A/N I am very sorry for how long it has been since my last update, but my computer messed up and I have only recently been able to get back to writing on one. I plan on redoing the previous chapters and will have them updated very soon. I am very grateful to all of the people reading this and just know that it is because of you that I will see this story to wherever it leads me. As a final note this will be the last chapter of the Wave Arc.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto… yet.

A True Demon: Chapter 7

* At the last and largest of the slave camps*

"Naruto you know what to do," Zabuza commands and just as soon as he says this Naruto disappears from his side. After watching Naruto disappear Zabuza heads back to oversee the construction of his hidden village. Naruto reappears in the middle of the camp with three guards already cut down. Naruto flashes to the next group of guards but before he can strike them down the camp begins to spin and just as he regains himself he is slashed by a clawed gauntlet. As his assailant goes in for a second attack Naruto jumps back and launches his Boidoburedo to keep him back long enough to analyze the situation. Naruto notices that his assailant wears clawed gauntlets, favors his right side, focuses more on taijutsu and genjutsu rather than ninjutsu, overreaches when he swings, is left handed, after every three swings he does a backswing, and every time he does a backswing he leaves himself open in several key spots.

"Why are you doing this, for such a skilled assassin this seems to be quite a demeaning position. Isn't that right Konton Inazuma? You should join me and my master," Naruto says with a plan already forming in his mind as he dodges.

"Not quite young blade, after all I get to fight powerful people like you. I don't much care for this place, but it pays very well. If you can defeat me then I will serve you," Konton responds preparing a very powerful genjutsu. Naruto begins to fight back waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and similar to when the battle started Naruto's vision grew dizzy, but this time he felt the effects of a genjutsu fighting his eyes natural defenses. He sees Konton come in for the finishing blow, but he manages to dodge the brunt of the attack getting only a glancing blow, and just as he planned Konton went to finish him off with his backswing. That would prove to be the one mistake that Naruto needed to end the battle immediately. Just as Konton was reaching the full extent of his swing Naruto struck a pressure point in the middle of Konton's arm paralyzing it and then Naruto took the second he bought and struck Konton in the right leg, both sides of his chest, and struck the middle of Konton's neck bringing him to his knees faster than Konton could even see.

"You serve me now." Naruto says to the fallen warrior.

"Here let me crawl to obey your orders, sir," Konton replies with a sarcastic tone. Naruto bends down and hits him in his neck unlocking Konton's body.

"First things first we will split up you will take the left and I will take the right. Eliminate anyone who gets in your way. Gather the prisoners together and offer them a place in Lord Zabuza-sama's village. Allow them all to answer then kill the ones who do not wish to accept his most generous offer. Then seal the bodies into this storage scroll and meet me at the gate, is that understood?"

"Hahaha, sure thing young blade," Konton said with newfound respect for this strange and young man standing before him, and just as soon as this was said they were both gone. As the two fought their way through to the prisoners they were treating this calculated slaughter as a game: kills worth one point, surrenders 5 points, creative deaths 3-6 points, and making them relieve themselves 10 points. After about 15 minutes it was clear that Naruto's natural charisma and strength would win the game as there were none who would dare stand before him when offered the chance to join him. By the time that the game was over Naruto had 350 points with 60 surrenders and 5 who passed out after relieving themselves. Konton had 336 with 290 kills, 2 surrenders, and 6 very creative kills. After releasing the prisoners and asking them how many wanted to join Zabuza's hidden village there were only 13 out of the more than 700 prisoners that chose not to join and they were quickly disposed of by a clone of Naruto as they left the camp.

After disposing of those who were not ready to join them Naruto addressed the rest of the prisoners in what he believed would be a very inspirational speech, "Hello everyone, I am Naruto Akuma and I will be taking you to your new residences. I hope that all of you will be useful to my lord because those that do not benefit him occasionaly suffer an accident and I would hate for that to occur with any of you. Before we leave I feel that it would be prudent to let all of you good people know that even if my lord allows you to cause trouble or even inconvenience him in any way then know that I personally have no qualms with crushing your feeble bodies for it. Finally when we get there do not be afraid of the undead soldiers and workers that are there because chances are there will be quite a few of you volunteering to join them. As a final note I am looking for two people willing to become leaders of this group." After saying this 13 men come up to him and allow him to study them. After picking the four that he feels will be the best matches he allows the other six to return to the crowd. "Now then, what are your names starting with you," Naruto says as he points to a 6'4" tall man who has a scarred face, but is easily the strongest out of the two.

"My… name… is… Tetsu… Ryu," Tetsu manages to say through his torn lips. He kneels before Naruto to show his loyalty to him. Naruto walks to him and taps him with the pommel of his sword on his forehead and as his sword comes away a symbol shaped like a dragons head.

"This my dear Tetsu allows you to talk with me no matter where you are, shows you are the leader of the military forces we have under us right now, and will grant you access to some of my strength," Naruto states, but thinks about the last function of the seal which will automatically detonate if he ever attempts to betray Naruto. He points to a man of average height and build, but holds himself with an air of wisdom, and simply says, "Your name next."

"My name is Shujin Senryaku, and I shall swear my loyalty to you and your cause for as long as I am required my lord," Shujin says showing his wisdom by stating his loyalty to him and still leaving a loophole to allow him freedom should he desire it.

"That will be fine wise Shujin. Come forth and accept my gift to you," Naruto says and as Shujin comes forth Naruto places his hand on Shujin's forehead and places a seal that takes the form of the three wise monkeys. He explains the seal, "This seal will allow you to talk with me anywhere on this continent, shows that you are the head strategist, and will grant you limited access to my wisdom and knowledge."

"Thank you my lord, this is very gracious of you," is Shujin's reply.

"Think nothing of it my friend. I hope to see great things from you," Naruto says before taking his leave to prepare everyone to leave. As Naruto and Konton leave Naruto whispers to Konton, "I would like for you to watch them very closely, if you see anything report to me and I will take care of it. Do not be jealous of those two for their gifts though for it is a double edged sword."

"What do you mean?" Konton questions of his friend.

"They may be able to access some of my abilities, but I have access to all of theirs," he answers in reply.

"Haha so they gain very little when compared with what you gain."

"Exactly." After finishing their conversation they gather the ex-prisoners together and head off to their new homes leaving a flaming wasteland behind them.