Author's Notes: It's only now I realised that the SSBB One-shots never had any chapters for Christmas. So, I created this;

Introducing: Merry Christ-Smash! A lil' fic for some snowy fun! It won't ever grow as big as it's sister fic, SSBB One-shots, but it's got Christmas in it! That has to count for something, right? XD

Enjoy the first chapter, where Lucario tries to convince Samus to come and play in the snow :)

Today, the morning was as beautiful as it could be. The sun's light, withered slightly from the dusty coating of grey clouds in the sky, sparkled neatly off frozen grass and powdery snow. Birds twittered to one another in barren trees, black wood decorated with the frozen liquid, and icicles hung everywhere in sight. The whole lake had been frozen over, and if one were to peer into the icy depths, they'd see a sliver of green captured in the ice.

But it wasn't so much the Winter Wonderland that had attracted everyone's attention. It was mainly the fact that Christmas, a holiday in the Real World, was fast approaching, and Master Hand had given the Smasher's a week off to enjoy the snow and the festive holiday.

Everyone had worked hard to decorated the titanic structure, and tinsel and wrappings hung across the ceilings, banisters and walls. Holly decorated the tables in spiky green piles, and a single plant of mistletoe watched from the kitchen doorway. Already, a group of snowmen were gathered outside the building, and a massive Christmas tree towered over all in the dining room, baubles and lights sparkling off the green pine leaves, with a dusting of snow on the botanical organism for an authentic look. Stockings and smiling reindeer plushie hung off the doors and walls, and Peach had even placed a smiling Megatron plushie wearing a Christmas hat on the sofa.

Needless to say, that Megatron plushie looked adorable.

However, one person was not happy about the thick layer of snow that surrounded the Mansion, and that person was Samus Aran.

Currently, the bounty hunter, grumbling softly to herself under her breath, was wrapped in thick winter clothes, a light-blue jumper and thick fluffy navy-blue trousers, topped with a bright yellow scarf and a blue hat, with only her eyes visible under the cranium covering, glaring at nothing in particular. The girl was wrapped further in a purple blanket snuggling deeply into the large couch of the living room, facing a merrily crackling fire in the elaborate fireplace. This room had been decorated as well as the others, but Samus didn't care, as she huddled in her bunker, clutching the Megatron plushie tightly to her (ample) chest.

Even with her thick clothing, her warm blanket and the blazing fire, the girl still felt the bitter kiss of cold on her skin. There was a good reason why Samus hated the coming of snow and ice, and the reason was simple; Due to having Metroid DNA in her body, from that battle against the X, Samus' body now held a cruel weakness to cold and ice. Even the slightest dip in temperature had the poor huntress retreating to Charizard (The Pokemon was curled up in front of the fire, currently, asleep) or Mario, or anyone else who could produce a roaring flame to keep herself warm.

True, her human body protected her from the worst of it, and cold wasn't fatal to her (Except, of course, in obvious situations like a blizzard or hypothermia) but she had an instinctive hatred of it. It was why she hated fighting the Ice Climbers, or facing Lucas' PK Freeze...

The living room door opened then, and a wind of cold blew in, stealing through the room, slipping through Samus' clothing defences, and hissing against her skin in a blistering and not-very-nice sensation that had her snapping angrily: "Shut the door! You're letting the cold in!"

Lucario raised an eyebrow, but complied and shut the door behind him. He wasn't too fond of this sweltering heat (Being a Steel-type had it's drawbacks) but he was in here for a more important quest. With that in mind, the Aura Pokemon asked Samus: "Samus, would you like to come outside with us? Lucas and Ness were hoping you would help them build a snow-fort."

"Tell them I can't." Samus muttered grumpily, glaring at the Fighting-type. "I don't like the snow. Matter of fact, I hate it."

Lucario raised an eyebrow again, but made to sit down next to Samus, whom shifted slightly to make room for him. The duo were silent for a moment, as Charizard sleepily scratched his yellowish belly, his tail resting in the fire, when the Fighting-Steel-type noted:

"You know, you really should come out and get some exercise. You've been sitting in here all morning, and all of last night. Surely, you wouldn't mind bearing the snow a while, just to relax?"

"I already told you, Lucario." Samus muttered in annoyance, not liking the interruption of her snuggling warm time. "I hate the snow. I can't stand it. It gets right to me, and not in a good way. I'm not alright with that stuff, you know?"

"Well, I am part Steel." The Pokemon pointed out coolly, detecting the woman's frustration and deciding to match it with some logic. "And with being of that metallic element, I dislike this intense heat. It causes shivers of caution and fear to slip through my fur, and up my spikes. Yet, I am still in here, sitting with you, talking to you. It is a matter of focusing on something other then your dislike. Why not spend time with Lucas or Ness? Perhaps engage in a snowball fight? There is plenty of activities outside to do, to distract you from the cold."

"I'd rather not." Samus grunted stiffly. The idea of rolling around in that hellishly cold crap was not a pleasant idea, and she had the faint urge to whip out her Paralyser and blast the annoying Pokemon till he left her alone.

Lucario sighed: "Well, I suppose I can't convince you." The Pokemon stood up to go, but not before smiling ever so softly and stating: "Such a shame. Ness and Lucas were really hoping to play with you. It will be so disappointing to them, how they were let down by their motherly figure just because she didn't like the cold that much. Such a shame indeed. Arceus above knows that a little family bonding is the best thing for a snow day."

"Get out of here and spare me your crap." Samus muttered grumpily, childishly pulling the blanket over her head.

Lucario shrugged, before whipping away out through the door with an Extremespeed. Charizard opened an eye at the other Pokemon's passing, before letting out a content yawn and falling back into sleepy land.

The bounty hunter sighed with annoyance, as the Pokemon's words were biting into her deeper then even the faint wisps of cold. That punk was a pain in her ass, with his smarty-pants talk, and saying that Lucas and Ness would be sad without her, and she should... she should...

Ah, damn it all! She was Samus Aran, the legendary Bounty Hunter, defender of the galaxy and hero of the Galactic Federation, and the major ass-kicker of that freak, Ridley! No mere words would lead to doubt in her strong and powerful mind!

With that, the woman folded her arms across her chest stubbornly and huffed in annoyance, the little Megatron plushie squeaking as she squeezed it. Samus grumbled about stupid Mewtwo-replacements and stupid snow and stupid Snake, before she shook her head and sighed softly.

Damn it all...


A surge of energy, a flash of blue, and Lucas' PK Freeze exploded in a shower of white energy, the freezing powers of the cryokinetic move freezing the wall of the two psychic's snow fort, enforcing it with a shield of ice. Ness and Lucas' fort was fairly impressive, a thick square of walls, with pads of ice within to stand on and look over the guarding walls. The icy walls, formed by PK Freeze, held it upright and kept it strong, and it would of great support when Ness and Lucas had their snowball fight with Pit and Marth.

However, the young blonde sighed and gazed around the wintry land, clad in his own warm jumpers and trousers and gloves. Ness had been helping him, sure, but the youngster really wanted Samus to come out. He viewed the woman almost like a mother, since they were very relatable to one another, having both lost their families to cruel forces. He'd asked Lucario to see if Samus would come out, but somehow, Lucas doubted the bounty hunter would. She was much too mature and rather cynical for childish activities.

The boy sighed, before watching as Ness waved at him, before readying his bat, as a nearby Mario, with only a scarf, charged up a crimson fireball, and tossed it at the psychic, whom swung his bat round and smacked the ball of fire into the sky, where it exploded into a shower of heat and sparks, earning applause from a watching Yoshi, Kirby and Diddy Kong.

At least they were having fun, Lucas mused, and at least Marth, a kind of uncle to the psychic, would play with him-

"Greetings, Lucas."

The boy turned to see Lucario sat in a meditative pose nearby, looking very rested and powerful, Aura seeping off him in tiny flares of blue fire.

"Oh, hi Lucario." Lucas replied, feeling a slight hope that maybe Samus would come out, but not so much, seeing as the woman was nowhere in sight. "Um... is Samus coming out?"

Lucario shook his head, and Lucas sagged slightly, the boy sighing, slightly thankful for his pessimistic mind having prepared him for the disappointment, and the Pokemon said: "I'm sorry, Lucas. But she hates the bitter cold and prefers to coddle herself and grumble. She simply does not want to come out in the snow. Perhaps when the weather warms up, she will-"


Both Lucas and Lucario yelped in shock as a large snowball soar through the air and smacked the Fighting-type right in the head. knocking him to the ground. The psychic, surprised by this attack on Lucario, turned towards the Mansion, expecting to see a laughing Snake or something, but he was shocked- And delighted- to see none other then a smirking Samus, the woman wrapped up tightly, idly tossing a second snowball in her right hand, before that too was thrown at Lucario, whom took the attack right on his rear with a yelp.

"Samus!" Lucas cried with joy, happy to see his close friend-parental figure outside with him, running over to her and flinging himself into her arms for a tight hug. Of course, the bounty hunter was stronger then her slim frame suggested, and she caught the kid with ease, laughing slightly, before setting him down and stating proudly: "Didn't think I'd make it, did you?"

Lucas rubbed his head sheepishly, grinning up at the blonde, whom smirked in reply, as Lucario got back to his feet, grumbling at the snowy attack, but smiling nonetheless at the success of his short talk, before the psychic replied: "Well, I thought you didn't like the snow..."

"True." Samus replied, shivering slightly, hating the bitter cold, but having taken Lucario's advice, she was ignoring it in favour of paying attention to Lucas. Out of mind, not so much annoying, you could say. "But hey, what's a little snow compared to my friends?"

Lucas smiled widely as Ness jumped over, and the three promptly joined Lucario and Mario into an ensuing snowball fight, snow flying everywhere.

True, Samus hated snow, hated the cold.

But like she said, what's a little dislike when you can play with your friends, eh? :)

Author's Notes: Christmas is soon to come! I can't wait! My young teen mind is going nuts! :D (Bet you lot thought I was older, didn't you ;P)

Thumbs up for the Megatron plushie!