AN: OHMAHGOODNEZZ! Thank you guys for the faves, reviews, and alerts! It brings a tear to my eye *sniff* I have a lot of you guys saying how hopeless Roxas is… like, I made him out to be pretty cruel… BUT he gets better! I swear!

Summary: Roxas and Namine had always been friends. He was always there for her, as was she for him. When Namine starts avoiding him, Roxas starts to feel like he's done something wrong. That is, until he finds her sketchbook. Was it really friendship all these years …Or more? RokuNam/ NamiRoku /Rated T

Chapter Four

It was so close to a new year, and that thought ran few Namine's head the whole week while she waited for January first to roll around. She contemplated many a time to forget her damn oath and tell Roxas how she felt. She knew deep down, though, that she couldn't and wouldn't hurt Roxas or Kairi like that. It did shock her, though, when she got on facebook and saw some force did the deed for her.

Roxas went from being "In a relationship with Kairi Fair" to "single."

Namine blushed as she thought of actually carrying through with her previous thoughts and telling Roxas she lov—er, liked him. She shook her head, clearing away the blush and thoughts of telling him anything. A tiny war started itself in her head.

'You know you want to, Nami' a voice whispered evilly.

'No, Nami, don't! What if he rejects you?' A timid voice snakes into her thoughts. The voices argue back and forth before she shakes them out, shushing them with an "eep."

She sighs and decides to text Roxas, asking him why he and Kairi broke up. That's what friends do, right? Pfft, it's not like she actually was dying to know… ha.


Roxas lay on his back in his big blue bed. His phone buzzed on the nightstand, and he turned his head to the annoyance. He reached over the junk that laid there and grabbed his phone.

'New text from Nami' it read. He blinked before pushing the button to read it. He sighed after seeing what it said and quickly typed back a reply that he would tell her in person once they saw each other again. Sooner than later, Namine had told him it was okay for her to come over, and come over she did.


She stood there in her jeans that hugged her hips, clad in a cute sweater adorned in scarves of numerous colors, gray boots going up to her knees. She had a little white beanie on her head which Roxas thought was especially cute once he opened the door and saw her face flushed pink from the cold. He ushered her inside and she took her scarves and hat off and hung it on the little coat rack beside his door. The two being the best friends they were, Namine was well acquainted with Roxas's home, as was he with hers. She smiled at him before they walked down to his room in the basement. She walked in and sat on his bed as per usual, leaving the door open upon Roxas's parents' request.

"So, what happened?" She started.

He laughed. "Way to be blunt there, Namine." She laughed and shoved him playfully. She was glad that she wasn't as awkward around him now. She kind of thought it strange because only a week ago she had been undeniably clumsy and awkward anywhere near him. She ignored it as he was beginning to explain.

"Well, for starters I dumped her, so it's kind of been smooth sailing for me." Namine nodded.

"Why did you do it, Rox?" He shook his head.

"We just weren't for each other. I mean, we are great friends, but it's weird to be romantic with her, you know? I mean, I've known her almost as long as I've known you." Namine mentally cursed. Shit! Would that mean he wouldn't want to be with her?

"So, you mean you don't like dating friends?" He sighed.

"No," she mentally sighed in relief, "I've dated Xion before, too, so it's not that. I just can't explain it, Nam." Namine mentally fist pumped, so glad he didn't have anything about dating his friends. Plan tell-Roxas-he's-a-smoking-hottie-and-get-him-to-date-me was currently a go. She hugged him, just for friendship purposes of course, and told him it was okay and that she knew what he meant.

"Man, Nami, I'm so glad we're best friends. What would I ever do without you?" She laughed.

"You'd die, of course!" They both laughed into the night as the clocked got closer to eleven.

Eventually Namine had to go home. She walked across the street to her house that wasn't far from Roxas's home. She was content in life, now happy with renewed energy that she had a shot. She walked into her house, down to her room and screamed into her pillow.

Fuck, life was great.


Holy shit! Roxas thought. It'd be one more day until New Year's Eve! He was ecstatic. New Year's is when everybody partied and, regardless to his age, he was allowed to have a few shots and maybe even a beer. Every year his parents would invite over a few relatives and some neighbors, Namine's family being some of the few. He turned on his old, hefty IPod touch he'd had since they first came out. He was torn between listening to Apocalyptica's "I don't care" and "I Just Had Sex" by The Lonely Island. He smirked and thought of how good a mood he was in and chose Lonely Island. The bass came up and he automatically began mouthing the words in front of his mirror, dancing around to just have fun. If anyone caught him doing this, he'd surely die of embarrassment.

"Have you ever had sex? I have! It felt GREAT! It felt so good when I did it with my PENIS! A GIRL let me do it! It literally just happened!" He kept pretending to rap the words and danced not-so-appropriately to the chorus with Akon (/AN: LMAO if you haven't heard this song, look it up XD/). He liked listening to this song when he felt good because it just made him feel so giddy.


In the cozy house of Namine down the street, she was also doing something potentially embarrassing. She had her sketchbook out, drawing out herself and her dream boy, Roxas. In the picture the two were holding hands, a single heart etched out above them. She blushed thinking about it: her and Roxas actually holding hands in the cold winter weather, together at last. She sighed, thinking it too dumb to actually day-dream about these things. She finished up the details and shut her sketchpad, indulging herself in some hot chocolate. She sat in silence for a while before grabbing her cell phone. She was bored, and Roxas always fixed that. She smiled and started typing away.


'New text from Nami' Roxas read. He smiled and opened the message.

"Hey, Rox! I'm bored, entertain me!" He smiled and laughed shortly. It was a very Namine thing to say.

He texted back with "Nami haha I just saw you, loser! Why are you still up?"


She laughed when she read his reply. She retorted, "Actually, you're right! I'm going to bed haha. Sorry for disturbing you Rock's Ass. :D"


He laughed and texted a goodbye, finally deciding to go to sleep. Then he remembered… tomorrow was the New Year's party.


"Shit," Namine remembered, "tomorrow is the party!" She giggled to herself and shoved her face into her pillow, sleep slowly overcoming her.

Next chapter is the party! Yay!

I haven't updated in forever T_T I'm such a failure you guys! Noooo!

Anywho, please review!