Life has been a hassel. What with school and gra and everything else, the only reason I'm writing this is cause I'm bored! But anyway, the plot bunny jumped on me and moved my writing along! I have the next few chapters written out, it's just a matter of typing them up! Please enjoy!

I would love to thank all my wonder full reviewers for, well, reviewing this and helping me continue! Cookies for you all!

Disclaimer: I don't own soul eater.

Phenominal Rewrites Presents...

Life's Not Fair


"What do you want to know?"Crona asked. Well, there were alot of things I wanted to know. Like how I wanted to know how to make the perfect lemon meringue pie. i wanted to know how to know how to become the perfect man. No, it wasn't a matter of what I wanted to know, it was a matter of what I needed to know. And I needed to know how to become king without marrying someone I did not care for.

"I need to know how to become king." I watched as his eyes grew wide and a little o formed on his lips.

"I don't know how to answer that..." I took notice of the rooms unsyemetricality. I started screaming my head off, scaring the crap out of poor Crona. I tried hard to stop, but my OCD kept me screaming and I soon fell onto the floor. And after a few moments I calmed myself down. "Please, just tell me aything you might know." I pleaded on my hands and knees. I really needed help, and he might be the only person that could help me. Possibly. I just needed him to try. I watched as he took a deep breath and his brows furrow in concentration.

"Well, in the stories Mother told me, the prince would have to marry to become king." I sighed, that was not what I wanted to hear. But to my surprise, he continued. "There was also this story where the prince had to kill off his competition to become king. Originally, the plan was to see who could get married first would be king." I froze. I did have competition. Just as Crona just said, whoever got married first would become king. But with his advice, I could become king without marrying anyone...

"What else happened in the fairytale?" I asked curiously. Crona seemed to be loosening up a bit now, not as scared as he once was. He began the story.

"Well it started off with the prince sulking in his room, deppressed that he could never become king because his competition was more of a people person than he was. The challenge to decide who would become king was that whoever married first would control the crown. The king at the time had forced the prince to propose to a beautiful young women. Though the prince disliked her extremely, he still agreed half-heartedly. Though some time through his engagement, he broke it off soon after a prisoner arrived at the palace. The prisoner was a beautiful girl that had been cought for stealing from the local market.

"The prince visted her everyday, tired of being alone. She told him wonderful stories of other worlds and other kingdoms, places where there was only one prince. After a while, she began speaking about another prince who had murdered his brother in cold blood to gain the crown. The pronce listened intently, absorbing every word. He took her words to heart and began planning the assasination.

"Soon after that day, the palace was raided by rebels. It seems while the prince was living in the palace, the rebels were plotting against the prince. The prince hid with the young girl in a basement cellar as they attacked. Unknown by him, the girl had a horrible wound on her left leg that could possibly kill her.

"And she did. The prince was devastated, only now relizing his feelings for the dead girl. He left the girl and confronted the rebels, gaining the element of surprise and killing their leader, which was the person he was competing against. The rebels scrambled around, unaware of what to do without their leader. Eventually, they turned back.

"Many years after the attack, the prince finally got married, but became king long before that. Though he had he ever wanted, and a wonderful girl by his side, he couldn't forget the girl who died many years ago, no matter how hard he tried." Crona's mouth closed and he took a deep breath, relaxing from the long talk.

"Wow, you remembered all that?" I asked, shocked that he spoke so much at one time. Crona blushed and nodded, too out of breath to speak. "That was amazing. And thank you. That was a wonderful story. I'll see you tomorrow then?" He nodded and I smiled. I stood up and walked out, closing the door gently behind me.

Yea! It's Finished! J'ai fini le chapitre! I have finished the chapter! Sorry for the super looong wait! I've been über busy lately! I would really like to reach 20 reviews by the next chapter! The person who gives it will get a free one-shot of their choice from any of the following fandoms!

(Hetalia-Axis powers, souleater, deathnote, Shugo-chara, OHSHC, or really anything else! All pairings!)

So may the best reviewer win!


Love, Phen 13

(Sorry if that one french sentence wasn't right...)