AN: GOODNESS! ANOTHER STORY! Here, listen: this is a straight story! Yay! It's kind of a Christmas present for my awesome friend Teresa! I AM updating my other stories… I, er, am just finishing up a new chapter for EVERY story I have, and I want them all out at the same time so… it'll be a while XD


Summary: Roxas and Namine had always been friends. He was always there for her, as was she for him. When Namine starts avoiding him, Roxas starts to feel like he's done something wrong. That is, until he finds her sketchbook. Was it really friendship all these years …Or more? RokuNam/ NamiRoku /Rated T

Chapter One

Roxas and Namine were virtually inseparable. They were always with one another, and it's been that way since they met around age 2. They shared secrets, stories, jokes, art. Hell, they even shared germs with each other! Now they're in high school, battling untold evil that lurks within the place people like to call Twilight Town High School (otherwise known as TTHS… or simply HELL).

Roxas was at his locker when Namine came up and hugged him from behind. He jumped, easily scared as always.

"Roxy!" She beamed at him, her blue eyes squinted. He turned around and laughed, hugging her back.

"Damn, Namine. You scared the shit outta me!" She giggled.

"Sorry, Rox. You ready to go to English class?" He sighed.

"I guess. I'm never really ready for English…" He shuddered. He hated English. It didn't soothe him to have a virtually crazy teacher, either.

They walked into the room and took their seats which happened to be right next to each other. Roxas had the seat near the window, Namine to his right, and down the row were Hayner, Pence, and Olette. Their teacher, Ms. Kisaragi, came bounding in.

"Alrighty, class! Let's get started on today's lesson for freshman English! Now, as we covered last time…." She went on talking about something that had to do with verb phrases and noun clauses and shit like that. Roxas ignored her; he didn't need to know this stuff later on in life anyways.

He propped his elbow up on his desk and held his face in his hand, gazing out the window. He glanced over at Namine. She was drawing something in her huge sketchbook. He furrowed his brow, not really looking at anything now, and thought back a bit. Namine has never once shown him her drawings. Sure, maybe when they were little, or when they were displayed in galleries, but never from her sketchbook. He wanted to ask her about it once class was over.

"Roxas?" Oh, shit, how long had she been talking to him?

"What, Namine?"

"Class ended a few seconds ago… you looked like you didn't even hear the bell." He hadn't, actually.

"Oh, sorry, Namine, I guess I got sidetracked in my thoughts." She gave a wary glance at me and walked out of the room as he grabbed his stuff. That was weird, he thought. Normally she waited around for him. Oh well, he'd see her in his third period class anyways. All thought of the sketchbook was lost.


Spanish class for Roxas passed very quickly. He was the first one done with his exam that period. Roxas didn't look it, but he was a really bright kid. He had all A's and thought his classes were way too easy. He was in advanced English, Spanish, and Science. School was actually far too easy. When the bell rang he grabbed his backpack and walked hurriedly down the hallway, down the stairs, and past the huge crowd to get to Algebra with Namine.

He walked into the classroom and saw Namine sitting at her desk not doing anything. That was unlike her, he thought. Normally she started the homework or drew something in her sketchbook. He thought back to English that morning and wondered if he upset her by not listening. He sat in the desk adjoined with hers (lately their Algebra teacher was partnering them) and looked over at her. She didn't move, just sat there with her hands clasped on top of her desk, her gaze off in a dreamy state.

He waved a hand in front of her. She didn't move at all. He snickered and was about to fool her when the bell rang and she snapped awake. The smile fell from his face at the pure distraught on her face.

"Hey, Nami, are you okay?"

She looked at him blankly, blinking stupidly with her big blue eyes. "Uh, yeah? I just need to focus on this…" Her sentence trailed off. He nodded in understanding.

Namine had all A's too, so he could see how she wanted to concentrate. Their exams were pretty close… Damn, he thought, I should concentrate too.


The bell rang. Finally, he thought, lunch! Namine grabbed her stuff and was walking away when Roxas called for her.

"Namine," he called with a smile, "wait for me!"

She stopped, blushed, and turned to him, all evidence of embarrassment gone from her face. What the fuck? She thought. Why am I blushing? She smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Roxas."

He laughed and threw his bag over his shoulder. He walked to her and put his arm around her shoulder. She immediately turned a shade of bright red from the close proximity. Damn it, she thought. Roxas, however, being the not-so-bright blonde boy he is, didn't notice her awkwardness. She stayed quiet the whole walk to their lockers.

"Oh, Nami, I was wondering what you were doing this weekend. Sora, Riku, Kairi, and I want you to see a movie with us! It can be kind of a stress reliever from school; you know, with our exams. It'll be an awesome start to our winter break!"

She turned to him an uninterestedly said "Sure, Roxas, I'd love to go."

He smiled largely before they parted ways to their lockers. Namine's was near the stairwell, and his was near the Algebra wing. He turned around quickly.

"Meet me at our usual table, okay, Nam?" She laughed.

"Okay, okay, Roxas, I will!"

He laughed along with her. While walking to his locker he thought back to that morning. She had acted so strangely, but then later she was perfectly fine. He pushed it off as a girl thing and thought nothing of it.

Back at Namine's locker, Namine was terrified of the weekend. Why did I say yes? She thought. Now I definitely have to go… She sighed. She shut her locker and walked down the steps to the lunchroom. She sat at their normal table and got her packed lunch out, Olette, Hayner, Kairi, and Selphie soon following suit. Kairi and Selphie locked arms and bounded to the line, Hayner following behind them, leaving Olette with Namine in an awkward silence while they ate. Roxas walked up and threw his bag to the ground. He got his lunch out and started talking about blitzball to Olette and asking about how she and Pence were doing as an "item." Namine sighed and ate in silence, still dreading the weekend.

Hell, even if she was with almost all of her closest friends, it felt like she'd be alone… with Roxas… her secret crush… and best friend. She hung her head and internally cried while turning beet-red on the outside.



Yay for awkwardness!

Ms. Kisaragi is Yuffie from FF-whatever, in case you didn't know. I was going to pick Xigbar, but… he's a creeper and not too crazy. Yuffie is totally hyper and ninja so I thought she'd be a cool English-ninja… XD

Anywho, I hope you like this, T! :D