Hello my babies 3
I am sorry I have not updated in so long. I've just been having a rough time. I went through a terrible break up back in June. That's the bad news. But the good news is I got a job At the local movie theater in our town. So work usually keeps me busy. But I promise I will start getting on here more and updating my stories. Also one of my reviewers gave me a good idea to pair Sho up with a guy and I think I will use that idea hun, but not now xD his time will come. But for his chapter, Dre's mom is going to get a little shock!

Dre's P.O.V

Cheng has been living with us for a while now, I'd say a few weeks. We've managed to keep our relationship a secret from my mom, but that woman is smart. She will find out eventually if we aren't careful enough.

Cheng's father tried seeing him. He has showed up some days after school. I know, I've seen him. But I do everything in my power to make sure that man stays away from him. So usually if I see him waiting outside the school, I suggest to Cheng that we exit out the back and take a different way home because I want to stop at the market or something.

"When was the last time you showed up for practice?" I asked Cheng as we walked hand in hand at the market place. I was looking for some ice cream. I had a craving.

"That day when I showed up late and made my father angry, I don't intend to ever show up at the school again."

"But…what about your kung-Fu training?"

"Training? I'm already the best there is. I don't need any more training." He replied with a cocky smirk on his face. "You are the one who needs training. You want to learn it so bad."

"Hey, let's not forget you and the dancing." I made a good point. We only tried to teach each other our talents that one time. We should get back on that again.

I found me some ice cream finally. Cheng thought it would be funny to stick his finger in it and smear some on the side of my face. He stood there with his ice cream covered hand, having a giggle fit.

"You think this is funny?" I yelled.

He nodded and busted out in more laughter. I can't stay mad at him. He's too damn cute.

"Get it off me." I demanded.

He walked up and slowly touched my cheek with his tongue and licked all the way up. I couldn't help but shiver at the sensation he was giving me.

"So…..tasty." He whispered in my ear.

"If you keep that up, something will happen to you tonight. And this something will make you walk weird for a week."

Once we made it home, we plopped right on the couch and turned on the TV. Of course it was Spongebob. Cheng can sit there and watch it no problem. He can understand what the hell they are saying! I wouldn't mind it if they would at least put English sub titles.

Obviously, that's too much to ask for.

"You have to start working on your Chinese." Cheng mumbled, eyes still glued to the TV.

I ignored what he said and began rubbing his stomach. He closed his eyes and smiled.

"Mmmm, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm bored." I replied.

"Why is it you always get in the mood when Spongebob is on? Does that little square body just turn you on?" Cheng giggled.

This was not the time to tease me. I ran my hand down to the bulge in his pants and squeezed.

His entire body shot up and he rolled his eyes back and moaned.

"This is sooooo payback for that ice cream incident." I laughed.

Since he was wearing sweat pants, my hand didn't have trouble finding it's way down his pants. I started to pump him real slow, then fast, then slow, then…you get the point.

He looked right at me the entire time. That's one of the things I love that he does. When I pleasure him, he never takes his eyes off me. He stares right into my eyes. Eyes full of lust, and his mouth forming that perfect "O" shape. He stares right at me and moans.

After a few minutes, his body shook and he let out a shaky moan.

Music to my ears.

I pulled out my now wet hand and just smiled at him.

"You're turn." He said through his teeth.

He climbed on top of me and began kissing my neck and grinding his hips into mine. I didn't have anything to grab onto, oh wait, his butt.

You wouldn't believe what happened next.

To our horror, we heard the door open.

My mom wasn't supposed to be home for another 3 hours!

Cheng hopped off me and we turned around to see her staring at us, wide eyed, with her jaw hanging to the floor practically.

"What…is….this?" She asked.

We both gulped.

Okay, so it was short but it's been a long time since I updated this story so I have to ease back into it lol.
The next chapter will be posted by next weekend. Maybe before that, since I love you so much.

Oh and to the people who are going to review this and say the are WAY out of character, I will give you my reply to that now.

In the words of Eminem…I JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK! :D