Characters: Morishima, Bridget
Summary: Approach with caution. Or, if you're an idiot like Morishima, don't.
Pairings: Bridget x Morishima
Author's Note: Morishima, you idiot, you'd have to go for the most dangerous woman on the face of the planet, wouldn't you?
Disclaimer: I don't own The Record of a Fallen Vampire.

There may as well be a big, bright red neon warning sign over her spelling out 'Do Not Approach' in bold letters, but Morishima's never had much of a sense of self-preservation, so he doesn't comprehend all the warning signs being given to him, including the slightly predatory smile Bridget flashes out at him with long, sharp incisors across the night when the helicopter sings out a near-deafening song and they're forced to shout to be heard.

It's safe to say that, for Morishima, the whiff of danger is intoxicating and addictive.

Bridget seems more than content with vague and absent flirtation, responding to Morishima's exploratory advances in a way that both barely acknowledges it and is acutely aware of what he's getting at with words and glances.

Nothing seems to surprise her, though, until Morishima shouts over the din of the helicopter and asks her if she'll go out to dinner with him.

Nice to know there are at least some things Lady Bridget Frostheart can't see coming.

She soon recovers, however, and icy pale blue eyes glint with sharp humor and, he realizes later, a hint of being impressed, as Bridget makes an unreasonable offer time-wise and he can only snort and shoot out a lame, improvised one-liner that, ironically, far from distancing her, seems only to evince more humor.

That gleam in her eyes is predatory and appraising and bitingly humorous and sardonic.

If there's any danger there, Morishima's ignoring it.

He wants that dinner date too badly to back out just because his potential date is capable of snapping his neck within a quarter of a second.

Her good looks more and…sparkling conversation more than make up for that.