Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto. (had to revise a bit)

Chapter I : All Ravens are Black

Sakura felt her body being pulled apart into different directions. Limbs stretched and pulled, skin thinned, muscle strings seemed to strain and rip. Tendons snapped off from their joints. Her heart fluttered in her chest, threatening to disappear. She tried to curl into herself, but the raging winds restrained her, whistling around her, rupturing through her already abused eardrums.

Her throat constricted, fifty pairs of muscles and nerves refusing to cooperate.

Her eyes throbbed and stung. She wanted to desperately close her them but her eyelids would not obey her. Hair whipped around her face. There was nothing around her, she could not even see passed her nose, just a empty abyss and roaring winds. She could not remember why she was here or how she even came to be.

She was..somewhere..God! It hurt! All of her. Rewinding voices, reverse speech. Flashes behind her eyes. She wanted it to stop, to halt. To let her head catch up.

Biting cold rushed through her veins, like bulky daggers ripping through flesh. Heat bubbled from the pit of her abdomen. Hot white pain pulsed from the her fingertips and toes. Cramps escalated all over her head.

She had to stop it now. Make it go away somehow. Instinct came to her and her hand shot out forward as if reaching for something she could grasp. She abruptly felt her weight and limbs jerked downward. Plummeting, she felt something within her smash into an invisible force. It seemed to bulge from one side to the other like water balloon before it burst from the pressure that caught up with her. Something snapped and she hit the ground hard.

Sakura's eyes snapped open, immediately regretting it as bright light burned her retinas. She lurched forward, hacking and coughing. She could distinctly hear a frantic voice asking her what was wrong, but the coughing prevented her from even acknowledging who was asking. Her fingers dug themselves into the soil, her heart rammed itself against her chest, drumming in her ears, threatening to squirm its way up her throat. Soon the coughing ceased and she sat up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Her throat was raw and parched from the violent coughing. Her insides felt like they were swimming and her lungs felt like they been ripped from their place. She feared they might have from the force that ripped through her throat. The pit of her stomach ached and brought an upsetting feeling.

Then she sensed it, two chakra signatures. One seemed to crackle next to her, sending prickling sensations across her bear arm. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise and goosebumps crawl down her form. She whipped her head around and found Sasuke Uchiha sitting next to her, giving her a strange look.


"Sakura, are you alright?" a gentle hand landed on her shoulder making her jump and reach for their throat. Sakura looked wide-eyed into the scared eyes of Naruto. His hand frozen in mid-air. It took her a second to realize where the second chakra signature came from. His seemed to slap against her hand, like a rapidly spinning sprinkler. Except it was not water, no it was wind and something else...raw powerful chakra.

"Kyuubi.." she breathed to herself, mentally kicking herself when Naruto visibly flinched. She then narrowed her eyes and pulled away as if he burned. She felt her heart ache in her chest when a hurt look flashed on his face, but immediately squashed it and quickly scrambled away from them.

"W-who are you!" she snarled at them."Who the hell do you think you are! Tricking me!" she pointed a kunai at them.

Naruto and Sasuke looked taken aback. Naruto was the first to snap out of it. He raised his hands up, voice laced with concern. "it's us, Sakura. No ones tricking you."

Even after she hurt his feelings, he still tried to help her. Sakura gritted her teeth. How dare they impersonate Naruto! It angered her further. "You think this is funny! Do you!" Well it was not and they even failed to do so. Naruto was not twelve years old anymore. He was sixteen. His birthday was two months ago. She smirked, they could not even get that right. She looked over at the Sasuke and narrowed her eyes into slivers.

He severed his ties with the village, with his friends. His presence made her that stupid emotional greedy girl, who could not lift a kunai to save herself. Who had barreling all the burden on Naruto into trying to bring him back and Naruto had been doing that for her, even now. Even after she stung his heart. Even after all she could do was watch Naruto's innocence slip passed his fingers. He never smiled before, not like he use to. Most of his smiles are strained and empty, she would know. She gave them too much nowadays.

When she made the decision of killing off Sasuke herself, she thought it was for the best. To get rid of the burden so Naruto did not have to. However she did not really expect for Sasuke to take her own weapon and raise it at her, preparing to strike in for the kill, even after acknowledging it was an old friend of his.

"Sakura, please.." she snapped her eyes back at the blond and for the first time noticed where she was. She was at the old team seven training grounds. Back in her more quieter and calmer days, waiting for Kakashi and not another shoe to drop. When there was not a raging vigilant anti bigot spilling blood to prefect his 'Eye of the Moon' plan. When there was not a fourth ninja war tearing through north of Konoha or old friends being used as soldiers without volition.

A gentle breeze picked up and her long hair swayed with it.

Wait long hair..

She tentatively reached out to touch it and dropped her kunai. 'Kai' she mouthed, nothing changed. The genjutsu did not dissipate, not even a flicker. She was not sure if this was a trick anymore. Her hair was long again. She was back in her childhood again. She was back to that girl she tried so hard to outgrow. She dashed past the boys and dropped on her knees at the edge of the river bank. She had to know, she had to make sure it was not some sick trick. She clenched her eyes shut and counted to three in her head.

She opened her eyes and there staring back at her was utterly terrified twelve year old self.

No, no this can't be right.

She shut her eyes again and counted under breath, but was met with the same shaking eyes. She tried again and again, over and over, until she yelled at her reflection. She gripped her dress, stretching the fabric under her deathly white knuckles. But her cries did not sound more than cracked squeaks. She felt her throat constrict and tears burn in the back of her eyes.

"S-Sakura? Please tell me what's wrong." she look over and saw that Naruto reaching to touch her, but felt a tear escape when he immediately pulled back as if he was ashamed to. She felt young Sasuke's signature on the other side of her. She looked at him, he was kneeling next to her, looking a bit tense. Without much thought, she reached over and touched his head. He gave her a confused look, but did not pull away. Sakura faintly smiled.

His innocence was still there, not much of it, no, not since his brother betrayed him but his eyes were not as cold as they were when he aimed to kill her. She let her hand fall to his cheek, where she caressed the back of his ear. She giggled when he gave her an incredulous look, but narrowed her eyes dangerously when her hand landed on his neck, where Orochimaru would brand him and all this blood shed would unfold.

"You're real.."

He did nothing but stare at her for a moment, as if trying to read her and shrugged her hand off his shoulder.


She looked back at Naruto and frowned when he looked at the grass and avoided looking at her. She leaned forward, trying to capture his eyes. His eyes locked with hers and his cheeks redden when he noticed their close proximity.

"Are you feeling better?" she could not help but to smile. Always worried about her. She reached over and palmed his cheek, frowning at the bruise that laid under it. His eyes widen in surprise as hers burned in sorrow. Why was this such a surprise. Why could she not have been more kinder to him. Why did she blow him off and call him stupid all the time. "I'm sorry Naruto." she whispered.

"Huh? What do you got to be sor-" she laced her arms around his neck and brought him into her. Sakura felt his body stiffen and bit her lip. She closed her eyes and sniffed his neck.

"Sakura, a-are you smelling my neck?" he seemed to sputter out.

"Hmmm" she rested her chin on his shoulder. He smelled like stale milk and baby oil. She decided she liked it better when his hygiene improved in her time-line.

Her eyes snapped open and she pulled away. God! Her time-line, she left her squad to fight! The war!

"Ah! Sakura! Your ears are bleeding!" Naruto's cries alarmed her. She felt the Sasuke's crackling signature shift closer to her as well as Naruto's, who repeatedly slapped against her skin. They were too much for her. She suddenly stood up and cursed her dress when it got in her way. She stumbled forward. She felt herself being turned and noticed Sasuke standing in front of her, grabbing by her shoulders at arms length. He seemed to be saying something at her, but she could not hear. His eyes looked scared as did Naruto's.

She pulled away from both of them yelling at them that she was fine, but she did not know her own volume. Vertigo hit her like a plague and she felt herself being pulled towards the ground. Heart palpitations overwhelmed her. Her head connected with sharp pain and she saw black.

End of Chapter I

This would be my first Naruto story and I will continue, I can certainly assure that. Scorn Which Turns Yellow will continue, even if I only got three reviews. But no fretting! I'll continue.

I want to grate fully thank the authors who took time and reviewed, favorited for Scorn Which Turns Yellow.

Don't own the characters, just the story.

I direct you to my bio for a message, if you would be so kind.

And if your confused or its seems like everything is on loose ends, don't worry. Just know everything is connected and every action has a consequence, whether bright or dark.