Zelda and I walked out of the gym, into the commons. There, we found Kafei, Sheik, Malon, Shad, Midna, and Anju, who were all talking to each other. There were a few other people who looked like they were waiting for rides to pick them up.

We joined in their group.

"Well that was fun." Midna said.

"I know I enjoyed it." Zelda said, looking at me with a smile. I pulled her closely to my side.

"Kafei, it was really great to see you again after all these years." Anju said.

He just smiled and said, "You'll be seeing me again next week."

She had a confused look on her face. I was wondering what he was talking about too. "What do you mean?" She asked.

He sighed. "Guys," he said referring to everybody. "I'm moving back to Termina."

We all became silent and just stared at him. Only Sheik seemed to know about it already.

I spoke up. "Wait, what?"

"Yeah, Zant is leaving office and my dad was offered a job as the head of the city council. We're moving back."

I didn't really know what to do. "When did you find out?"

"Two weeks ago. I started packing last week. That's why we had to stay in the basement."

"Yeah, but I'm sure I would've seen boxes everywhere! Or stuff missing!"

"We put most of the boxes in the storage room in the back of our garage and we're saving some things for last. Mostly the stuff we have on the walls and furniture."

"When do you leave?"


"But, but…" I couldn't think of an argument.

"This is for real?" Malon asked.

He nodded.

We were all silent just thinking things over.

"Well," I said. "I'll come over tomorrow to help pack or whatever if you want me to."

"Me too." Sheik said.

"Thanks guys." Kafei said.

Anju tried to lighten the mood. "Am I the only one who's excited about this?"

And we all laughed.

So yeah. That's the end of Hyrule High Sophomore Year. Not to toot my own horn, but I was proud of it, for being my first fanfiction.

The only problem is, I feel that Hyrule High ended up becoming more about all the characters and not about Zelink, which is the original reason for you guys reading the story.

Thanks for reviewing. Everybody. Even though I never replied, I still appreciated it a lot.

Everything under this is for a new story, so if you don't care about it, you can stop reading here.

This whole "epilogue" part was to open up for a spin off-esque idea I've had in mind for a while. It will be narrated my Kafei and take place in his life. It won't centered in the high school, like this was. It'll be about his life in general.

I wanted to write about Kafei because I liked his character. He can be a goof off, but has shown to have a serious, intellectual side.

I'm not going to label it as a KafeixAnju story. There will still be some. And a lot of it. But it won't be listed as Romance like this was. I felt kind of restrained when I realized Hyrule High was stuck with that to it. I could've gone on to talk about Link's life outside of school, but the reason people came to the story was for Zelink, so it would've felt weird. So I won't categorize it as a KafeixAnju, because that won't be the main focus of the story.

Since Hyrule was a city like Castle Town, not a country, Termina will be a city like Clock Town, not a country. But it'll have the same general set up as Clock Town and its surrounding areas.

There are a couple of things I'm smacking myself for. In Hyrule High, I put in the Rosa Sisters and Mikau; all three are natives of Termina. I thought of this Kafei story, after I put them in, so it was too late. I want to have as much continuity as I can, so I won't change things and suddenly have them in that story.

While it was kind of pivotal in Majora's Mask, I won't have the whole end-of-the-world thing thrown in there. But I may make homages to it.

There are a couple of things I'm psyched to write about that occur or have already occurred in Majora's Mask.

-Tortus not being around

-Cremia and Romani

-Anju's mom's disliking of Kafei

-Anju's Grandmother

-The Town Guards

-The shops and the bank (I'll make the bank more building-like and not a hole in the wall. Literally.)

-The Postman

-And Kafei's thoughts in general

Some of the ages of characters will be changed to match Kafei's, namely Kafei's friends the Curiosity Shop Guy and Jim. The CSG is said to be Kafei's friend in the game and Kafei used to be part of the Bomber's Society, so I'm making Jim a friend of his.

Speaking of which, I'm going to have to break some guidelines I had set for myself when writing Hyrule High. I made sure to make no new characters and make no new names. Sadly, both will be broken.

Majora's Mask had many people without names and who were only known by their job titles. For the sake of storytelling, I can't do things that way. I'm going to have somebody currently running the Curiosity Shop, because CSG will be in high school. I'm going to give Cremia and Romani parents, because with Cremia in high school, she can't support her and her sister. But I'm going to need names. For other characters as well.

If you guys could give me some name ideas for:

Cremia's Parents

The Curiosity Shop Guy

Anju's mother

The Postman (I may or may not use it)

The banker (Preferably Mr. something)

Whether it should be something like the Stock Pot Hotel/Motel, or stay as the Stock Pot Inn

And the Happy Mask Salesman, that would be great.

It may seem odd, but I really want to do this story. So your thoughts on this project, good or bad, would be appreciated.

Thanks guys,
