OKAY, first off, I know you guys are probably ready to come at me with pitch forks and torches, if any one is still even reading with my annoying and infrequent updates lately, and even though you guys probably don't care, I DO have a legitimate excuse! : I am in summer school, and due to a bunch of reconstruction to our High School, the summer courses are crammed into ONE month, so our classes are three hours each which also means we have tons of home work, and at least three tests a DAY! And I take two different classes, so it's a six hour day five days a week. Its very stressful and I have been trying to write as much as possible so that I could update as soon as I had time, so here it is FINALLY! Soooo sorry again guys!

!Oh and a few of people guessed the song right, 'Punch Drunk Love' by the Summer Set, but no one gave me a character, so I guess there will be no new character for now

Later at dinner, I was being teased by my siblings about staring at Katie 'oh so obviously', according to my sister, Mandy.

I thought it was being pretty subtle, but whatever.

I came to a conclusion that I was going to tell Katie how I felt, but I didn't know how to.

I could go to the Aphrodite cabin, but those chicks scared me.

Then I remembered who had gotten Katie to kiss me on Christmas. Anna and Jay-Jay.

When I was walking over to the Hecate cabin to see if they were in there, I passed Zach and Anna…making out.

I had to do a double-take and rub my eyes a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

I wasn't. They were really kissing. Way to go Zach! I smirked to myself and shook my head as I continued to walk towards the Hecate cabin. Maybe Jay-Jay would be there.

I knocked on the door and heard someone shuffle around and they open the door. Jay-Jay was standing there with red eyes, hair that was usually in soft waves down to her lower back was just pulled back into a messy bun, and she was just wearing short pajama shorts and a tank top.

When she saw who it was, she quickly wiped he eyes, and tried to look like she hasn't been crying for Zeus knows how long.

"Um- uh, H-hey Travis. What's up?" her voice cracked through the sentence and squeaked at the end.

"Uh, nothing. I was just wondering if you could help me with something, but, uh..What's wrong?"

You may not have realized this, but I really don't like emotions. They just make me extremely uncomfortable.

She ran a hand through her side bangs, which didn't fit into the bun, and took a deep breath. She suddenly found the ground way more interesting.

I wanted to leave so bad, but this is one of Katie's best friends, not to mention Conner's 'entire reason for existing', as he says.

"Oh, uh- nothing. Don't worry, I've just had a bad day." She tried to smile but it wasn't a very convincing one.

Against every emotion screaming inside of me to run away, I took a deep breath and asked, " Well, do you wanna talk about it?"

She laughed a little knowing this was way out of my comfort zone, "It's fine, Travis, just go hang with Katie." She said the last part with a smirk.

"Haha," I said sarcastically, then gave her a look that said I wasn't leaving so she should just tell me what's up.

She sighed and sat on her bed.

"I just-I've just," she paused and started over, "Me and Anna had a big fight this morning, I got a call from my brother this morning and he said my step-mom is really sick and she had an miscarriage," This really surprised me for two reasons. One, the last I had heard, Jay-Jay did NOT get along with her step-mom, and Two, I didn't know she was even pregnant. "and-" She abruptly stopped talking and looked at her feet.

I raised an eye brow when she looked back up at me.

She sighed again and said in voice slightly louder than a whisper, "and I saw Conner kissing Lindsay."

Now that one REALLY surprised me. My brother didn't say it, but I could tell by the same reasons he described myself when I was with Katie, that he loved her. Why would he be kissing Lindsay? I think she was a daughter of Apollo. She had a pretty bitchy attitude, too. And I am almost positive she was Jay-Jay's cousin on her dad's side of the family.

"Wow." Was what I finally managed to say.

"Yeah, I know I'm just being too emotional and-" I cut her off.

"No, you have a pretty good reason to say you've had a pretty shitty day. I mean that sucks about your step-mom, I'm really sorry." I tried to give a sympathetic look but, like I said, comforting wasn't really my thing.

She giggled at my face and shrugged.

"So what did you want my help with?" She asked trying to divert the attention away from herself.

"Oh-well-uh, you see…."

"Come on, Travis. Spit it out already!"

"Well,I-kinda-wanted-to-know-if-you-help-me-tell-Katie-that-I-really-like-her-alot ?" I said it in such a rush, I barely understood myself, so I have NO idea how she said what she said next.

"I totally knew it!" She squealed. "It has always been so obvious that you guys were so into each other and you would make the cutest couple ever and I am so glad you came to me 'cuz now I can help get you two together and make one of my best friends happier!" She said that almost as fast as me, and she did it all in one breath. Dang, that girl can talk!

"Uh-so yeah, what do I do?"

At that moment Anna knocked on the door.

"Um-hey." She said awkwardly to Jay-Jay.


"Can we talk?"

"It's okay. I know what you're going to say. Me too."

I had no idea what was going on, but the girls seemed to know.

Anna smiled and Jay-Jay returned the smile and then she motioned for Anna to join us on her bed.

"Travis has a problem," Jay-Jay explained to Anna what we had just gone over.

"Okay so now that you know what is going on, what do I do?" I asked impatiently.

"Well, first you just start off a normal conversation with her," Anna began.

"And when you feel like you are ready to tell her, start off by brushing away a piece of hair from her face," Jay-Jay finished.

"OOO, yeah! And then you have to come up with your own words and way to tell her, because if we told you exactly what to say, it wouldn't be as romantic…" Anna said.

"Yeah, and it wouldn't be YOU asking her out. Plus, it might not work in the conversation at all." Jay-Jay added.

"Okay, so just start off talking, then when it feels right, hair, then say what I need to say?" I asked trying to clarify.

"Yupp, then you can kiss her like you've been madly dying to do since day one." Jay-Jay winked and I. FREAKING. BLUSHED! Travis doesn't blush!

I had no comment for that particular comment so I figured since they helped me already, I could give 'em a bit of a hard time. Well, at least Anna, wouldn't want Jay-Jay getting all up set again. I internally shuddered.

"So, Anna, how's Zach?" I asked with a tiny smirk and a raised eye brow.

It was Anna's turn to blush and study the floor of the Hecate cabin.

"Oh-uh, he's-uh, fine. I guess." She tried to shrug it off, but no way was I gonna let it slide that easy.

"So, have you by chance seen him at all today?" I raised both eye brows at this point.

She just shrugged again, "I might have. I can't really remember."

Jay-Jay, who looked confused throughout this conversation, raised her perfectly plucked eye brows at Anna. "You don't remember?" She asked.

Anna, you guessed it, shrugged again, still not looking up at Jay-Jay or myself.

Jay-Jay tilted her head towards me in question. I puckered my lips and made it look like I was kissed air, then motioned to Anna.

Jay-Jay's eyes went as wide as Zeus' fist and looked at Anna.

"OHMYZEUS! ANNA!" Jay-Jay screeched.

Anna looked up, startled, and then blushed again.

"Well, looks like you two have a lot to talk about, so I'll just make my way out of here."

Jay-Jay who was still staring at Anna in shock began to smile brightly at her friend.

I laughed at the two and walked out of the cabin.

When I was about half way back to my cabin, I ran into Katie. Literally.

She fell to the ground with an 'oooof!'

She looked up at me murderously, and I, of course, being the gentleman I am and all, laughed.

"Haha, very funny. You better sleep with one eye open, Stoll."

"I'm sorry, Katie,-ahaha-I just, ahh, you shoulda seen your face!" I tried to control myself as I offered her my hand.

She took my hand, but she glared at it like it just ate her little brother or something!

"Oh, come one Kates, I said I was sorry." I gave her my puppy dog eyes.

She tried to keep glaring, but let's face it. You cant resist this face.

"You're still a jerk." She said, but I could tell that I was easily forgiven.

"I know" I agreed and smiled brightly at her.

She tried not to but she smiled back.

"So, what's up, Trav?" She asked and the wind blew a strand of her hair in her face. This is it.

"Do you ever notice you call me that a lot?" I asked randomly. I had the perfect build up to how I would tell her how I felt.

She looked down, embarrassed, and blushed slightly. That was not the reaction I was expecting.

Oh well. I can still make it work.

I put my hand under her chin and lifted her head up towards mine so she would look at me.

"It's okay. I kind of like it. Especially when you say it like you do." I told her, trying to sound confident, though I was freaking out like a little six year old girl in the middle of a tornado all alone.

She met my eyes and we just looked into each others eyes for a few seconds.

I took me hand and swept away the strand of hair that had fallen over her face and then left my hand there and caressed her cheek.

I started to pull her towards me. We both closed our eyes and just as our lips skimmed each other, there was the most annoying sound I have ever heard.

"Pardon? Could one of you show me the way back to the Big House? I'm afraid I have forgotten how to get there." This kid about my height said in an Australian accent.

I already didn't like him.

Katie pulled away quickly and blushed. I just glared at the little shit.

"Um, yeah, I can show you where it is." Katie volunteered as she re-tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, I'll come with." I agreed grudgingly.

The kid, Robby, was his name apparently, started telling Katie all about himself, like she would care. But what really got to me, was that she seemed interested and actually laughed when he said something funny.

I walked a little behind those two, glaring at Robby the whole way.


I know there wasn't a TON of actual TRATIE, just some implied TRATIE, but this was kinda a filler chapter. If you remember the very 1st chapter, Travis has some competition in his fight for Katie…. Well my fellow followers, YOU JUST MET HIM! Ahhhhh! You have just met Travis' archenemy, ROBBY. What did you think of the chapter? I wanted to put some more friends in for Katie later on in the story, and to do that, I wanted you guys to get to know more about them and what they are like, so that is why a lot of the chapter was dialogue between Travis, Jay-Jay, and Anna.

As always my little pretties, REVIEW!