Title: Waiting For A Tomorrow

Author: Yun Akuma

Summary: Cold and homeless discharged marine Hatake Kakashi finds himself losing endless battle in the streets during a snow storm. He finds himself getting picked up by a blonde who might give him the second chance at life.

Disclaimer : I don't own the Naruto characters or lyrics but I do own is OC Sora and Serendipity.

Chapter Eleven) Teenage Dream

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever
You make me
Feel like
I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's runaway
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back


Natsumi ignored the way unfamiliar eyes seem to wonder down her frame as she let Kakashi lead her five blocks away from the shop. Tightened her fingers unconsciously on the lazy arm, missed the way a small grin formed on the others lips before he tilted his head towards the left. Azure eyes flickered to the masked face and than to the direction he was seeing and finally noticed a dance club...a very busy dance club. "Your friend owns this?" awed at the high end club on the other street and frowned when she heard the other laugh quietly.

"Own it? Well it's not really his but his wife's. I'm sure you'll like her." taking Natsumi by the hand to cross the street before the traffic light's turned green. The blonde felt eyes wonder once more promptly on her form as Kakashi led her quietly to the front of the line, and bluntly ignored the complains, glares the other people in line were giving. "Ko-inu?" she tried to get his attention but he merely squeezed her hand to indicate he was hearing and stopped in front of the large security guy.

"I suggest you wait in line, Sir." the large man grunted, letting a couple go inside when they showed their invitation and Kakashi gave the man an eye smile.

"I suggest you tell Mr. Sarutobi that his friend Hatake is here." he gave Natsumi a merely glance when she tried to protest and side with the security man. The brunette nodded, letting his partner go inside to take the message before the blonde could call the bulky man back. "It's fine," when a blonde eyebrow rose in question and silver haired relaxed on the street pole behind them.

"Ko-inu, I hardly doubt this is okay! Besides what kind of friend is this person who owns a popular club?" Natsumi crossed her arms under her breasts, Kakashi didn't miss the chance to overlook the way her breasts lifted up. "My eyes are up here Hatake!" azure eyes narrowed at the man who shrugged his shoulder innocently, glanced up at her.

"Than I suggest not pushing those blossoms up for someone else to peak," winking his one uncovered eye at her, looked behind the blushing blonde to see a larger bread man stepping out of the club with a cigarette hanging from his bottom lip.

"I don't believe its true! Kakashi you old scarecrow!" Kakashi let the other pull him in a tight hug since his arms were being crushed to his side by the brunette's strong bulky arms. "Why didn't you come say hi to us?" questioned Asuma, his dark brown eyes glaring down at the eye smile the other gave.

"Now why would I show my pretty masked face when there's others who need to see my beauty?" grinned Kakashi ignoring the way Asuma glared darkly at him, than switched his attention to surprised Natsumi standing off the side.

"Who might this young lady be? Don't tell me you're profession is robbing cradles now." Kakashi glared darkly at his friend, took hold of Natsumi's hand and gave a gentle squeeze to the quiet blonde.

"In matter in fact, I'm not robbing any cradles this time around but I like to introduce to you Natsumi Uzumaki. The angel who saved my life." Kakashi gave the taller man a quiet glance before nudging the blonde from her silence. Asuma watched the younger woman pout and whisper/lectured to Kakashi on introducing her with stupid remarks and didn't stop the grin forming on his face.

Flicking the cancer stick to the ground to turn if off, his gaze settling on the blonde who looked up at him in confusion from the stare she was getting.

"Thank you. You don't know the trouble I've been having when this idiot here disappears." giving the girl a small smile, took Kakashi by the shoulder who pulled Natsumi to the club, ignoring the protesting people outside in the line. Natsumi felt herself feel self conscious when her eyes finally adjusted to the dark inside of the large building, almost wanted to turn around when neon lights flashed on the dance floor but Kakashi's hold on her hand kept her from falling behind.

She couldn't understand why the man was dragging her out of her humble life to this upbeat place she had long ago forgotten in her teen years before Sora crashed into her life.

Didn't help to squeak when her toe met the stairs and Kakashi's gray eye grinned down at her, he merely helped her along the metal staircase where she could see booths and bar awaiting them on the top floor.

Leaning down close to her ear, "I'm guessing you haven't been to a club in long time?" Kakashi teased her and felt Natsumi's grip on his hand tighten. "It's alright you know. I ain't going let anyone hurt you." giving a small peck on the cheek, turning his attention where Asuma was at.

"Kakashi?" even through the music was pounding at the walls, Kakashi heard her loud and clear, looked down at her with full attention. "Are you sure I should be here?" Natsumi's shy question made the older man frown on how pitiful she sounded, gave her a tight smile underneath his mask.

"Why do you ask?" saw the way her eyes seem to darken by the voices he knew all too well would be misjudging her. Yet before Natsumi could reply, Asuma and his wife were already walking towards them and didn't miss on how the red eyed beauty of his colleague was eying the young woman on his arm. "Natsumi I want you to meet Asuma Sarutobi and his wife Kurenai." and didn't miss the way her cheeks seem to darken by the other two's stare down on her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Natsumi gave them a small smile causing the older woman to smirk and Kakashi didn't see the fast hand yank the blonde away. "Ko-inu?" he heard Natsumi squeak as the brunette giggled as she hugged the younger girl to her.

"Kakashi you sly dog you! I can't believe you actually found her!" the brunette held the young girl in her arms in a tight hug. "Oh, I knew my card reading skills weren't fake!" crimson eyes looked down at the surprised, wide blue eyes.

"Card reading?" the blonde stuttered and Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Yes, card reading. I forgot about Kurenai's crazy hobbies but don't mind her when she starts talking about those things." Asuma informed dutifully, giving the other man a chance to take back his girl from his pouting wife. "But we are glad to see you came by Kakashi," the buffer man tugged his wife back to side though her crimson eyes seemed to shine more as she inspected the other two.

"I'm glad you found her. Though what brings you here?" Kurenai's eyes seem to darken at the thoughts of the former past where he used to come to relax away from his hobo days.

Kakashi simply shrugged his shoulders, "Thought Natsumi would enjoy a day to simply dance away her troubles. Also to meet you as well." making the older woman giggle at the wink her friend gave. Natsumi felt little envy that the other woman was getting more of Ko-inu's attention but quickly the blonde pushed back the thought and simply paid attention to the dance floor over the rail. It was true that she hadn't been dancing for over six years because Sasuke wasn't the type to enjoy a fun cardio-workout with her or that her son was too young to come to places like these.

Her feet were inching to go downstairs and do what Kakashi said, dance her troubles away yet when azure eyes glanced up; she noticed Kakashi's gray eye look at her in a predatory manner.

"Ko-inu?" felt his hand creep over her shoulder to slide away the jacket and hand it towards Asuma who chuckled too cryptically for Natsumi's taste. It didn't help to see Kurenai's shoulders were shaking as she tried to keep her giggles down yet hid her face in Kakashi's jacket and when the said owner of the jacket pulled Natsumi to him to whispered something to make the blonde blush. "Ko-inu! Don't say stuff like that!" Natsumi tried to pull away from the tall silver head but the man merely laughed at her and tugged her down the stairs.

"I think he's happy." Kurenai stated and looked at her husband's smirking at the couple.

"I think you're right for once." Asuma teased and grunted when manicured fist made contact with his stomach and through squinted eyes he saw his wife smile innocently at him. "Okay you're right!" blushed lightly when she kissed his cheek before heading towards the office to hold on to their friends' coats.

"Just be sure to keep Hatake out of trouble," winked Kurenai and ignored the protest her husband sent her, and when she entered her office, she finally let a frown grace the once smiling face. Set the coats on a nearby chair, plopping herself on a comfy sofa where her abandoned tea waited. "What are you going do this time Hatake." chuckled the card reader, her crimson eying the innocent picture sitting on the coffee table. "I wonder what your ex-wife will think of seeing a child on your arm." a wicked grin settled on rosy lips and fingers circled around the telephone cord.


She could feel her heart hammering against her chest as she felt the temperature get hotter with each step she took down the stairs as they neared the large crowd of dancing bodies. Tightened the her hold on Kakashi's hand feeling bodies getting in her bubble yet when she glanced to the others face, she noticed him tugging off his eye-patch and wink his red eye at her. "I can't see you too well with one eye down here," he whispered in her ear and held back squeak when his teeth bit down on her neck playfully.

"Kakashi!" pushing the snickering man away but arms wrapped themselves around her waist, tugging her against his cold body. "Why are you always cold?" Natsumi muttered and felt Kakashi's nose nudge her temple playfully as a smile formed behind his mask.

"Because I'm a vampire. So would you mind warming up?" Kakashi whispered softly in the small ear, felt his now favorite breasts shake in giggles against his own chest.

Azure eyes peered up at him with unshed tears, "I'm sorry Hatake but that's one awful pickup line if your aiming to get something tonight!" Natsumi laughed at the mock pout the older man sent her.

Mismatched eyes narrowed slightly and smirk rose on ex-marine's face, Natsumi felt her stomach clench when she saw the glint those mischievous eyes held. "H-Hatake?" she whimpered and suddenly found herself getting tugged to the dance floor. "Wait! Hatake! You lousy dog, stop! I don't want to go in there!" whined the blonde but the hand kept tugging her through sweaty, hot bodies. Felt heated eyes settle on her body again causing her insides to flip flop in nerves and triple when she was twirled around for her back to hit Kakashi's chest.

"Calm down. I promise I'll make you enjoy this night so stop thinking on what the stupid Uchiha boy said and enjoy your night." felt clothed lips press on the side of her head. Blushed when his she felt his arms tightened around her protectively from the other dancers and his pelvis rocked against hers.

"What are you..." was caught off when arms tightened around her warningly.

"Dance. Just dance, Natsumi." the gruff order made shivers run down her spine and slowly met Kakashi's own slow move and felt a clothed smile on the side of her neck. "Good girl. Now listen to the beat. Listen and follow it with me." Natsumi felt her butterflies almost melt as she noticed his voice was rougher than usual and almost wanted to turn around to meet the rough voice head on. Yet she followed his instructions and paid attention the music beating around her almost wanted to shrink back from the jealous glares of the other women around them kept throwing at her.

"Pretty much, you're givin' me a sugar rush. Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush. " playful singing voice made her forget the glares and blush up at Kakashi's smirking masked face.

'So you're going let some little bitch take him away just cause you're afraid to embarrass yourself?' her conscious hinted and Natsumi frowned at the thought of another woman dancing with Kakashi. She couldn't help but to feel shy in the new environment but the image of Kakashi dancing with a prettier girl and ignoring her made her heart clench. Leaned back against the hard chest, moaned inwardly at the hard muscles hidden underneath the shirt against her back. 'Good! Show this man who he belongs to!' cheered her conscious and Natsumi let herself rock back against Kakashi's pelvis and smirked when she felt him stiffen briefly.

"Natsumi." she heard the husky murmur against her neck and smirked at the bitches around them. 'Like hell I'm going let you take away my date!' Natsumi thought angrily and felt her chin turn upwards to meet amused gray, red eyes. "Show me what you got," the challenge falling on the table made a smile blossom on pink lips. Azure eyes winked at the silver head.

"Only if you can keep up." the challenge sealed by her adrenaline pumped mind and thanked the DJ for the upbeat song pumping through the speakers. The once protective arms moved away and Natsumi took the chance to prove herself to the man who was willing to be with her in public and felt those long sinful fingers slide down the sides of her waist.

"Cheater." she panted and spun around to meet Kakashi who looked down at her with a predatory stare. It made her insides shiver as she imaged what it would feel to have a predator alone and blood rise to her cheeks. Eyebrow rose at her and before she could respond, a pair of unfamiliar arms circled around her waist, pull her against a sweaty chest.

"Come on baby, I'll show you better time then this old man!" felt him grinding against her back in disgust. Pushed away from the arms but they merely tightened at her struggle, "Where do you think you're going pretty girl?" and saw Kakashi push away from the females, head towards her.

"I suggest you let go of my date." Kakashi's cold voice seem to make the young male behind her pause, quickly stepped on the male's shoe. While the other yelped, Natsumi found herself safely in Kakashi's arms who was glaring down at the other in amusement and tug her off the dance floor. "You alright?" before she could respond, a taunting voice from behind cut her off.

"Guess the dirty slut doesn't play with little boys and prefers a wrinkly old cock!" felt Kakashi's arm around her waist stiffen, and quickly grabbed to the hand before it slid away.

"Don't pay attention, Ko-inu! He's just an idiot." but red eye merely glanced down at her and pull away to face the sneering redhead behind them.

"Guess your mother didn't wash your mouth when you were younger for using those words on a woman. I suggest you keep you trap shut." warned the silver head, Natsumi felt like punching the smug bastard when he stood up against Kakashi, noticing he was slightly taller than him.

"What if I don't? Going go tell my mom on me asshole?" pushed on Kakashi's shoulder who glared darkly at him. Natsumi tried to get closer towards him but people were pushing her back to form a circle around the two men.

"Let me through!" Natsumi yelled when she noticed Kakashi's slump shoulders rise and swore under her breath, pressing herself through the crowd till she saw a fist lifting slowly on the silver head's side. "No I won't be calling your mother. But I'll be teaching you a thing on respecting a women." azure eyes watched the taller male fall back with a loud crack on where the hard fist made contact on his jaw.

"I really hate boys like you for making us good guys seem like shit." Kakashi's right boot came down on younger man's spine and the other man yelped in pain.

"Hatake!" Natsumi elbowed the chattering women in front of her, and frowned at her date. "I told you to leave him alone! Cmon before you get in trouble!" tugged on the arm, found herself getting pulled down as Kakashi dodged a punch aimed at him by another man.

"I'll teach you whose the boss around here!" the second cocky male growled out but soon fell back to the floor with a bloody nose. Natsumi winced, waved her hurting knuckles in the air to cool the pain and Kakashi looked down at her in awe.

"I think you made your point Natsumi." gave the pouting blonde an eye smile, quickly tugged her away from the crowd when he noticed the security men coming their way. "It's time for our escape too!" quickly they wove through the crowd towards the exist where laughing Asuma waited them with coats. Before the bulky man could comment on their ruckus, Kakashi had already snatched their coats and was racing out the door with a laughing Natsumi on his tails.

"I swear I'm going make him pay to get in next time," Asuma rolled his eyes, closed the door behind the racing duo.


Natsumi couldn't help but laugh as they raced out the door to the chilling early hours of the morning. Their feet pounded on the cold pavement, azure eyes watched the crowds become blurs as tears dripped down her face from all her laughter till they stopped near the park close to the tea shop. Shivered when Kakashi put her coat upon her trembling shoulders, winked down at her. "Can't say your night was boring," and Natsumi rolled her eyes, letting her head fall on the hard, warm chest in front of her.

"True but my left hand hurts like a bitch." giggled when she was pulled back, her left hand was gently pulled up to be inspected by worried mismatched eyes. "It's okay Ko-inu, it doesn't hurt to badly!" tried to pull away from he other grip and gulped when she saw those sinful fingers tug down his mask to reveal the handsome face she was slowly falling for. "Ko-inu?" winced when his lips gave a butterfly kiss to her knuckles.

"My mom always said kisses can heal any booboos." smiled shyly at giggling blonde and let himself get pulled in a hug, and wrapped his own arms around the petite waist.

"Thank you, my booboo feels much better now." grinned against the chest, couldn't help but feel happy when she felt his speeding heart against her ear. 'Guess I'm not the only one nervous.' she thought with a giggle and let Kakashi pull back and thread his fingers with hers.

"Let's go home, Little Blue." tugged up his mask against the chilly night and Natsumi inched closer to Kakashi's form as it blocked away the chilly breeze.


Tsunami glanced up from her magazine to see Natsumi and Kakashi coming through the door. Noticed Natsumi's smile quickly and the holding hands between the two, it made her almost squeal. Yet kept quiet, waved off the good nights the two threw at her and elbowed Jiraiya's worried stare down to her. "Just leave them alone. It's time for us to head home anyways." smiled wistfully at herself, ignoring the complaints her husband threw at her. After all who was she to stop the two from finishing their night?


Kakashi tugged off his sweaty shirt, letting it drop in the laundry basket with a tired grunt. Leaned on the wall to kick off his boots, letting them drop where they fell, too tired to give a damn where his shoes had gone to and started unbuttoning his pants. His mind kept flashing to the moments when he had Natsumi against his scarred body, made his fingers fumble with the buttons but quickly his pants feel to a heap on the floor. Tried to push away from the dirty thoughts rising and headed towards the lonely bed in the corner of the room. 'I feel like an old man now.' he thought grudgingly. Tugged on the cover, sheets to ease into the welcoming dreams till a knock stopped him from fully enjoying his bed's comforts.

"Come in." the ex-marine called out, laid back on the soft mattress, his eyes begging him to close for the night. Through slitted eyes, he spotted a familiar orange robe and braided blonde hair come to view. "Natsumi?" leaning up to meet the silent blonde.

"Can I sleep here with you?" she tugged on the silk tie around her robe nervously. Kakashi chuckled to himself, scooted over before lifting the covers up for her to join him. Ignored the dropped robe lyring amongst his own clothing, and instead let Natsumi snuggle against his side. Her head resting at the crook of his shoulder, her hot breath hitting his neck and gently wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the way she felt against himself. Laid his head besides her head taking in the addicting smell of sweet vanilla mixed with oranges, and let his tired mind sink further to oblivion till he felt her fingers tug on his ear gently. Pulled back to glance down at the woman in his arms and met a pair of soft lips against his. "Goodnight Koi-inu." feeling a smile against his shoulder, and mismatches eyes stared at the blonde head besides him.

"Goodnight Little Blue." he whispered back to the sleeping blonde, kissing the top of her quietly to not awaken her and let his happy heart beat against his chest...yes this night ended good for one Hatake Kakashi.

End of chapter Eleven))

Author Note: Okay here is chapter eleven of WFAT. Hopefully I made this chapter good enough for you readers and it took me a while to type it up because I had trouble with all my stories this week. Now the next chapter will come sometime this month or next week. Not too sure because I'll be taking my EMT certifications, I'll be busy studying my butt off for those tests. I really hope I pass my test this Saturday coming. Other than these lousy news of my boring life, any ideas for this story that can make it better other than grammar? So leave some love for the story, please and thank you. Till next time! - Yun :)