Tell me off! I really shouldn't have uploaded this! I've got way too many stories I should work on & start. This was a totally random idea that came to me while I was away. By the way it's set 4 years after the s3 final. It's based on my holiday, sort of, but thankfully the children we went with on my holiday were okay!

Let me know what you thought of the idea & chapter and if you like it I'll put up a bit more!

Enjoy & have a good day :)

Summary: Four years after series 3, the girls are married and starting famillies. Together they go on what seems like a perfect holiday, until one day under Rikki & Zane's watch, Cleo & Lewis' daughter disappears. She's nowhere to be seen and the worst, but seemingly most likely chance is that she drowned. Will they find her in time? Will Cleo ever forgive Rikki after this, regardless of the outcome?

Chapter One

Rikki's POV

"Happy anniversary Wifey" Zane said as I woke up.

I opened my eyes and saw Zane was sitting up in bed, holding a tray with a very decorative breakfast.

"Good morning. What's this?" I asked, kissing him, but with furrowed eyebrows from my question.

"Never seen breakfast before have you?" Zane said, smiling cheekily.

"Not one from you! Did you make it?" I asked as I moved the pillows to an upward position as Zane handed me the tray.

"Babe, we've been married for a year and together for however many years before that. You should know as well as the back of your hand the fact that I don't cook!" Zane said making me smile.

The one time Zane had attempted cooking, that's if you call sandwich making cooking, he failed miserably. He cut himself several times in the process and almost chopped his finger off!

"This is coming from a guy that owns a cafe! I'd hate to see your Home Ec grades in high school..." I said jokingly.

"You'd hate to see any grades of mine in high school!" He said and I nodded, knowing that mine were no better!

I was eating the ham & cheese croissant and drinking the coffee that Zane 'provided' when he scooted closer to me.

He played with a few of my curls and asked "What time do you want to leave today?"

I thought about it for a few seconds and said "I don't really know. How many hours were you planning on driving for today?"

"If we drive for say 9 hours today and 5 hours tomorrow, then we should get to the house at around 1:30 tomorrow."

"Okay, so leave in an hour?"

"Yeah. Is everything packed?"

I nodded. "Yup, I got most of it done last night."

"Sweet. Are we travelling with the others or separate?"

"I think we're starting off together, but depending on how the kids are, we might split up."

"No problem."

"I can't wait to see them! I saw the girls yesterday, and Matt is getting so big and Cleo said that Zoe has been getting really confident in the water and she stands on her own in their spa now" I said, excited over the achievements of my best friends children. The closest kids I had to nieces, nephews or even my own children.

I put my tray on my bedside table, next to the photo of Zane & I on our wedding day, and Zane snuggled closer.

"Do you want kids?" he said as he played with my hand.

"Well yeah, I suppose, someday. What about you?"

"Yeah, I love kids and Matt & Zo are adorable, but I'm just not sure whether I'm cut out to be a father..."

"I'm sure you are Zane. Matt & Zoe both adore you. Particularly Zoe! The first name she said other than 'Mum' & 'Dad' was 'Zane'... however she said it!"

I watched my husband smile at the memory. He was as proud as punch when she said his name before Bella's, Will's or my own.

"Do you want kids?" he asked me, still beaming.

"Yeah, I think it'd be nice having a family with you."

"So when?"

"I don't know" I said, kissing my husband's cheek and getting out of bed, ending our conversation, because I really didn't know what to say next.

Bella's POV

"Will! Have you put Matt's car seat into your car yet?" I asked my husband of just over a year as I walked into the kitchen of our house where he was.

"Yeah I did it this morning" he said as he gazed down on our son.

Will was holding our 2 month old boy, Matt, in front of him. Matt was lying on top of his arms, with Will's palms holding his head, and Matt's feet were pushing against Will's chest.

I walked past my boys, leaning down and kissing my son's forehead and reaching up and kissing my husband's lips.

I stood next to Will and looked down at Matt as he was doing too.

Even at this age he looked so much like Will. I'd seen photos of when Will was a baby too and they were seriously identical.

"He looks so much like you" I said smiling, and Will smiled too.

Everyone says that to him, but it still must be nice & special hearing that your son, your own little human, looks like you.

"I hope he has your personality" Will said, this time making me smile.

I kissed my husband once again, before continuing to collect the last minute stuff for the holiday.

I was about to walk out of the kitchen, before I stopped, remembering a question I needed to ask my husband.

"What time did Matt wake up this morning?"

Will normally gets up for Matt in the morning if he wakes around 5, 6 or later, because he's used to early mornings from when he would train. That way it gave me a bit more sleep after waking up for feeding Matt in the nights and it also gave Will a bit of time with Matt on his own too.

"About quarter past seven"

"Okay" I said, trying to mentally calculate what time he was due for his next feed and then sleep and how long he'd go for in the car.

"Oh by the way, Sophie called this morning"


"She was just checking up on how things were going and she said that she hopes we have a good time away."

"That's nice of her."

Although Sophie and I still aren't best friends or anything, we do get on better than in the past. After graduation she realized that I came as part of the package with Will and then when we got engaged, things were set in stone that I was in for the long haul and that we could either hate each other or just put up with each other for Will's sake. Then when Matt was born a couple of months ago, she was besotted with her newborn and only nephew, despite who his Mother is.

I walked out of the kitchen, through the hall, into mine & Will's room that we were sharing with Matt for the time being. I grabbed a few pillows for, my bag with Matt's stuff and a few other bits and pieces, taking them out to the car.

I was a bit nervous about how Matt would go because it was his first trip away from home and Sydney is quite a drive down from the Gold Coast.

We've only just gotten on top of things since he was born and he was starting to get into a bit of a routine.

I'm sure we'd be fine, but you know how you just worry about these things, and being a mother, you just want your baby to be happy and settled.

If Matt wasn't happy, then it would be one long drive.

Cleo's POV

"And where are we going Zo?" Lewis asked our 2 year old daughter Zoe for about the hundredth time this morning while he was putting her shoes on.

"Shidney!" Zoe exclaimed, pronouncing 'Sydney' in her own little way.

"That's right Princess! Cleo! Did you hear that?" Lewis, my husband of almost 3 years asked me.

"Yeah I did!" I said, trying not to let my annoyance seep into my voice.

Since discovering Zoe's mispronunciation of 'Sydney', Lewis had been repeatedly asking her the same question, repeatedly cooing over her every time she said it wrong.

On top of that, every time he checked whether I'd heard it or not too! Normally I didn't mind, but today I was really stressed trying to sort out and organise everything for when we would leave anytime now.

I put some fruit for on the trip into my bag and walked over to my husband and daughter.

Lewis was a great father, and was absolutely, 100% besotted with Zoe.

"Come here sweetie and I'll do your hair" I said lifting Zoe up and taking her to her room.

I sat her on the change table, and gently brushed her blonde curls, then forming them into two piggy tails and tying them up.

"There we are!" I said picking her up again.

On the way back out to Lewis and the living area, Zoe moved her arms around, making it harder for me to carry her, while she played with her new little piggy tails.

Zoe's always been into hair ever since she was a baby, liking to play with, touch or hold the hair of whoever was holding her. Nowadays, she likes to have a say in what I do with her hair and she chooses which clips, hair bands or hair ties I use for her. She didn't today, but normally she likes to see a 'Mra' as she calls it, or mirror and see her hair once I do it. She was very much a little girly-girl like me and Dad says that Zoe reminds him so much of me at that age.

Although Zoe has no siblings at the moment, they are part of the plan for the future. But for now, the 3 of us; Lewis, me and our daughter made up our little family.

I kissed my daughters blonde head, before passing her to her father.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Lewis asked me.

"It's easier for me to do it, rather than have to explain it all to you, but thanks babe. Just keep Zo occupied and make sure she doesn't get to stuff that I've packed" I said, getting a nod from my husband in response.

I was folding Zoe's blanket as I watched my husband and daughter walk out of the room, holding hands. I smiled at the precious sight, watching the love and connection between the boy & girl I love.

I couldn't wait to get away and catch up with my best friends and their families. The holiday should be nice, relaxing and exactly what we all needed.

So there's the first chapter! What did you think? Should I continue? Let me know and I'll follow with what you guys think!

Have an awesome day :)