A/N: I was about to go to bed when this idea suddenly came to me and I just had to type it up before forgot. Let me know if you think I should make more one-shots with one of them using the word 'no' or I should just let this stay a one-shot. Enjoy and review!

Tickle Fight!

"No. No! No, stop, Roxanne. Please, no! Oh, no! Don't come any closer, you fiendish woman! Get away! I'm serious, Roxanne, don't even think about it!" he begged, knocking into things in his speed to get away from the woman who was slowly walking towards him, arms outstretched, fingers at the ready.

She lunged, tackling him to the ground, slim fingers curled and ready for tickling.

"Noooooooooooooooooo!" he yelled and laughed at the same time, helpless, as she laughed with him, tickling his sides and belly. In between gasps, his pleas for mercy became higher in pitch the longer she tickled him. "No-please-Roxanne-for the love of-NO NOT THERE!" he screamed as she worked her way down to his slender blue feet.

She paused, and he glared at her. "You wouldn't."

She smiled wickedly and stared right back, her eyes full of rebellion, "Try me."