Sakura ran to the Hyuuga estates as fast as she could.

"Neji!" she yelled when she got there, "Neji where are you?"

Neji looked up from his spot in the garden. He slowly got to his feet.

"What is it Sakura?" he asked calmly.

"Orders." She said trying to catch her breath.

Neji nodded and walked inside. He gathered a few supplies and reappeared in his ANBU uniform.

"You should change into your uniform." He said.

"Release." Sakura said, her red outfit melting into her black ANBU outfit.

"Transformation jutsu… good thinking." Neji complimented her while putting his Crow mask on.

Sakura grinned behind her Bear mask.

"We should get to the gate." She said and vanished. Neji followed suite.


Naruto and Kakashi waited in silence for Bear and Crow to arrive.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei." Naruto said quietly.

"Yeah?" Kakashi asked, adjusting his fathers White Fang mask.

"Crow and Bear, they can't…" Naruto paused.

"They can't know that I know who you are." Kakashi stated flatly.

Naruto nodded as Bear and Crow appeared a yard away from them.

"Well look at this." Bear said with a giggle, "We have two commanders of the pack now."

Crow shook his head.

"So you took on the mantle of White Fang, eh Kakashi?" Crow asked staring directly at the silver-haired Jounin.

Kakashi nodded but remained silent.

"Let's hope you can live up to the name." Crow said.

A second later Crow was being picked up by the front of his shirt. Wolf growled at him, looking up at the ninja in his hand.

"Shut up Crow." He growled. "You should have more respect for your superiors."

Crow looked back at him with cold grey eyes. He laughed.

"You really think I'm scared of you Wolf?" he snarled. "Put me down and we'll see who's scared."

Kakashi placed a hand gently on Wolf's arm. Wolf looked over at him and saw him silently shake his head. He dropped Crow to the ground.

"Let's move out!" Wolf commanded, turning around and walking out the gates to the village.

Kakashi followed closely behind him and Bear behind him. Crow sat for a moment where he'd been dropped then followed all of them.

"What's his problem?" he asked Bear.

"You know he loves Kakashi." She whispered back. "He'd never let anyone say anything against his beloved Sensei."

"I heard that!" Wolf yelled over his shoulder.

Bear fell back right behind Crow.

"What are you doing?" Crow asked.

"You've never seen him when he's really pissed off." She answered.

Crow wanted to ask what she meant but thought better of it. They all followed Wolf in silence. Bear stared at his back for a while.

"Where are we going?" she asked quietly.

"Just between here and the Hidden Sand Village." Wolf replied. "Our men are being wiped out ahead and it's our job to find out why and by whom."

Bear and Crow nodded.


Wol began thinking about the conversation he'd had with Kiba.


"That's right, you're taking Kakashi home right?" Kiba asked.

"How'd you know?" Naruto asked.

"Ino told me." Kiba stated flatly.

"I'm going to kill Sakura." Naruto mumbled.

~Bear you are gonna die after this.~

Akimaru barked from the ground at Kiba's feet. Naruto smiled.

"Hey Akimaru." He said scratching behind the nin-dogs ears.

"Hey Naruto..." Kiba said.

Naruto looked up at him.

"What's wrong Kiba?"

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just wondering something." the Inuzuka said scratching the bridge of his nose kind of like Iruka.

"So spill it." Naruto said plastering a fox-like grin on his face.

"Well, you really like Kakashi don't ya?" he asked.

"Of course I do, he's my Sensei." Naruto said.

"That's not what I meant Naruto." Kiba said.

Naruto's face was already a bright red.

"I don't know. Maybe." he lied.

Kiba nodded.

"You should do your best to protect him then." the Inuzuka boy said quietly, "Don't let those you truly care about get hurt."

"Don't worry Kiba, no one will get hurt on my watch." Naruto said smiling, "Believe it!"


"No one will get hurt." Wolf said quietly.

He stopped in the middle of a clearing.

"Let's set up camp for the night." he said.

"Right!" Crow and Bear said in unison.

Wolf looked around at the small group.

"I'll take the first watch, Crow will take the second." Wolf said calmly.

Crow nodded.

"Yes sir!" Bear said.

Naruto chuckled to himself, he loved bossing Sakura around.

"What can I do?" Kakashi asked.

Crow looked over at the silver-haired nin.

"You should still be resting but Hokage-sama made us drag you along." he sneered.

Wolf threw a kunai towards Crow, who ducked out of the way.

"You're getting way out of line Crow." he said hotly. "Keep it up and you won't live much longer."

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Crow sneered, "I dare you to try."

Wolf's eyes were already taking on a red tint because of his rage.

"Don't tempt me!" he growled.

Bear began to drag Crow to the other side of the clearing.

"Let me go!" Crow commanded.

"Shut up idiot!" Bear hissed. "Are you trying to get him to go nutso demon on everyone?"

She made him help her set up the tents they had brought.

"Shit." Bear said.

"What's the matter?" Wolf asked walking over to them.

"I forgot to bring an extra tent." she said quietly.

"Kakashi laughed.

"Don't worry about it, I'm going to sleep under the stars tonight." he said.

"No you're not." Wolf said, "You'll sleep in my tent."

Kakashi shook his head.

"I'm not going to impose on you." he said.

They began to argue back and forth about who would do what.

"HEY!" Bear yelled above the noise.

Both men quieted down.

"Thank you." Bear said, "Why not just share for the night?"

Wolf coughed. Kakashi put his hands in his pockets.

"I guess that's a good idea." Wolf said hesitantly.

~Damnit Sakura... What are you up to?~ Naruto thought.

Kakashi nodded.

"Then maybe we should do watches in pairs." he suggested.

"Whatever wannabe Fang." Crow said.

This time Kakashi grabbed him.

"I've had just about enough of you kid. Keep it up and you won't have to worry about what he's going to do to you." he said viciously.

"Hey, hey let's not fight amonst ourselves, we've got more important issues at the moment." Bear pointed out.

Wolf nodded.

"Hate to say it but she has a point." he said.

Kakashi released Crow and vanished into the lower part of a nearby tree. Wolf did the same after casting a warning glance at Crow.

After the others vanished Bear hit Crow upside the head.

"What the hell is your problem?" she yelled. "You're supposed to be the quiet one."

"The quiet ones are usually the ones who cause the most problems. I thought you knew that already Pinky."

"You've got issues." Bear said entering her tent. "Wake me up when it's our turn for watch duty."


Note: I am so sorry that this is so late. I had a very busy break. I will try to keep a steady pace when posting. Thank you.