
The Morning

Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls :-( or anything else mentioned

AN: OK, here is a new story, I hope you like it. It's set somewhen after Logan's proposal and the break up. Rory isn't working on the campaign and she never met Jess before. That's all you need to know for now. I'm sorry if someone seems OOC. The song Lorelai refers to is Last Name by Carrie Underwood.

Her head felt like someone, or even better King Kong, had decided to run over it. A few times. She couldn't remember the last time she had had such a bad headache. What had she been doing yesterday?
As it came back to her slowly but surly she couldn't believe it. That was so unlike her. What had possessed her to act this way? Now, she needed a coffee and advice from her best friend.
Quietly she searched for her cell-phone in the dark and pressed speed dial number 1.
Listing to the dial tone she sat down on the chair next to the desk.

He was woken up by someone shuffling through the room. He was about to turn on the lights and see what was going on when the last night came back to him. Sinking down again in his pillow, he closed his eyes and listened to his surroundings.

"Hey Mom!" Her voice was quiet and soft as not to disturb him.
"No Mom, I'm sure it was a dream that Taylor and Luke teamed up to forbid you from drinking coffee. He loves you, he wouldn't do that to you and he hates Taylor." Her voice seemed amused and exasperated at the same time.
"But I need to talk to you. You'll never believe what happened. I need your advice and please don't interrupt or get mad." Now she sounded serious.
"I'm married." It was statement but he heard the uncertainty in her voice. He wasn't sure if it was because she wasn't sure if she remembered it correctly or if she was uncertain of her mother's reaction.
"No, not to Logan. To Jess." Now, there was definitely panic in her voice.
"I don't know. Oh my God! I don't even know my last name." If it was possible there was even more panic now.
"It's not funny Mom! And since when do you listen to country songs?" She was back to be amused and exasperated.
"So it's OK for you to sing them and make references with them, but I'm not allowed to recognize the songs?" Wow, she sure knew how to change moods. All he could hear now was her amusement.
"And what is that?" Her voice sounded slightly anxious this time.
"Oh Mom, I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to. But I guess now you know how it feels." This conversation was getting cryptic.
"Mom. Gross." He could nearly hear her blush. That's how embarrassed she sounded.
"Mom, that's unfair and did you have to remind me now? Mom, Mom?" But her mother had apparently hung up.

Getting up from the chair, she decided it was the best to drink coffee before thinking about anything else. Still in the dark she started looking for her clothes, when his comment startled her.
"You don't have to put them back on for me."
At first she was absolutely embarrassed. She thought he still had been sleeping. How much of her conversation did he hear? Slowly her embarrassment tuned down.
"Well, if you want the nice man with the coffee downstairs and the rest of the hotel to see your wife naked, you should have said so before and I would have even thought of an nice entrance for them."
"Really now? Well, how about I go downstairs and get the coffee and you stay here, naked?" At this comment she could feel herself blush again.
"Well if you're fast there's a chance you'll catch me while I'm still changing."
"I guess I have to sprint then." With that he put on some pants and a shirt and left the room.

He had hardly left when she heard someone banging against the door. Wondering who that could be she recognized the voices talking outsider her room. It were Paris and Lane.

Opening the door, she could see their worried faces.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked.
"Rory, are you alright? We were supposed to meet 15 minutes ago. Paris and I were so worried."
Shit, she had totally forgotten about Paris and Lane arriving today.
"Sorry, I forgot. There's been a lot happening."
"Common Gilmore. Just tell us. I mean, it must have been big if you forgot about us."

She noticed that that probably even wasn't her name anymore but since she didn't know the right one she decided to not mention it yet and start at the beginning.

"OK, so when I got here yesterday everything reminded me of Logan again and so I went out of the hotel and after a little while I found this great bookstore. I just sat there and read when this guy sat down next to me."
"Ohh, was he good looking?"
She blushed slightly but decided just to answer and get on with it.
"Yes, he was. Anyway we started talking about the book I read and somehow the conversation just went on and on. I think he has read even more books than me. So we talked and besides his absurd like of Hemingway", she said this with a small smile, which didn't go unnoticed by neither Lane nor Paris, "he has a great taste. After some time I got hungry and so we went to eat something and then we somehow ended up in this bar. And I don't think I was that drunk, because I can remember everything but I must have been at least tipsy because then I somehow heard me say that he would be a much better husband than Logan would have been. I mean we only knew each other a few hours but he already knew me better and understood me and I we have that much in common. The next thing I know is that we are in a jeweler and he picks out this amazing ring."
Here she held up her hand to show it to them. It was a small band with a curve in it. In the middle was one blue stone.
"Oh my god, it looks amazing. Much better than Logan's. Sorry, but that was just so overdone and glamorous and sparkling, it didn't fit to you, but this. Oh, it's great." Lane started squealing again.
"I hope the stone is real." Well, that was Paris for you.
"Yeah, it's real. And I know what you mean Lane, that's what I was talking about when I said he somehow knows me better than Logan. Then everything was in a blur again until we were in this chapel and this guy said you can kiss the bride."
"So, you want to tell me, you married this guy you met yesterday because you think he knows you better than Logan?"
"Yeah, I don't know what hit me to do this, but I did it and somehow I don't really regret it, but I don't know what's going to happen now. We didn't have a chance to talk about it, yet."
"Oh, OK. It's your life. And he can't be much worse than Farmer John and Rich Boy. But I still don't understand how you can do this."
"Well, as I said, the most is in kind of a blur."
"So, you seem to like him, and he's hot. How was the kiss?"
"Oh common! It's important. Particularly if your married."
Blushing she just smiled as she remembered the kiss and what happened afterwards.
"That good, yes? And did you, you know...?"
Again, she just blushed, smiled and nodded and Lane squealed.
"Oh Gilmore, or however your name is now, what happened to you?"
"I don't know Paris, I don't know."

Suddenly the door opened and he came back inside.
"Here, I don't think I was fast enough, but I brought you coffee anyway..."

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