A/N: Okay here is the last chapter FINALLY! Once again I am sorry it took me so long, I actually have had another two stories for Ouran high planned out months ago but I don't think I will post them until I finish completely.

9 months later

"You have quite a fascinating story Mrs. Ootori. In just a few short months you have managed to land a supporting role in a major TV drama. How did you do it? Was it because of your husband's connections?"

"It actually started about a year ago. I was in a few popular TV commercials and was offered to be in a few minor dramas, I would have gladly agreed if I wasn't pregnant at the time. After I got married and had my baby boy I asked my manager if I had any past offers that have not yet started filming. It was pure luck I got a role in a drama, even if it is a supporting role."

"But the rumor going around is that your husband bribed the director into hiring you."

"My husband would never do something so demeaning."

"What about sleeping around with all these women before he met you because his grandmother told him you," the host set a large envelope filled with photos of Kyouya and other women on the table that separated him from Haruhi.

"Nothing more than rumors," Haruhi smiled brightly not bothering to look at the photos. "It is true that my husband was a bit of a play boy before he met me, but I can assure you that these women are history. Besides, what kind of grandmother would sell her own grandson's body for money? She has plenty of fresh young blood to sell out."

"Ah, yes. How can we forget old granny's little host club she started. Isn't it demeaning for a member of the elite class to own a host club?"

"Isn't it demeaning for a TV host to corner guest stars in their dressing room and rape staff members? You would think someone would question your all female staff and guest stars. But I am just an amateur actress trying to get my name out there," Haruhi smiled sweetly. "Right Mr. Shinohara?"

Shinohara's eyes narrowed slightly before he recovered his emotions, "Of course rumors will be rumors. I see what you are trying to do Mrs. Ootori; I guess I won't bring up anymore negative rumors about the Ootori family."

"That would be appreciated."

"Then how about the Fujioka family? Isn't your father a drag queen you owns a gay bar?"

Haruhi just sat on the chair with her hands on her lap.

"Sir," one of the staff said to Shinohara.

Shinohara ignored them and spoke to Haruhi, "What? Nothing to say about this one?"

"Mr. Shinohara," the staff member said again, this time walking onto the set.

"What do you think you are doing? This is a live broadcast. Get off the set," Shinohara told them sternly.

"Our show stopped broadcasting after the last question about Mrs. Ootori's father. Someone has shut us down."

"What?" Shinohara turned to Haruhi, "You did this didn't you?"

Haruhi stood up from her chair. "Wealthy people control almost everything in this economy, including politics. They can also control what is aired on TV and what is not. Unfortunately for you the last girl you tried to rape was the daughter of a very important person. Now it is time to face her father."

Mori walked up behind Shinohara and knocked him out.

"Thank you Mori; make sure he gets to Grandma Ootori's host club to be treated by the younger boys. When the pictures are completed deliver him and the photos to Nekozawa: I'm sure he has something special planned for Shinohara for touching his daughter."

"It will be done"

Later in the afternoon

"Are you sure you have time to hang out with me," Renge asked.

"Of course, Kyouya is with Ruki and filming for the drama does not start until next week," Haruhi replied.

"I kind of wish you had brought Ruki, he is just so cute," Renge squealed.

Haruhi rolled her eyes. "So how are things with Tamaki?"

"The same as they have been since we first met, except he hovers way too much lately," Renge sighed.

"You are carrying his daughter, as soon as she is born you won't be able to separate them," Haruhi laughed.

"Don't laugh at my misfortune. By the way do you have the photos?"

"Oh, yes I do," Haruhi handed the envelope full of picture, which she took from Shinohara's studio, to Renge.

Renge started to flip through the pictures. "Hmmm… These pictures don't prove much, they are just photos of them walking or hugging, not even in front of a love hotel… wait, here is one where he is kissing a woman." Renge handed the photos back to Haruhi.

"You would think with all those rumors about him impregnating women, they would have dirtier pictures. It's like they don't even know the meaning of blackmail," Haruhi stated.

"Speaking of rumors, I saw your interview earlier today, there is already a rumor going around that the broadcast was cut off deliberately and you murdered Shinohara."

"If I murdered him I wouldn't make it so obvious," Haruhi said. "Let's get going already, we still have that baby store you wanted to go to."

"Alright, but just answer one question that has been bugging me for awhile."


"You remember that rumor about Grandma Ootori with her selling young boy's bodies?"

"What about it?"

"I thought you took care of that contract already."

"I did, the bitch was harder to take down then I thought. I figured with the rumors the police would investigate and send her away, damn rich bastards."

"If you took care of it why is Grandma Ootori's club still open? She fled the country months ago; who the hell is taking care of it?"

"Don't worry about it. The business seems to be running smoothly and the boys are being taken care of."

"Taken care of?"

Haruhi rolled her eyes, "They are alive and well, I wouldn't kill small children, you know that."

"I guess you are right."

At the Ootori mansion

"Kyouya I'm home," Haruhi said as she opened the door to the master bedroom. She stopped in the door way and looked at the scene before her. Kyouya was lying on his back in the bed fast asleep, with a small baby boy on his chest also sound asleep. Haruhi smiled and exited the room closing the door quietly.

She decided to run to her office to see how her business was going before joining her husband and son in bed.

Haruhi opened the locked drawer in her desk and pulled out a file marked 'Nekozawa, Umehito'.

8 months earlier

"I'm surprised you came to visit me," Grandma Ootori said as she poured tea into two cups that were on the small coffee table.

Haruhi leaned forward on the couch so she could reach her tea. "I'm sure you are surprised I came, or even found out about this place."

"I assume you found out about it during your two month vacation."

Haruhi smiled slightly, "Yes that would be correct. Do you know why I am here?"

"Not really," Grandma Ootori said. "This game has been fun, but you have lost. You cannot bring down an Ootori." Grandma Ootori went to the counter in the kitchen area to grab the sugar, staring out the window for a moment.

"I find myself a pretty good detective; I have the ultimate disguise now after all, as your grandson's wife."

"Why did you bring my grandson into this? He has nothing to do with the club," Grandma Ootori said taking a seat across from Haruhi.

"This is not about the club. And don't get me wrong, I love Kyouya; he is the only man to ever set my body on fire. Besides, you were the one who told him we were soul mates."

"That was before I figured out who you were," Grandma Ootori snapped.

"When did you figure out who I am? You did send me away to test your little experiment so it had to of been after that. I was quite a bother to do my work from so far away."

"I figured it out about a month and a half after I sent you away," Grandma Ootori said sipping her tea, which was half gone by now.

"That sounds about right; my computer was hacked around that time."

"If you knew, why did you ask?"

"Just to confirm it was you and not someone else. It would be a bother to track them."

"That acting school seems to have paid off well. I would never have figured you for a fraud without that information."

"I could always act, that school was an easy degree, before you handed in my resignation for me of course. But you made up for it by getting me into a top agency."

"How long have you been an underground P.I.?"

"Since I was about 17, it started with my friends being harassed by a perverted teacher. Word got around that I have no problem blackmailing people and some big shot yakuza hired me and he helped spread the word that I don't mind getting my hands dirty. Of course Renge helped where she could."

"That all it takes huh, the word being spread around. Who hired you to take me down?"

"It was actually the people who you matched, but they later divorced because they fell in love with someone else of the same sex. It seems you made their life hell and even destroyed their companies."

"I'm surprised you even told me who they were. Are they not in danger now?"

"No," Haruhi smirked.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you are already dead."

Grandma Ootori looked at Haruhi in surprise. Haruhi just pointed to Grandma Ootori's tea cup.

"To answer your unspoken question, I put the poison in while you got the sugar. It wouldn't have come to this if the law enforcement would do their job instead of taking dirty money. Everyone will think you fled the country and I will take control of your club, secretly of course. Have a good rest." Haruhi got up and exited the room. She waited another minute outside the door before she heard the crash of a shattered tea cup.

Haruhi turned to Mori and Hunny you were waiting outside the room for her. "Mori, please get rid of the body, Hunny, clean up the mess and make the room look like she left on a really long trip." Haruhi looked at her watch, "I have to go, Kyouya is expecting me for dinner and would like to know the news about his grandmother."

"It will be our pleasure," Hunny smiled as he entered the room shortly followed by Mori.

The End

A/N: Review and tell me what you think. I will always take your lemons by the way, no matter how many years later you read this.