Captured and Tortured

Nightwing groaned in pain. Shackled to the cell wall that she was kept in when not in sensory deprivation and hanging by her slender wrists, she waited for it to end. Her normally luscious dark ginger hair hung lank and unkempt around her face. Her tawny colored wings also looked ragged and bloody. Her exquisite violet eyes, which normally glittered with mischief and laughter, now had a defeated yet defiant look to them. Her uniform had practically been torn to shreds due to what she had endured.

How long had it been since she was captured? Two maybe three weeks. Three weeks they tortured her attempting to get information about the legion. She was ready to give up; apparently the legion she was being tortured for had more important things to do than rescue her.

Head pounding, wrists aching, body hurting all over yet she knew that her body was slowly becoming numb to the immense pain. She just wished her wings would stop bleeding. The recent round of torture had been to pluck out her gorgeous feathers one by one. She gave a shudder at the memory.

Who were these people anyways? Nightwing asked herself. Ever since they captured her they had been attempting to extract information on the legion but Nightwing realized they never said who they were or why they wanted said-information. She hung her head in despair.

Suddenly, loud footfalls sounded from outside the door, Nightwing wept as she realized they were coming for her again, what next? Yank her hair out strand by strand? Beat her to death? Oh it would be worth it if only it would finally put an end to her misery. The handle rattled and Nightwing composed herself, she would handle it with dignity she thought I refuse to grovel before them. She held her head up high and waited as they unshackled her and carried her out for another round of torture.