-comes out from rock- Um, hello, readers! Yes, it's me! The one and only Haters Go To Heaven! … Yes, I see those glares you're giving me, and I'm here to bring you more bad news...

Total Drama Alphabetized has been canceled. Yes, I know you are all mad at me for not updating in like a year and I just don't like writing for this story anymore. It feels too silly for me, and I just felt like I was a bad writer back then. But, I've gotten better! And, there will be some good news after this short message:

Okay, I think all of you deserve this. The story was planned to the finale where the winner was crowned. So, I'm just going to give you guys the basic run-down of the story in my notes:

Day 4

Challenge: Paintball War

1st: Team Failure

2nd: Team Luck

3rd: Team Bird


Alex: Kyle

Erica: Kyle

Fabio: Mel

Igneous: Kyle

Kyle: Mel

Mel: Kyle

Yelda: Kyle

Vince: Kyle

Kyle: 6 votes

Mel: 2 votes

Day 5

Challenge: Face their fears.


Alex: Poison Gas

Erica: Stingrays

Fabio: Math

Igneous: Rain

Mel: Mark (a torturous "friend" from her past)

Yelda: Dark

Vince: Fast Speeds

Larry: Losing Badly

Greg: Dementors

Baron: Crashing

Xeno: Dolphins

Oray: Freezing Cold Weather

Natalie: Steamrollers

Harley: Bombs

Jasmine: Rape

Casey: Girl Scouts

Patrick: Death

Rocky: Smoke

Umi: Germs

Devin: Bad Outfit

Tay: Giants

Wendy: Bowling Balls

1st: Team Failure

2nd: Team Bird

3rd: Team Luck

Larry reads Greg's journal to everyone.


Larry: Greg

Xeno: Greg

Baron: Greg

Oray: Larry

Greg: Larry

Harley: Larry

Jasmine: Greg

Natalie: Greg

Greg: 5 votes

Larry: 3 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg.

Day 6

Challenge: Murder Mystery

1st: Team Bird

2nd: Team Luck

3rd: Team Failure


Casey: Rocky

Patrick: Rocky

Rocky: Casey

Tay: Devin

Umi: Casey

Devin: Rocky

Wendy: Casey

Tiebreaker (Larry): Rocky

Rocky: 4 votes

Casey: 3 votes

Devin: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, and Rocky.

Day 7

Challenge: Finding white balls around the island.

1st: Team Bird

2nd: Team Failure

3rd: Team Luck

Larry frames Jasmine for stealing Harley's pin.


Oray: Larry

Jasmine: Larry

Natalie: Larry

Larry: Jasmine

Xeno: Jasmine

Baron: Jasmine

Harley: Jasmine

Jasmine: 4 votes

Larry: 3 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, and Jasmine.

Day 8

Challenge: Teams clean a certain area. Cleanest area wins.

Devin lures a bear (that messes everything in Team Failure's area up) and frames Tay for doing it.

1st: Team Luck

2nd: Team Bird

3rd: Team Failure


Devin: Tay

Casey: Tay

Patrick: Tay

Umi: Devin

Wendy: Tay

Tay: Devin

Tay: 4 votes

Devin: 2 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, and Tay.

Day 9

Challenge: Prom Night Challenges

1st: Team Bird

2nd: Team Failure

3rd: Team Luck

Erica and Baron hook up. Larry hears about this inter-team relationship and tells his teammates.


Larry: Baron

Baron: Oray

Xeno: Baron

Oray: Larry

Natalie: Larry

Harley: Baron

Baron: 3 votes

Larry: 2 votes

Oray: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, and Baron.

Day 10

Challenge: Challenges based on old video games.

Igneous accidentally burns down Chris' cabin.

1st: Team Luck

2nd: Team Failure

3rd: Team Bird


Alex: Igneous

Erica: Igneous

Fabio: Igneous

Mel: Igneous

Yelda: Igneous

Igneous: Erica

Vince: Igneous

Igneous: 6 votes

Erica: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron, and Igneous.

Day 11

Challenge: Science Fair Challenge

1st: Team Failure

2nd: Team Luck

3rd: Team Bird

Before elimination, Devin makes out with Alex in front of Mel. Mel is angry because she liked Alex. She hypnotizes everyone into voting Alex.


Mel: Alex

Erica: Alex

Fabio: Alex

Alex: Alex

Vince: Alex

Yelda: Alex

Alex: 6 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron, Igneous, and Alex.

Day 12

Challenge: Medieval Challenges

1st: Team Bird

2nd: Team Luck

3rd: Team Failure

Vince and Harley hook up.


Casey: Umi

Patrick: Umi

Umi: Casey

Devin: Casey

Wendy: Casey

Casey: 3 votes

Umi: 2 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron, Igneous, Alex, and Casey.

Day 13

Challenge: Campers are dropped off in the wilderness and have to find their way back to camp.

1st: Team Bird

2nd: Team Luck

3rd: Team Failure


Devin: Patrick

Wendy: Patrick

Umi: Devin

Patrick: Umi

Patrick: 2 votes

Devin: 1 vote

Umi: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron, Igneous, Alex, Casey, and Patrick.

Day 14

Challenge: Awake-a-Thon

1st: Team Failure

2nd: Team Luck

3rd: Team Bird

Devin torments Erica until she rages at her own team.


Erica: Yelda

Yelda: Erica

Fabio: Erica

Mel: Erica

Vince: Erica

Erica: 4 votes

Yelda: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron, Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, and Erica.

Day 15

Challenge: Talent Show

1st: Team Luck

2nd: Team Bird

3rd: Team Failure

Devin bullies Wendy to the point of her wanting to give up.


Devin: Wendy

Umi: Devin

Wendy: Wendy

Wendy: 2 votes

Devin: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell, Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron, Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, and Wendy.

Day 16

Merge time!

Baron and Quell return!

Challenge: Survive a horror movie.

Larry wins immunity.


Fabio: Natalie

Mel: Devin

Yelda: Devin

Vince: Natalie

Larry: Natalie

Xeno: Natalie

Oray: Xeno

Harley: Xeno

Umi: Xeno

Devin: Yelda

Baron: Xeno

Quell: Devin

Xeno: 5 votes

Natalie: 4 votes

Devin: 3 votes

Yelda: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, and Xeno.

Day 17

Challenge: Campers pair up with someone else and make a Political Video. Best 3 videos win.

Larry, Devin, Fabio, Umi, Vince, and Harley win immunity.

Larry figures out Mel is a hypnotist.


Fabio: Mel

Mel: Baron

Yelda: Baron

Vince: Mel

Larry: Mel

Oray: Quell

Natalie: Quell

Harley: Baron

Devin: Baron

Baron: Mel

Quell: Baron

Baron: 6 votes

Mel: 4 votes

Quell: 2 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, and Baron(2nd).

Day 18

Challenge: Race Around the Island.

Mel, Yelda, and Oray win immunity.


Fabio: Larry

Mel: Larry

Yelda: Larry

Vince: Larry

Larry: Mel

Oray: Larry

Natalie: Larry

Harley: Larry

Umi: Larry

Devin: Larry

Quell: Larry

Larry: 10 votes

Mel: 1 vote

Larry reveals Mel is a hypnotist and is using her powers to cheat with the votes. Chris eliminates Mel because of this and lets Larry stay.

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), and Mel.

Day 19

Challenge: Campers get into pairs and must catch their designated animal. The losing pair is nominated for elimination.

Fabio and Umi lose.


Fabio: Umi

Yelda: Umi

Vince: Umi

Larry: Fabio

Oray: Fabio

Natalie: Fabio

Harley: Fabio

Umi: Fabio

Devin: Umi

Quell: Umi

Tiebreaker (Alex): Umi

Umi: 6 votes

Fabio: 5 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, and Umi.

Day 20

Challenge: Campers are cuffed to another person. Losing pair is nominated for elimination.

Natalie and Harley lose.


Fabio: Harley

Yelda: Harley

Vince: Natalie

Larry: Natalie

Oray: Natalie

Natalie: Natalie

Harley: Harley

Devin: Harley

Quell: Harley

Harley: 5 votes

Natalie: 4 votes

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, and Harley.

Day 21

Challenge: Tasks based on little kid games. Person that loses is automatically out.

Vince loses.

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, Harley, and Vince.

Day 22

Challenge: Campers must escape RCMP through woods. Person in last gets automatically eliminated.

Natalie loses.

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, Harley, Vince, and Natalie.

Day 23

Challenge: Campers fight on a platform using sticks. Last one standing wins the sole vote to eliminate.

Oray wins.


Oray: Larry

Larry: 1 vote

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, Harley, Vince, Natalie, and Larry.

Day 24

Challenge: Campers must cross a finish line by any means necessary after being dropped in the lake. First person to make it wins the sole vote to eliminate.

Devin wins.


Devin: Yelda

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, Harley, Vince, Natalie, Larry, and Yelda.

Day 25

Challenge: Fan-fiction writing challenge. Chris says no references to TDI can be made. Worst fan-fiction writer is automatically eliminated.

Fabio loses, but Quell points out Devin's story has a person named 'Lindsay' in it and Chris eliminates her and lets Fabio stay.

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, Harley, Vince, Natalie, Larry, Yelda, and Devin.

Day 26

Challenge: Dares from viewers are performed. Person to gives up loses TD'Tized.

Oray gives up, thus making the final 2 Fabio and Quell!

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, Harley, Vince, Natalie, Larry, Yelda, Devin, and Oray.

Day 27

Challenge: Final 2 must race through the challenges they had done through the whole season.

Fabio wins!

EO: Sean, Zaron, Quell(1st), Kyle, Greg, Rocky, Jasmine, Tay, Baron(1st), Igneous, Alex, Casey, Patrick, Erica, Wendy, Xeno, Baron(2nd), Mel, Umi, Harley, Vince, Natalie, Larry, Yelda, Devin, Oray, and Quell(2nd).


Okay, I hope you enjoyed reading the rest of TD'Tized, but here is the good news. I am currently working on a NEW alphabet-themes story! It is named Total Drama A2Z! Right now, I'm halfway through the introductions, but for you guys, I shall reveal the characters: right here! Right now!

Characters in TDA2Z:

Adonis – The Over-The-Top Hero (Don't worry he's not as annoying as Penny in Tween Tour is)

Bart – The Flirt

Carly – The Sweet Brainiac

Delores – The Extremist

Edward – The C.I.T. (Cop In Training)

Frank – The Daredevil

Gasymor – The Famous Russian Model

Harp – The Seductive She-Devil

Isaac – The "Good Boy"

James – The Rich Nice Guy

Karen – The Schizophrenic

Lauren – The Gambler

Matt – The Arrogant Jock

Ned – The Nerd

Osiris – The Test Subject

Pamela – The Prejudiced Girl

Quaker – The War Reenactor

Richard – The Wimpy Ginger

Serenity – The Fat Slob

Tatyanna – The Athlete

Urami – The Helper

Veskim – The Silent Strategist

Wastam – The Pokemon Lover

Ximena – The Strong Black Girl

Yamar – The Kind-Hearted Mafia Member

Zachariah – The Farmer

I hope you stay tuned to what I have planned for this!

Thanks for reading!