RATED : M (For nudity, future sex, and yaoi)



This story is dedicated to two people. One is my Toothless. Je t'aime Toothless. 3 Hope you enjoy it! 3 The second is my younger sister. Without her input on this pairing, I don't think I would be writing it. 3 you Kayla.

Other thanks: Thanks to my friend nessie_black22 who helped me think of part of the plot for this chapter.

I lay in bed thinking back over the past few days. It all started when the village elder deemed me the most promising recruit. I ran off to tell Toothless that we were leaving when Astrid followed me. Astrid ended up going with Toothless and me on a flight and Toothless brought us to the dragons nest. When we returned home, Astrid kissed me. The next day, I ended up trying to show my dad that we didn't have to kill the dragons, we could train them. But that went downhill when dad got mad and scared the Monstrous Nightmare. That's when Toothless came and saved me, but got caught in the process. Dad got mad at me and ended up finding out about the nest. He took Toothless with him and ended up finding the nest and the Red Death. Luckily the few teens that stayed at home trusted me enough to get on the few dragons we had at home and we went to save our parents. And that we did. Toothless and I took down the Red Death and in the process I lost my left foot. When I woke up I found Toothless in my house and dragons everywhere in the village. We now live with dragons as our pets. And on top of that I went from being a nobody to a hero. Astrid was now paying attention to me and as of yesterday, we started dating. Dad approved of our relationship and so did the rest of the village. But when Toothless and Astrid were both around me, he didn't seem happy and he would growl at her. Her Nadder didn't get along with him either, and I never understood why.

I looked down beside my bed to see Toothless curled up asleep on some extra blankets. Without even thinking about what I was doing I grabbed my blanket and got on the floor and curled up beside Toothless, falling asleep.

I woke up to feel Toothless holding me in his arms and legs and to my surprise my blanket was not on me, but I was very warm. I closed my eyes wishing for it to be night again so I could just stay here with Toothless, but when I heard a knock on the door, I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third, open this door right this second," I heard Astrid screaming.

Beside me I heard Toothless groan at the sound of her voice.

"Astrid, I just woke up. I will be out there in a minute."

"You better be," she screamed back.

I let out my breath that I didn't even notice I was holding as I felt Toothless's grip on me tighten. I glance over at him for a split second before an idea came across my mind.

"You want to sneak out the back and go for a fly, boy?" I whisper to him.

He nods as he let's go of me and as soon as I stand up he runs outside. I shake my head as I quickly get dressed and wait for him to return. While I waited, I tended to the fire and packed a light bag with a few supplies in case we stopped to eat a lunch while we were out, which we did more times than not. As I finished packing the bag, Toothless came in the back door. I ran up to him and jumped on as I saw Astrid running up behind him.

"Sorry Astrid. We will be back," I said as we took off.

"Hiccup, you…" Astrid started yelling, but her words were lost as we flew higher and higher.

When we finally leveled off I could hear flapping behind us. I looked back to see Astrid on her Nadder.

"Toothless, let's loose them," I said as we took off leaving them way behind and as we did, Toothless gave an unnoticed grin.

As we flew, I thought over how mad Astrid would be when we get home. Not only had I tried to sneak off, but I flew off without her when she tried to follow. She was probably going to even get his father involved in this too and who knows how this will end. She was one powerful and demanding Viking woman.

I finally looked up and started to pay attention to our location when I felt Toothless slow down and for the first time I had no idea where we were.

"Toothless, where are we boy?" I asked even through I knew I wouldn't get an answer from my flying companion.

Toothless kept flying, directing me by tilting his head in the direction he wanted me to go. Soon I had come up with the conclusion that we had to be farther away from home than we have ever flown. Or maybe we were just going somewhere that was in a different direction than we usually go in. After what felt like an hour, Toothless tilted his head down.

"Are we here boy?"

Toothless gave a small nod and with that I prepared to land.

"Okay boy. Let's land."

Toothless slowly lowered us closer and closer to the ground till we were practically on top of the trees. But that didn't last long because soon the trees were gone and we were over a beautiful valley with a small river. The river flowed over some rocks forming a mall waterfall that formed a small lake. The lake flowed out into a small stream and into the near by ocean.

"Where are you boy?" I asked as we safely landed and I dismounted.

Toothless rubbed against me gently and in a loving way.

"You know, sometimes I wish you could speak to me. It would be a lot easier to communicate than guessing what you mean by the look on your face and your actions."

Toothless did his famous toothless grin as he looked up and into my eyes.

"Wouldn't you like that?" I smiled as I hugged him around his neck.

Toothless purred a little as I smiled and let go of neck before sitting down in the field. Toothless laid down beside me as I began to talk.

"I am so happy that Astrid and I are together now," I started happily and didn't see Toothless roll his eyes beside me. "But every once in a while I enjoy spending time with you. Every once in a while I wouldn't mind leaving her behind and feeling free again. She's just too… too… controlling and manly."

At that Toothless made a noise.

"Are you laughing?"

Toothless nodded as I began to laugh as well.

"But Dad likes her. He thinks she's perfect. I just wish she could calm down some. I mean, I'm only a teen. I am not ready to commit my life to someone. I am even less ready to start my own family," I said hanging my head.

I felt my shirt being grabbed and the next thing I knew I was falling into the lake. I came up as I gasped for air.

"Toothless, what the hell was that for? Now my clothes are wet," I yelled at him.

Toothless just grinned and started to laugh again. I jumped out and grabbed him around the neck as I tried my best to pull him in the water, but that of course didn't work. Instead I went flying back in the water, still in my clothes.

"Toothless, if you don't get in here, you won't get any fish," I threatened him as I came back up to the surface.

A look on his face told me that that wasn't the best way to threaten him. He could catch his own fish as he has done for years before meeting me although it must be way easier for someone else to catch the fish for you. I was never going to get him in the water. But to my surprise, Toothless got in the water. I looked over at him and smiled as I got out for a moment and jumped back in, splashing Toothless in the process. I come up for air laughing as Toothless looked at me confused. I smiled as I splashed him again. Toothless wrinkled his nose before coping me and splashing me back. I laughed as I swam to Toothless. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I pulled myself onto his back.

"Come on boy. Let's get dry."

Toothless jumped out of the water and landed on the bank. I got off his back and picked up some sticks for a fire. Toothless gathered a few big pieces of wood while I did so. I placed the sticks down as Toothless added the wood and lit the fire.

"Thanks Toothless," I said as I started to pull off my clothes and lay them out to dry.

Toothless watched as I pulled off my pants followed by my undies. As soon as I laid my undies out, Toothless came up to me and sniffed my member.

"Toothless," I yelled. "Don't do that."

Hope everyone enjoyed. I am already working on chapter 2 and as soon as it is complete, I will get it up for everyone. Thanks and please review!