The Richest Man in London

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters are the property of Yana Toboso and Square Enix, Co. Ltd. I don't own them; I just examine all their possibilities. Storyline inspired by "It's a Wonderful Life," directed by Frank Capra.

Part 4

Ciel lowered his head further and tapped it against a hard surface, causing him to jump to a full sit. His eyes popped open, suddenly giving him a full view of his study. Ciel sat frozen for a moment, his jaw dropped, he pushed his chair back and jumped to a stand. A fire was going in the fireplace, that damnable tree was still lit in the hallway.

He glanced at the clock on the wall: 7 o'clock, he remembered Sebastian had been there with tea right at 4. He looked down and saw no tray or any traces that it had been there, though there was a clear spot on the desk of the right size for a tray. Ciel turned his head slightly and felt his neck was a bit stiff, his back a little tight too. Had he been sleeping this whole time? Had it all been some dream?

Ciel reached up to his face, his eye patch was still in place. He ran out to the fully lit hallway, practically tripping over the rug on the floor but managing to stop in front of the mirror. He looked at himself in the glass, a shaking hand shooting up and lifting the eye patch. The purple contract mark was still in place. He let out a gasp and replaced the patch, ripping his coat open. He then lifted his shirt, the brand mark was still there. For the first and probably last time, he was actually overjoyed to see it.

A high-pitched giggle caught his attention. He hastily put his shirt back down and looked up to see Elizabeth standing down the hallway covering her mouth with her hands, her face a shade of bright red. She was wearing a nice green dress with plenty of ruffles, small red rose pinned in her hair.

He hastily tucked his shirt back in, eyes glued to her smile and those cheery blue eyes. Whether or not she has seen the mark was only a flickering thought amidst the elation rising up in him. Given her angle, his shirt probably covered it and she didn't seem alarmed.

"Lizzy!" he shouted, practically sprinting to her.

"Sebastian came over and said you were having a party and mother let me come over," she said, running towards him and locking him in a tight embrace. "Oh I just couldn't say no to my Ciel."

Party? Ciel's surprised expression melted to a smirk. That devil. Ciel took another second to savor the embrace, feeling it grow stronger the more he lingered. He gently broke away and buttoned his coat back up. She looked at him curiously with a little smile.

"I nodded off at my desk," he said. "I chafed myself apparently, damn dry air."

"That's why you shouldn't work yourself so hard," Lizzy said.

Ciel smiled and finished the last button, then extended his hand.

"Let us be off, my lady," he said

Lizzy gave another giggle and put her hand in his with a curtsey. What a sight for sore eyes she was right now.

"You are going to be at our party tomorrow night, right?" she asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Ciel said.

They walked down the hallway and descended the staircase. The smell of game fowl and roasting cranberries hung in the air with a few different voices coming from downstairs. He heard Sebastian, but recognized another voice as Bard's.

Soma suddenly came into view and ran up the staircase. Lizzy stepped aside and Soma practically tackled him with a pressing hug.

"Such a lovely celebration, you are so generous to have such a wonderful feast," Soma said. "We are so honored to be here!" His words broke into whimpers and Ciel felt hot tears on his shoulder. "Such happiness!"

Ciel actually patted him on the back, seeing Agni come up the stairs and feeling another smile creep in.

"The Earl is a generous man indeed," Agni said putting his hands together and bowing. "We are most honored to take part in this celebration of your holiday."

Soma broke from him and wrapped his arms around Agni.

"This Christmas holiday is truly magnificent," Soma sobbed.

"It certainly is, my prince," Agni said embracing him.

Ciel took a few more steps down the stairs. Undertaker was sitting in a large chair sipping from a glass of wine, Lau looked comfortable on the couch with Ran Mao snuggled up beside him.

"Quite a motley gathering you have here, Earl," Undertaker said with a dirty snicker.

"Oh he always throws the best parties," Lau said.

Ciel's attention was then grabbed by a unison cry of "Young master!"

Finny and Maylene stood up from the table where a gingerbread house sat in progress. Maylene was actually wearing a ruffled red dress and not her usual uniform and Finny wore a brown suit. Tanaka, who was wearing a red stocking cap like Father Christmas, remained in his seat and added a few more gumdrops to the roof. Snake stood to the side and mixed up a new batch of frosting, one of his friends coiled around his upper arm and curiously looking at the bowl.

"This is such a lovely little party," Maylene said. "You're so kind to invite us, young master!"

"Yeah, thank you so much for having us here!" Finny chimed in. "This is brilliant!"

"No, thank you for accepting my invitation," Ciel said. "I hope I haven't kept my company waiting too long."

"Oh not long, my lord, Sebastian brought us here just an hour ago, says Emily," Snake said looking up from the bowl. "And sincerest thanks as well, says Oscar."

Tanaka looked up for a second and Ciel heard a "ho ho ho."

The kitchen door opened and Sebastian walked out in his shirtsleeves wearing a black apron and wiping his hands on a towel, taking care to cover his right hand but Ciel could see part of the outline of his contract mark. Ciel resisted the urge to walk up to him and smack him, but he also tried not to smile. Maybe it had all been a dream, maybe Sebastian had nothing to do with this.

"Ah, enjoy your nap?" Sebastian said, his mouth twisting into a wicked smirk. "I hope it cleared your mind a little."

Ciel frowned for a moment, only to see Sebastian's smile widen.

"It was quite illuminating," Ciel said.

"Excellent," Sebastian said. "A little sleep does wonders for the perspective."

Ciel smirked, he heard all that he needed.

"Quite the little gathering we have here," Ciel said, raising his eyebrows to mark his point.

"Pleased with the arrangements I hope?" Sebastian said.

Ciel paused and took a look around the room, seeing all his impromptu guests in various stages of merrymaking.

"Quite pleased indeed," Ciel said nodding, his smirk firmly in place. "You've outdone yourself, Sebastian,"

Sebastian merely smiled back.

"A Phamtomhive butler who cannot put together a party on Christmas Eve is not worth his salt," he said. "The hens should be done soon."

The door opened and Bard poked his head out.

"The carrots might be a little well done, though," he said before going back in.

"In the meantime, young master, I have fruit and crackers with cheddar out on the coffee table with a pot of hot apple cider," Sebastian said.

Sebastian nodded and returned to the kitchen.

The hens were absolutely succulent, especially combined with a rich cranberry compote and a soft cornbread stuffing. The carrots were indeed a little well done but a few sprinkles of brown sugar, likely Sebastian's contribution, made them delectable. A steaming bowl of vegetable curry sat on the table and most plates had at least a scoopful. Ciel concentrated on cutting a piece of meat from his hen, though his eyes wandered around the table.

Various conversations had sprouted up. Lau and Agni were exchanging a few words at the moment with Bard occasionally chiming in; something about cuisine. Lizzy was giving Maylene some hair advice. Undertaker practically shoveled down his meal. Snake took some large bites, though occasionally raised a fork of poultry for one of his reptile friends to have a taste.

Ciel was actually enjoying this; what a motley group indeed, but he would have it no other way.

Eventually most of the plates were clean. Sebastian made the rounds to clear them and ask what beverage everyone preferred, walking out soon after to lay down glasses and serve them. Sebastian then poured Ciel a small glass of wine, Ciel raised a dessert fork and tapped it against his glass. All conversations gradually drew to a halt and all eyes were on him. He stood from his seat and raised his glass.

"A toast," he said, seeing everyone raise their respective glasses. "To friends and loved ones, here and passed on. May we savor the joys and lessons of each person in our lives."

Ciel raised his glass higher. Glasses clinked against each other around the table with a few "here-here's" added.

Tanaka then slowly rose from his seat, everyone quieted and looked in his direction.

"If I may, my lord," he said.

Ciel nodded in his direction, Tanaka nodded back and raised his glass.

"There are many riches a man can amass in a lifetime and not all of them gold," Tanaka said. "A man who is truly blessed with good friends and good times is a wealthy man indeed." He raised his glass higher. "To Earl Phantomhive, the richest man in London."

Everyone raised their glasses with respective calls of affirmation. Ciel felt his cheeks grow hot, but couldn't hold back a smile.

The piano in the lounge had not been used in about a year. Ciel was taking lessons, but was usually too busy in London to practice at the townhouse. At last, Lizzy was the first to take the keys; the first notes of "Hark the Herald" rang out. Most of the servants were singing along, even Undertaker joined in and Soma clumsily hummed with the tune.

Ciel stood near the doorway watching the whole scene.

"Is the young master pleased with his evening?" Sebastian said behind him.

Ciel slowly turned toward him.

"My applause, Sebastian," he said. "A magnificent performance."

"My apologies if parts of it were a bit rough," Sebastian said. "Though your demeanor has changed nicely, if I may say so."

"It was a little forward, though effective," Ciel said back. "The party itself was indeed lovely. As for the part before, I would rather not have that repeated."


"I do not regret my course, mind you. In fact it has reminded me why I walk this path."

"I am pleased to see my master so reinvigorated."

Ciel turned his gaze back to the party, running over a decision he made earlier. He debated whether or not to carry it out, but he was in a good enough mood now.

"Sebastian I have one more task for you," Ciel said.

"My lord?"

"You must follow my instructions exactly. It might be a bit difficult even for you, but I trust your abilities. It will be a bit unpleasant."

Ciel threw a wicked smirk in Sebastian's direction.

Nigel Cooper came from a working class family. He married at 18, had a bunch of kids, and did little more with his long life than run a small tailoring shop. This by far had to be the most boring Cinematic Record Grell had encountered in a long time.

He leaned on his death scythe and watched the reel play.

"God rest ye merry gentlemen, may nothing you dismay," he started singing. "Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day."

He heard a few footsteps and the soft squeak of a small set of wheels come in his direction.

"I bloody hate working on Christmas Eve," Ronald Knox said.

"Well, death doesn't take a holiday," Grell replied, then continued singing; his upper tenor moving into a soprano. "To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray. Good tidings of comfort and joy…"

"How in blazes can you reach that note?" Ronald said. "You don't have to squeeze anything do you?"

Grell finished the verse and smiled. Fortunately the reel was coming to the part when Nigel Cooper dropped dead of a clogged artery on the back steps of his shop while taking out the garbage.

"Talent, Ron, pure talent."

"For the sake of your bits, I hope so."

Grell chuckled as the reel finished. He looked down at his ledger and pressed the "completed" stamp down on the old man's record before glancing over a Ronald, seeing him leaning on the handle of his scythe.

"You got any more after this one?" Ronald said.

"Fortunately no, last one for the night."

"The girls in the office are having a little fete around now, care to join me?"

Grell put his ledger back in his red coat.

"Oh that would be delightful," he said. "A little holiday cheer sounds good."

A sudden chill came over both of them. They looked up to see a black figure jumping across the rooftops; getting a brief glimpse of glowing purple eyes.

"Demon, bloody hell," Ron said taking full grip on the handle.

The figure stood on one rooftop, giving both a clear view of Sebastian Michaelis looking right at them and bowing. Grell let out a yelp and covered his mouth with his hand. Sebastian then hopped to another roof.

"Sebastian!" Grell cried, grabbing his scythe and leaping high to the lower eaves of a roof. "My Romeo awaits!"

Ronald followed right behind him from rooftop to rooftop. Grell landed on the roof Sebastian had been on and hastily looked around.

"Sebastian darling," he called out, running across the roof. "Wherefore art thou, beautiful tyrant."

Sebastian was no where to be found, but he saw a red-wrapped package on the side of the roof adorned with a green bow. Grell gave a heaving sigh in disappointment and hopped over to the package.

"Now what did my true love give to me," Grell said, putting his scythe to the side and picking up the box.

He lifted the paper tag: "To: Grell Sutcliff" it read. Grell practically ripped off the bow and tore into the paper.

"You sure you want to do that," Ron said. "He's a tricky fellow."

The wrapping fell to the shingles, revealing a light wooden box. He opened the box and peeled out the tissue paper. At last he exposed a pair of black leather gloves with red lace on the bottoms, pearly red buttons on the sides. He paused and looked at them, slowly taking them from the box. He ripped off his own gloves and put on the new ones, they were a perfect fit with the right amount of flexibility.

A large bar of chocolate in pink paper sat underneath, the crowned cat logo of the Funtom Company especially sticking out. His attention turned to a card at the bottom of the box imprinted with a holly wreath, his fingers prying it out and opening it.

Dear Grell,

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year. May business be lacking for you today and may you get a moment for peaceful celebration.


Ciel, Earl Phantomhive

P.S. Sebastian also sends his sincerest greetings.

Grell stared at the words for a moment, a smile creeping across his face. He didn't know what to make of this at first but he couldn't help but feel a little tickled. How thoughtful of the brat; perhaps this was an olive branch of sorts though he couldn't give the kid too much credit.

"That's awful nice of him," Ronald said.

"Indeed," Grell said with a smile.

The chimes of Big Ben sounded over the city. Grell and Ronald both looked up at the majestic tower in the distance; midnight exactly. Ronald put a hand on Grell's shoulder.

"Happy Christmas, Mr. Sutcliff," he said.

Grell patted his hand.

"Happy Christmas to you too, Ronnie."


Author's note: A huge thanks to everyone who has read and provided feedback on this story. Happy Holidays to all of you!