Reality Killed the Video Star

Main Characters: Ron W. & Hermione G.

Rating: M

Summary:After yet another row, Ron leaves out of the blue. Hermione spends almost a week waiting for him to come home, but when he does, nothing is the same. Can they save their relationship, or will it just be another angry break-up for the history books?

Full A/N at the end of the chapter. Happy reading :)

Previously: "Get your arse in here Ronald. You have some serious explaining to do!" Hermione said in the loudest whisper she could manage, flying into the apartment in a clear rage. If Ron knew what was good for him, and Hermione certainly hoped he did, he would follow as quickly as his bruised and battered body would allow him.

Chapter 5 – The Rat within the Grain

Turns out Ron knew exactly what would happen to him if he didn't follow her quickly, Hermione noted as she took the first-aid kit out from under the sink in the kitchen. Ron stood awkwardly in the hallway, hovering between wanting to enter and run away. Hermione gave him a pointed look when she resurfaced and Ron sat down quickly. Smacking the kit down with near-breaking force and unzipping it violently, Ron spoke softly.

"I'm sorry Hermione. I know it doesn't mean anything right now, but I mean it." Hermione didn't say anything, instead opting to glare at the gauze in her hand. Ron continued slowly, not wanting to anger her further.

"I came here as soon as the mission was done with. Pernot wanted me to finish the paperwork too but I flipped him off. Don't think he liked that very much. Anyway, I got here at about one, and you weren't home so I waited. I dozed off, but I wanted to wait for you and talk to you. But it looks like I'm doing all the talking now, and that's not what I wanted, not exactly." Hermione looked up sharply and backed away from Ron. The mantra of 'don't cry, don't cry', quickly turned into 'don't hex him, don't hex him'.

Hermione bit her cheek and moved back toward Ron and started dabbing one of the various cuts on his face with dittany. The grimace on his face was enough to calm the sadist in her a little. Having Ron in pain, even for a little while, would have to suffice for the pain he had had her in for the time he had been gone.

"Why didn't you see a healer first?" Hermione questioned. Her voice sounded raw, scratchy and dry.

"It's just a few scrapes, nothing-" Ron stopped abruptly when he was suddenly faced with Hermione's angry, scowling face.

"Don't lie to me Ronald. I saw the way you struggled to get up. I may have been angry, but I'm not blind." Hermione said, her voice losing its venomous edge. Dabbing at Ron's cheek a few more times had them both silent. Hermione stood back and motioned toward Ron's shirt. Before he could say anything, he was faced with Hermione's death glare and quickly pulled his shirt off.

Hermione nearly went into a fit of screaming rage when she laid eyes on Ron's chest. His stomach had scrapes across, blood pooling near the surface. Removing his shirt had caused some of the dried blood to pull away from a deep gash near the middle of his chest and the entire left side of his abdomen was covered in an angry blue-ish purple bruise.

"Oh my God. You look like you were hit by a bus Ron! Just a few scrapes, you call this just a few scrapes? ! You should be lucky I don't hex you into next year for lying to me!" Hermione almost screeched. Tears were pricking her eyes as she fell to her knees in front of Ron to inspect his wounds better. Ron stayed silent as Hermione cleaned his wounds and berated him for not taking care of himself.

Hermione finished almost an hour later. Her knees ached, the throb nearly matching the throb in her head. Hermione stood and stepped back to inspect her handy work. Ron was blood-free. The visible wounds were all cleaned and 'dittanied'. Hermione sniffled; tears coming to her eyes again as she took in the sight of Ron's bruised and marred body. Shaking her head free of the oncoming tears, Hermione closed the first-aid kit and went back into the kitchen to put it away. Thinking that she could use the kitchen to calm herself down didn't work as she expected it to. When she turned around, Ron was right behind her, still shirtless. Without a word, he wrapped his arms around her, letting her tears sink into his bare skin. No words were needed anymore. She knew he was sorry, and he couldn't say that it wouldn't happen again because he didn't know that. He told her once that he doesn't make a promise he can't keep, and this is simply Ron comforting her. Apologizing to her for so much more than just disappearing on her.

Hermione pulled away after a few minutes of serious sobbing. She glanced at Ron's exposed shoulder and laughed, catching Ron's confused look caused her to laugh harder.

"Sorry. It's just… I've cried a lot this week, and now instead of wetting your shirt, I'm the cause of the wrinklies on your shoulder." Ron just chuckled and shook his head. He was about to say something about leaving, Hermione just knew it, so she cut him off instead.

"Go take a shower, get cleaned up and I'll make breakfast. We can talk while we eat, okay?" Ron nodded again and backtracked slowly out of the kitchen as Hermione set off cooking. Hermione turned the stove on and pulled out two pans. She turned on the small wireless radio they kept in the kitchen and started brewing coffee. As soon as she cracked the first egg in the pan, the shower turned on. Hermione dumped the bacon in the other pan and turned the radio's volume up a little more. Someone called 'The Naked and Famous' had a song playing now. Strange name, but the song sounded pretty nice. Hermione didn't even feel herself swaying to the hypnotic beat as she absentmindedly started humming along to words she didn't even know.

We're all young and naïve still

We require certain skill

The motive changes like the wind

Hard to control when it begins

The bittersweet between my teeth

Trying to find the in-between

Fall back in love eventually

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Can't help myself but count the flaws

Claw my way through these walls

One temporary escape

Feel it start to permeate

We lie beneath the stars at night

Our hands gripping each other tight

You keep my secrets hope to die

Promises, swear them to the sky

The bittersweet between my teeth

Trying to find the in-between

Fall back in love eventually

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

As it withers

Brittle it shakes

Can you whisper

As it crumbles and breaks

As you shiver

Count up all your mistakes

Pair of forgivers

Let go before it's too late

Can you whisper

Can you whisper

Can you whisper

Can you whisper

The bittersweet between my teeth

Trying to find the in-between

Fall back in love eventually

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

The bittersweet between my teeth

Trying to find the in-between

Fall back in love eventually

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Hermione checked on the coffee-maker, and the breakfast on the stove, all the while dancing along. An audible 'Ahem' behind her startled Hermione and she dropped the spatula as she spun around. Ron was standing in the doorway wearing a pair of sweatpants and a cheeky grin on his face, causing Hermione to blush a deep crimson.

"Don't stop on account that I caught you jamming to a good song. I promise I won't tell the world that Hermione Granger danced in her own kitchen." Ron grinned like a Cheshire cat and snagged a piece of bacon from the pan. Hermione swatted at his hand and turned back to the stove and turning it off. The loud sizzle of the bacon was overpowered by the radio, now blaring a different song. Hermione pulled out two mugs and one plate. Not feeling up to being very civilized, and feeling, well, lazy, Hermione dumped the bacon and eggs onto one plate and motioned for Ron to pour the coffee into the mugs she placed on the counter. Ron cocked an eyebrow at her but stayed silent.

"I wasn't 'jamming' to anything, and for your information Mr. Weasley, I don't dance. Not even in my own kitchen." Ron chuckled as he followed her from the kitchen and into their bedroom, stopping rather quickly at the doorway, his eyes big as saucers. Without even turning to him, Hermione said nonchalantly over her shoulder.

"I fell asleep on Ginny and Harry's couch. My head is killing me and my back is protesting being upright right now, so we're eating here. That's not a problem, is it?" Hermione threw saucily over her shoulder and was rewarded with a chuckle from Ron.

"No, no problem at all. I just wish there were other people around to witness this." Ron says, chuckling, but quiets down as soon as Hermione glares at him again. Grinning, both Hermione and Ron relax on the bed. Sadly, Hermione notes how distant Ron is all of a sudden, clearly dreading the talk they are about to have.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Hermione says in a whisper. Ron doesn't even look up from the plate, grabbing another piece of bacon off the plate instead. The silence starts feeling awkward as Hermione begins chewing her bottom lip and fiddling with her nails. Suddenly she doesn't feel all that hungry anymore.

"I want to tell you. Really, I want to, but I can't."

"Okay." Hermione replies softly. Ron seemed to be shocked by her willingness to just accept that he can't tell her everything about his job.

"We were running surveillance, but one of the scum bags made us and attacked. A few guys were injured, but nothing too terrible." Hermione smiled, clearly noting that Ron decided on just giving her the censored version of what really happened.

"Did you catch them?" Hermione enquired.

"Yes, but they aren't talking at all. The guy running the show was there though. We were really close to catching him, but he got away." Ron said, anger rising in his voice.

"You'll get him soon enough." Hermione said, silent hope flooding into her voice causing Ron to smile.

"Yeah, I just might. I know what he sounds like now. He has a voice that is pretty hard to forget." Ron said with a smile on his face.

"I talked to Harry last night. He told me about the promotion that's up for grabs." Hermione felt her eyes bug out as Ron nearly choked on his coffee. "Sorry, for some reason that sounded like a prize that can be won." Hermione apologized, causing Ron to chuckle again.

"It's okay 'Mione. Figure Harry has a really good chance of getting that job." Ron replied, loading a mouthful of eggs onto his fork.

"So do you."

"Nah, what with him being the chosen one and all, he's bound to get it anyway. He's a really good Auror." Hermione couldn't help but frown at Ron's reply.

"You've got as much chance and right to that promotion as Harry does. Sure, he's the chosen one-"

"Not helping 'Mione-"

"But you've got something Harry doesn't." Ron cocked an eyebrow at Hermione's choice of words.

"Red hair and freckles?" Hermione chuckled and shook her head.

"Well, yes, but right now, Harry has Ginny to focus on seeing as they want to have a baby this year. And before you say that you don't want to focus on having a baby with your sister, that's just gross, Harry isn't as motivated as you are. He knows a lot of things have fallen into his lap over the years, but Ron, you're working really hard for this. And for that reason alone, you are going to get this job. Because you deserve it. And if you don't, I'm going to hex the council if they don't give it to you." Hermione finished with a wink. Ron grinned and rubbed Hermione's knee.

"Thanks 'Mione."

The rest of the early morning was spent talking about trivial things and eating. It didn't go unnoticed by Hermione that Ron used his pet name for her a lot. It made her feel special again, like she mattered again. Hermione knew that she would always matter to Ron, even if he forgot it sometimes. He would always mean everything to her, and this felt like they were finally doing something good again. It felt good, just as it should.


A young man in his twenties stood facing a large window, a still photograph in his hand. His suit was impeccable. It yelled money and power. His dark hair and brown eyes attracted women of all ages, but the one woman he was intending to attract didn't even notice him at all. Looking back down at the photograph in his hand, a dangerous smile crossed his lips.

"Do you understand?" The cold voice behind him asked.

"Yes, I understand." The young man replied, placing the photograph into his breast pocket.

"Good. Very good. Just remember that if you mess this up, I will kill you myself." The young man only chuckled and turned his back to the window to look at his new 'boss'.

"I don't mess up. And don't threaten me. You know who is in charge here, Thomas. You are simply my pawn, pretending to be the big shot around here will get you killed quicker than you thought." The young man turned back to the window as he heard a quiet shuffle of feet and the big wooden door closing.

"I can't kill you just yet; someone else already has the honor of doing it for me." The young man chuckled darkly and pulled the photograph out again, running his thumb over the woman's cheek.


Hermione woke to the sound of light tapping on the window of her bedroom. Opening one eye and finding her vision much too blurry to see anything, Hermione sighed and opened her eyes and stretching lazily. She felt cold and her back still ached. She felt like wrapping her arm around Ron and soaking up some of his warmth, but came into close contact with a cold side of the bed. Before tears could well up in her eyes, Hermione felt a piece of parchment scratching her cheek. Pulling it closer to her eyes, Hermione could clearly make out Ron's scribble on the page.


Sorry I had to leave. Breakfast was amazing, as always and your dancing will have me in a good mood all day. Thank you.


Hermione smiled at Ron's thoughtfulness of at least leaving a note this time, but groaned when the tapping on her window got louder. Pulling herself up and over to the window, Hermione pulled the heavy curtains open and was assaulted by near night again. A brown owl stood at her window, looking clearly peeved at being kept waiting. Hermione opened the window and retrieved a few pellets to give to the owl, grabbing a few extra just in case it decided that her hand looked like a nice chew toy. Untangling the letter from its foot, Hermione watched it gobble up the pellets. It stuck around, waiting for a reply to be strapped to its leg.


Wine sounds like a good idea, but we haven't been out in ages. Luna keeps talking about this new club she wants to drag us to. So, how about it?


Hermione couldn't help the grin that crawled onto her face. That's Ginny for you. Going clubbing isn't exactly her thing, but she does need to get out a little more, and seeing as it's going to be called a girls night, Hermione decided that she needs to celebrate the progress she and Ron made earlier in the day. With a grin on her face, Hermione quickly wrote a reply to Ginny and sent the owl on its way.

She showered quickly and dried herself off with a big fluffy towel. Her hair was a little wet around the edges and started frizzing. Walking into her bedroom, Hermione threw open her closet door and pulled out her underwear and a dark skinny jean that went perfectly with her black ballet flats. Her sparkly red top made a V in front of her chest, the outline of her breasts only just visible. Pulling her hair into a braid hanging over her shoulder and applying a small amount of make-up, Hermione pulled on a thick jacket and was out the door within an hour. She locked the door to the apartment and cast a few charms to keep unwanted visitors out.

Taking the bus again to Harry and Ginny's flat, Hermione couldn't keep the smile off of her face as she thought about Ron. He still loved her, she knew it. Even if he didn't say it, she didn't need to guess the look in his eyes when she praised him. Before she could get lost in her thoughts again, Hermione's stop came and she got of the buss and walked at a leisurely pace. The door flew open just as she was about to knock.

"Oh, Hermione, finally. Took you long enough!" Ginny grinned and pulled her inside.

"Sorry, I fell asleep. Your couch isn't 'Hermione-friendly'." Ginny giggled as Hermione followed her into the bedroom.

"Luna is meeting us there. Just give me a minute to get dressed and we can go." Hermione nodded and sat on the bed, looking at the mess Ginny made. Clothes were thrown in every direction, shoes were littering the floor and make-up was cluttering the vanity. Hermione had no doubt in her mind that Harry would be cleaning this up when he got home. Wait, where is Harry?

"Harry and Ron went to see the healers. Harry is going back to work on Monday and Ron said he'd take him. He had a pretty big smile on his face when he got here; I take it you two talked a few things out?" Ginny prodded as she pulled her black skin tight dress up her body. Hermione nodded and blushed slightly.

"Good to know." Ginny replied. The grin was evident in her voice.

"Okay, I'm set. Let's go." Ginny declared. Hermione stood just as Ginny pulled on a pair of strappy heels and just as Hermione predicted, the task of cleaning had fallen on Harry's shoulders.

The pair giggled as they walked down the road toward the bus stop. Neither woman noticed the dark figure hanging back, following them.


A/N: Well, I suppose an apology is in order. I kept you all waiting for so long. Sorry, sorry, sorry! This last semester of Uni had me by the nose and demanded all of my attention. I can say that the story will be updated once every two weeks, I swear! Thanks for sticking with me, and reading this story. Please review before you leave :) They really give me a happy dance :D