Merry Christmas Eve! Thanks to all who have continuously read Fast Fashion! I'm having so much fun writing it and reading your reviews so I decided to write a Christmas themed two-shot. Part two will come out tomorrow. Anyway, this is based of the song "Christmas Tree" by Lady Gaga (Lady Gaga you lady, you. Making Christmas dirty...). Enjoy!

Christmas Tree

The only place you'll wanna be is underneath my Christmas tree…

Alec climbed the stairs up to Magnus's building in his gunky demon gut-covered boots with lots of new scars on his skin. They were quickly healing thanks to some iratzes.

Really, the battle hadn't been that bad. He'd fought with Clary, who, much to his disdain, was becoming a fantastic Shadowhunter. However, Jace and Isabelle were no were to be found when the demon popped up. They hadn't needed their help but it was a little annoying.

Alec unlocked the door to Magnus's flat and stepped inside. Expecting to be greeted by Magnus's warm carpets and comfy couch, he was surprised to see the room stripped bare of any furniture and wooden floors instead of rugs. The new decor only meant one thing.

A party.


Alec heard Magnus before he saw him. Magnus padded into the room singing some song about Alec breaking his heart last Christmas (which was ridiculous because this was their first Christmas together) before he closed the distance between them.

Magnus brought his hands to Alec's face and cradled his cheeks in his hands smiling, "Hey."

Alec forgot all his hostility towards the party as he caught the peppermint scent of Magnus's breath. "Hey." Alec whispered before Magnus pressed his lips to the Shadowhunter's.

Alec melted as Magnus wrapped one hand around his waist, and used the other to cradle the back his neck as he pushed Alec's lips open with his own.

Alec wrapped his arms around Magnus's neck as Magnus delved his tongue into the Shadowhunters mouth. The warlock had obviously just finished sucking on a candy cane or eight because Alec found the kiss very sweet, peppermint-y and sticky.

Regardless, Alec moaned into the kiss as Magnus pressed their tongues together while at the same time using the hand around Alec's waist to press their groins together.

Alec gave a happy moan as he experimentally rolled his hips while tugging on Magnus's hair. Magnus growled while nibbling at Alec's lower lip.

"You know I love it when you pull my hair," he whispered before sucking on the abused lip.

Alec made an affirmative sound as he kissed Magnus's upper lip while beginning to press his body closer…

"You guys are sooo cute!"

Alec jumped away from Magnus, his back hitting the closed door as Isabelle walked in holding a box of ornaments.

"Aren't they?" Isabelle asked Jace, who followed her with a Styrofoam cup of coffee.

"Simply adorable," Jace said in the offhanded way he used to dismiss Isabelle when he found her overly talkative.

Alec shot Magnus a glare while the warlock defensively put his hands up in a "don't hurt me" pose.

"Jace and Isabelle were nice enough to come help me set up my Christmas Eve party!" Magnus said enthusiastically. Alec's glare didn't waver so Magnus continued, "You see, usually I have my parties on Christmas Day but this year my darling, beautiful, amazing, hot, sexy, sweet, kind, caring boyfriend invited me over to his house for Christmas morning so I'm having a Christmas Eve party. It is expected of me, darling."

Alec crossed his arms, "So why didn't I know about it before them?" He asked, mostly peeved that his siblings interrupted his make-out-but-most-definitely-turn-into-sex time.

"Because I'm a procrastinator and didn't come up with the brilliant Christmas Eve party plan until an hour ago?" Magnus asked in a questioning tone, hoping this would sate Alec.

Alec crossed his arms but nodded and made his way to Magnus's bedroom, "I'm taking a shower."

"I'll help!" Magnus suggested happily before Alec turned on him and shot him a look that could kill small animals.

Magnus sighed in defeat as Alec disappeared into his room.

"He's so bitchy to sometimes!" Isabelle muttered, starting to decorate a tree in the corner of the room, "Not that I wouldn't kill you if you broke up with him, but why?"

Magnus turned and smiled, waving his hand to send green, red, and silver streamers flying around the room, "For all the reasons I said sweetie. He's darling, beautiful, amazing, hot, sexy, sweet, kind, and caring. Added bonus: a great lay."

A loud bang was heard from behind Magnus's door. "MAGNUS, SHUT UP!"

Alec was clean and out of the shower in no time, slipping into some sweat pants and a t-shirt before venturing into the living room.

In ten minutes, the room had turned from empty and bland into a winter wonderland. The floor was strewn with silver glitter that looked like snow, enchanted snowflakes were falling from the ceiling, the tree Isabelle decorated looked fantastic and had been moved to act as the centerpiece of the room, and tables were around the edges of the room with platters of festive sweets and eggnog. Angel, Alec loved eggnog.

Alec smiled as Jace brought another tray of almond roca'as and ferrara rochers and placed on the table.

"It actually looks really good." Alec offered, stealing a candy and biting into the toffee.

"It does." Jace agreed, helping himself to a candy.

"So," Alec started, leaning against the table, missing the couch, "Why are you helping?"

Jace feigned shock, "Why, Alec! Out of the goodness of my heart. Spreading Christmas cheer and joy to a hundred of your boyfriend's closest friends!"

Alec groaned planting his face in his hands, "There's going to be so many people."

Jace laughed, "Yeah. But in reality, Clary thinks Christmas is super romantic so taking her to a Christmas party that I helped set up, because I'm just so Christmas-y, then giving her…" Jace reached into his pocket and pulled out a small jewelry box, "this," He finished, opening the box to reveal a diamond necklace in the shape of a snowflake, "will make me the best boyfriend ever."

Alec smiled, "Good idea. It's pretty, I bet she'll love it."

"Counting on it."

Magnus came into the living room, quickly looking over the room with a smile while Alec looked over him. He had changed into tight black pants with a white belt adorned with snowflakes. On top he wore a red t-shirt with a snow white scarf around his neck and red, silver, and green bangles from his wrists up to his forarms. On his feet he wore bright red boots. Once Magnus decided the room was fine he walked over to Alec.

"Feel better after your shower, pumpkin?" Magnus asked.

Alec decided to let the "pumpkin" thing in front of Jace slide, "Yeah. You look nice."

Jace meandered away to give them some privacy as Magnus smiled, "Thank you, baby. Now-"


Magnus looked hurt, "You don't even know what I was going to ask!"

"If I would dress up? No."

Magnus crossed his arms, "I swear it's not flashy at all. Just come see." He insisted, grabbing Alec's hand and escorting him to his room. Once inside, Magnus released Alec and dove into his walk in closest, getting a box and some Ugg boots. The boots were a Christmas red and inside the box was a green cable knit patterned sweater and black jeans.

"See?" Magnus encouraged, "Only a little festive and not super flashy."

Magnus watched with hopeful eyes as Alec picked up the sweater in his hands, feeling the fabric, then staring at the boots. After a moment he gave a soft smile, "No, not bad. Kind of… I dunno, yeah, I'll wear it. I like it."

Magnus clapped his hands once. "Fabulous!"

Alec smiled at his boyfriend's excitement and gave a little laugh, "Yeah. Ah, what time does the party start anyway?"

"In an hour," Magnus said with a smile, moving to the mirror to reapply some eye makeup and lipstick, "It's going to be a great night!"

The party had become a roar in merely an hour. Bodies swayed, ground, gyrated, moved, bounced and danced throughout the flat.

Magnus was roaming around, talking to guests, dancing a bit and just doing his thing, playing the part of a good host. He had come over to the corner of the room Alec had made his home on a few times, trying to encourage the boy the come and have some fun but Alec had politely declined and simply watched.

Alec stared fondly at Magnus as he talked with some guests that had just walked in, a few fairies. Magnus was such a socialite and must have been a great friend to these guests, (or had been employed by them and paid a great sum of money).

Alec was just watching Magnus flounce around when a loud roar of approval ripped through the crowd. Alec watched as a few guests, Isabelle included, brought out giant punch bowls of eggnog and placed them on the tables. The crowd swarmed the bowls, grabbing plastic cups and getting their fill. Alec patiently waited for the crowd around the bowls to die down before he meandered over. Angel, he loved eggnog.

He filled a big red plastic cup and began sipping at the sweet, thick drink. After his first swallow Alec made a bit of a face. Funny, the eggnog his mom bought at the store didn't taste quite like this, not as much of a kick.

Regardless, he finished off the amount in his cup and proceeded to have a few more cupfuls.

I would say reviewing would make me post faster but lemon really isn't coming until tomorrow... But if you don't review Santa will put coal in your stocking.