Review Comments:

Jas-El - Ten is by far my favorite as well, though I have to admit, Eleven has grown on me, haha. That was Rose, haha. Amy has to be my favorite, which is why I had to come up with some crazy time rift to bring Ten and Amy together, haha. I might have to find a way to get Lois, Rose, and Amy plus River together in a chapter, the shenanigans they'd get into, haha.

Gabriella Jane London - I'm aim to please, haha. I've just recently hopped on that bandwagon, a bit late to the party, I will admit. But I have loved running through the series and wouldn't be surprised if they pop-up again sometime, haha.

Fat ppl are harder to kidnap - It is a bit confusing, you really just have to roll with it. I didn't particularly enjoy the first season with the Ninth Doctor, but when the Tenth Doctor shows up, it's just too much fun, haha. I do like Harry Potter, but I don't have a passion for it like some people seem to. I really loved the books, but I lost steam for the movies.

Craftygirl11 - I'm glad that you've liked them, I know that there are a ton of them, haha. Can be a bit intimidating for new readers, I'd expect, haha. When Lois is being her funny, kick ass self? I'm just swooning at the keyboard. Ollie and Carter are on the horizon, just recently got an idea for a chapter that flows out of another chapter I've got in the pipeline, so that should be fun. J'onn will still be spending the majority of time on Earth, but since he's more of a Leaguer and doesn't have an Earth life, he spends his free time on Mars. I will probably be doing a chapter to explain the Mars situation soon.

LoisNClark4Ever - Oh, I think you'd love Doctor Who, haha. It's on NetFlix. I will say, I wasn't crazy about the first season with the Ninth Doctor (there have been eleven Doctors to date, but they're all technically the same person, just recast after he "regenerates"), but the Tenth Doctor and season two on is just a joy, haha. Hal has a crush on everyone I think, haha.

The Mars thing was kind of done on the fly, and I'll be doing a chapter to explain more what that was all about. It's not a big deal, just kind of "where did they come from?" and "what does that mean for J'onn now?" and stuff.

crazyhpcfan - I'm glad you liked it!

cathy03 - And here you are on KMorKM! haha. I'm glad you liked the Fortress stuff, and of course Chris coming back! It's ok, I won't get into it all, just made for a kind of shocking ending since I didn't want to do the usual, "pairing within the League" bit because really, they meet other people, don't they? haha. I'm glad that you could enjoy the Doctor Who chapter, I tried to make it accessible for folks that haven't watched it, but at the same time, I couldn't help but go for some references, haha.

Author: CaptainTightPants12

Rating: K

Pairing: Clois

Disclaimer: If I owned Smallville or it's characters, I wouldn't have stopped at ten seasons and this would be saved for an eleventh season.

Summary: A series of 'Kill me or Kiss Me?' moments.

Chapter: #251, the Survivors

Author's Note: Alrighty, here's the next part of New Krypton! Almost done! I promise! haha.

"Those... Apes!" she shrieked.

Kara turned to see that Alura had come to, staggering to her feet. "Mother!"

A snarl twisted on her face, "I will end them for this, Kara..." Her daughter twisted her brow in confusion. "Your uncle was obsessed with these primitive beings. He thought that they were capable of greatness we had achieved, but I see now that the humans are just poorer, lesser versions of us... And they will pay for their treachery!"

"What?" Kara shook her head. "You can't be serious, Mother... Zod-"

"Has protected our people!" Alura screamed. "Since the arrival of your cousin, they have treated us like a threat, did you not expect him to respond in kind, Kara?! They have destroyed New Krypton! Our people are dead!"

Some of the fellow survivors began to cheer quietly behind her. When Kara woke, she led them to safe place outside the city to recover until Clark figure out what to do next. She slowly looked around at them, slowly beating that war drum Clark had warned her about. "One man, Mother... Not the people of Earth. One man did this..."

"I will have his head," Alura growled. "And then the rest. They took our home. We will take theirs!"

"No! This is not how we do things here! Lex Luthor will stand trial, he will be punished!" she shouted, trying to silence the chants growing around them. "We are better than this, Mother! You are better than this!"

Alura fixed a glare on her daughter. "That is precisely why they must go."

Kara returned her glare in turn, "You were attacked by Brainiac! You, of all people, should understand why this is wrong! Do you want to destroy their home like Brainiac destroyed ours?! This is not the way to do this!"

"You have been poisoned by the thoughts of these apes, Kara..." Alura cooed. "You do not see the threat that they pose to us and our survival. We can make this planet our home. We can rebuild Krypton here..."

"This is my home, Mother..." Kara shook her head. "I love this planet, and it's people. I won't let you."

She frowned, "My poor daughter... Your foolish uncle spoke of love, he tried to sway the Science Council many times with it, but it has been proven time and time again, what you call love is simply a chemical reaction in the brain generated by external stimuli. Your place is with your people, Kara... Not with them. You belong at my side."

"If you plan to wipe out an entire race, I can't stand at your side, Mother," Kara cried. "Nor will Kal-El."

Alura frowned, "Then we will kill Kal-El, and then these people when they are defenseless."

"They won't be defenseless."

They turned and looked to the sky, seeing what every kryptonian recognized as a Green Lantern, accompanied by a warrior woman and a crimson man. The trio floated down to the ground behind Kara, serious looks on their faces.

"I'm sorry, but get out of the way, kid," Hal whispered. "We've heard enough."

Kara turned and shook her head, "No... I can fix this... Let me fix this!"

Diana shot Kara a sympathetic look, she knew all too well the perils of a power-hungry mother. "You know why we can't do that, Kara. If you mean to wage war..." she clenched her fists. "...then war you shall have."

"Barry..." Kara whispered.

He shook his head at his technically grand-daughter-in-law with a pained expression on his face, "I'm sorry, Supergirl... But we have a responsibility to protect Earth, no matter who threatens it."

"You see, Daughter?" Alura snarled. "They will always threaten us! Even you! They would kill you, their friend, to protect the apes. I should have expected as much from a Green Lantern. They've always been judge, jury, and executioner."

"That's kind of rich coming from you, Blondie," Hal glared.

Kara cried, "Mother... Let's leave. Let's find a new planet. We can leave this place, and be safe forever. Please..."

It was as much of a plea for the safety of her mother and what was left of their people, as it was for the task for the Justice League had sent. Five survivors, plus Alura. They were outnumbered, even if Kara sided with the League.

"I am sorry, Daughter..." Alura whispered. "Attack!"

The battle was swift, at least that's how it appeared to Hal. He was the only one without super-speed. But still, it was quick all the same. Between Diana's training and Barry's speed, they were able to dispose of two of the survivors rather quickly. Hal quickly surrounded them with the construct of a jail cell, just in time to see a fist flying his way.

Kara screamed for her mother to stop, but she advanced on Hal all the same.

She didn't know what to do, as she couldn't attack her fellow League members, but how was she supposed to attack her own mother either? Diana used her lasso to drop a second kryptonian, no match for her without the proper training. Barry quickly phased through another kryptonian, creating a cyclone with his arms that delivered the kryptonian into the fist of Diana.

"Very nice, Flash," she grinned, causing the scarlet speeder's face to match his outfit.

Hal dodged Alura's blows, trying not to break concentration as the two kryptonians began to beat against their cell. "Look, I don't want to hit Superman's auntie-poo, but I will knock you into the next sector if you force me," he grunted.

"Green Lanterns have always been inferior to the kryptonians, that's why you feared us!"

A large green hand exploded from Hal's ring, pushing Alura back, "Hold up, what?"

She charged again, "Your Guardians always clashed against the Science Guild!"

"They're annoying little smurfs, what do you expect?" he quipped as he dropped another cell onto the two captive kryptonians Diana and Barry had just dispatched of, causing him to lose focus even more and take a blow to the face from Alura.

He fell to the ground with a thud, just barely holding onto his constructs. "Now I end you!"

She raised her fist to deliver a final blow to Hal, but a hand grabbed her by the wrist and jerked her around. "I am sorry for this, Mother... But you gave me no choice," Kara cried. She ramped up her super-speed to knock Alura to the ground.

He quickly brought together the seperate cells to create one large one to encompass the six kryptonians.

"Hits like a girl," he quipped to Diana as he moved his jaw around, she simply rolled her eyes.

Kara closed her eyes as he mother screeched, "You betray me?! You betray Krypton?! You shame me, Daughter!"

Hal shook his head as Alura bashed against the emerald prison bars he created for her. "I would have thought more from the family of someone like Superman. You lost your world, and now you're trying to make someone else suffer the same fate. If you would have looked around, you would have seen what this world is capable of."

She glared at him, "I have seen what these people are capable of..."

"Have you?" he asked with a chuckle. "I'm a Green Lantern, and I'm not the only one. Your nephew is an alien. We've got a friend from Mars, even a douche from the future with an affinity for gold. This is our home. Sure, some don't want us here, I know that. But the rest make up the many. And they've welcomed us with open arms."

Diana nodded, "You could have had a place here. Kal-El does. Your daughter does. Did they not have the same kind of people on Krypton? Were there not heroes and villains? I know that there were. I've met some of both sides."

"If you're supposed to be the all-knowing superior beings of Krypton? I'm not impressed," Hal added bluntly. "Kind of makes it a little heartwarming to know the best parts of Superman, were from Earth."

Alura rested her head against the bars, "I just wanted for my people to have a home... To survive."

Barry stepped forward and placed his hand on hers, "If that's true? Help us. Zod will kill every last person on this planet if he can, but you can take away his army. They will listen to you. You can help us save so many innocent lives. And I promise, we will help find a new home. Superman did it once, and I promise you, we will do it again."

She looked up at him, and first time, she looked on a human with hope.

"Mother... Please..." Kara pleaded. "They will help you. I will help you. No one else has to die today."

Alura looked at her daughter for a good long while, but she had already made up her mind. She knew what had to be done, for the survival of her people. "There is a Phantom Zone Projector among the remains of New Krypton, we must find it..."

Author's Note: Well, what did you think? Alura certainly had a roller coaster of emotions this chapter, didn't she? haha. I didn't want to give her a straight forward heroes tale anything because lets face it, a person in her position would have to be seeing things the way she was. Dare I say, it's human nature, haha. But it looks like she's on the Good Team now, or is she just playing them all? haha. Only the next installment will tell! haha.

Anyways, shoot me some reviews and let me know what you thought! The next chapter is going to be a non-New Krypton humor chapter, as always. Not sure which one quite yet, there are a few in the mix right now!