hilde felt the air sparking with tension, that everyone else didn't notice. Things didn't feel right to her. Something was about to happen, but she wasn't sure what. Duo's unnatural posture in the saddle was causing Bandit to become skittish. His back was stick straight, and gripped the reins so hard his knuckles were turning white. If he knew something, he sure didn't seem like he was ready to tell her just yet.

Duo seemed to know his way through the town, weaving up and down the dirt roads, dodging people and the occasional stagecoach. In all of her travels, Hilde had never ventured before into Texas. Most of the time, all of the bounties she went after were in the territory. The town had a weird feel to it, making Hilde long for the comfortable surroundings of the mountains and plateaus of New Mexico.

Finally, having made their way through the maze of dirt roads, they pulled up in front of the town jail. Built by the soldiers during the war, it looked sturdier than most of the places that housed some of the territory's worst criminals. The stone walls reached higher than most of the buildings nearby, all of the windows covered with iron bars. From the looks of it, no one was going to be able to break out of this stronghold.

Dismounting from Renegade, Hilde flipped the reins around the hitching post before heading up the steps and into the main room of the jail. Duo had gone in ahead of her, and when she found him he was in the presence of the town's sheriff.

"Maxwell. It's been a while since I've seen your scrawny ass in these parts. What brings you to my neck of the woods and introduce to me to your friend."

Shaking the man's burly hand, Duo gave him a small smile. "Unfortunately, Jon, business brings me to El Paso."

Sheriff White tipped back his hat and grew serious. "This would be about that Blackburn fella I keep hearin about, wouldn't it?" He continued after Duo confirmed his suspicions. "You've got our full cooperation in this. Let me know what you need, Duo." He hitched his thumbs into the loops on his pants and rocked back on his heels. "Now, introduce me to your friend."

"Jon, this is Hilde Barton. Hilde, Sheriff Jon White."

Hilde extended her hand, only have crushed in the larger man's embrace. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sheriff."

"Barton?" Jon scratched his chin. "You wouldn't happen to be kin to that bounty hunter in the Territory, would you?" He didn't wait for Hilde's reply. "Heard that kid's gotta be one of the best in the business."

Her eyes first widened in shock, that her name and exploits had made it this far into other states, but then narrowed as the barb of being labeled a 'kid' ran past the initial pride she had felt. "Kid?!" she muttered under her breath. She knew that she shouldn't be so upset about it; she had played the world a fool, leading them to believe she was a man. Crossing her arms over her chest, she leaned against the back wall and sulked.

Why was Duo asking for help? Did he think that she wouldn't be able to handle the situation? Maybe he wanted to make sure that the local authorities knew who was in charge. Or maybe he wanted them to help protect the innocent people that could get caught in the crossfire. Her mind rang with so many questions, that she wasn't following the flow of the conversation between Duo, Sheriff White, and his deputy.

"I need to make sure the cell we plan on using to hold Oz is secure. I'll send Hilde to scoop it out." Turning to where she stood against the far wall, he looked at her with his face almost set in stone. "Hilde, it would probably be a good idea to leave your guns on the table."

She flashed him a questioning look, not only at his request but at the sound of his voice. It had seemed so distant from the normal tones he used with her. Before she could open her mouth, he supplied a sound reason she had been seeking.

"I'd hate for one of the inmates to get a hold of it and use it against you."

It was a sound reason, but even as she pulled both guns from her holsters and laid them on the deputy's desk, the hackles on the back of her neck rose. Without her guns, she felt vulnerable and decided to check out the security of the cell as quickly as she could, that way she could feel the comforting weight of her guns sooner.

Hilde made her way down the tiny hall to the first cell on the left. Taking hold of the unlocked door, she swung it outward, moving out of the way as she completed the action. It was a good thing that Duo made her take off her guns. The space between the opened door and the cell across the way was barely enough for her to squeeze past. The inmate in the cell tried to paw at her as she passed by, but she smacked his hand away.

Once she was in the confined space, Hilde carefully moved across each floorboard, testing each one with her weight and making sure that none were loose. She ended up near the cot and gave it a once over before moving on to the window, checking the bars for any weaknesses or any signs of chips at the bases.

"The cell's secure, Duo. We shouldn't have any problem holding Oz..."

The eerie sound of the metal hinges whining caused her to spin around in time to see Duo push the door flush against the wall. She watched in stunned horror as he took the key from the sheriff and placed it into the slot, locking her in the jail cell. Her feet slipped on the wooden floor as she ran across the small space and threw herself up against the bars. Grabbing onto the cold iron bars, that kept Duo just out of her arms reach, she shook them with all the energy of her body.

"I can't believe you did this to me! You lied to me!" She stuttered, her voice filled with rage and disbelief. Her eyes narrowed as Duo leaned closer to the barred wall that separated them. "We're partners, Maxwell. You said so yourself. Or have you conveniently forgotten that? How could you?"

"We aren't partners anymore, Hilde. I'm breaking the deal." He looked at her, his eyes burning into her soul. "I'm doing this for your own good."

"My own good. My own good!" A fit of fury let loose inside of Hilde, causing her blue eyes to cloud over with the emotion. Rearing her head back and closing her eyes, she then lurched forward, spitting in his face. With a growl, she opened her eyes and watched him wipe off her saliva from his cheek. "I've been taking care of myself for three years, Maxwell. I don't need any *man* telling me how to live my life!"

"The last time you took matters into your own hands, you nearly ended up in jail for murder, and almost got both of us killed in the process. Cooler heads are needed in this situation, Hilde. And unfortunately, your temper is running too hot and you're not thinking clearly where he's concerned."

Hilde snarled. "And you think your the better *man* to finish the job, don't you? Well, I have news for you, Maxwell. You haven't been chasing after him for as long as I have. You don't know the way he operates, the way he thinks, but I do. That's why you hired me in the first place! To help you. Note the word 'help'."

Duo just shook his head and turned away from her.

"Don't you care how much this means to me?" Her voice sounded pathetic in her own ears, but she'd try anything to get him to see things her way.

He stopped at the doorway, glancing back over his shoulder. "It's because I care so much that you're in there, Hilde." Adjusting the brim of his hat, pulling it lower over his eyes, Duo moved out of the jail, following the sheriff. The sound of the door closing with a soft click was the only noise heard in the building.

Shock rocked her body. Had he just admitted his feelings for her? Or was she reading too deeply into his words, hoping he felt the same way about her that she did for him? Hilde watched as the deputy in the corner, realizing he had been caught gawking, turned his gaze way from her and back to his game of solitaire. The smooth metal of the bars dug deep into her hands, her knuckles turning white from how hard she clutched the confining wall. A small part of her hoped that he would come waltzing back into the jail, pleading her for forgiveness; but she knew that he couldn't come back for her help.

Releasing the bars, Hilde pulled her hat off her head and tossed it onto the stall cot lying against the wall. The sound of her spurs echoed each step she took as she paced the cell, looking for some way to escape. In the end, there was no way out; not without help. Dejected, she strode over to the cot, the small bed squeaking as she flopped down onto the thin mattress.

On the wall, next to the bed, someone had craved notches into the wall; marking the number of days of confinement in the cell she now occupied. Even the ceiling overhead was marred with various counts. Hilde wasn't about to start adding her own notches to either the wall or the ceiling. One way or another, she was going to bust out of jail. The only question was how.
