Disclaimer: The Legend and Zelda don't belong to me! JEESH, MAAAN!!




Wait, what the heck is this chapter doing here?! *blinks; pause* Oh yeah! This is an epilogue! *smiles* Okay, here you go. Since this is an epilogue, it'll just show what happened to everybody.


Chapter 28: Epilogue


The five earthlings yelled hysterically as they were thrown from the T.V. and into Nicole's living room.

Brian sat up, rubbing his head. "God, what happened?"

Nicole looked at her arms. "We're kids again!"

"Uh... yay!(?)" Everyone responded.

"Was that just a dream... or what?" Ines asked.

"I don't know... it felt real, though." said Hayarpi.

Nicole looked around. They were at her house again. She glanced at her T.V., in which it was turned off. The Nintendo 64, however, was still flicked on. Suddenly, she felt an unfamiliar weight on her head. She reached up and slowly took off an emerald green hat off her head. "It's... Link's hat!!" She said, eyes wide.

The rest of them crawled over to her. "So... it wasn't a dream?!" Gilbert yelled.

Ines pinched his cheek. He yelped. "Nope, it wasn't a dream! So that means you really kissed me!"

Gilbert blushed. Hayarpi snickered at him and then glanced at Brian, smiling at him. "You kissed me too!"

Brian joined Gilbert in his embarrassment. The two girls looked at one another, grasped hands, and squealed loudly. Nicole rolled her eyes.


"But they kissed us! (giggle)"

"WELL, NO ONE KISSED ME!! I FEEL LEFT OUT!!" Nicole suddenly burst out sobbing.

"Dude, Link kissed you." Brian said flatly. The girl perked up.

"Oh yeah!"

Hayarpi hmmped. "I //still// think that you guys would've made a cute couple..." she suddenly leapt onto Nicole, holding her by her collar and shaking her wildly.



"Cuz... Cuz... I... CAN'T BREATHE..."

Brian pulled the rabid Hayarpi off Nicole. "Whoa, calm down, girlie!" Then he just held her in his arms, which quieted her instantly. Everybody stared.

"o_O; How did you do that?!" Ines asked. Brian shrugged.

Nicole sat up, rubbing her throat. "I didn't KISS paperclip man BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE HIM THAT WAY, YOU BRAINLESS PIECE OF CHEESE!!!" she yelled in Hayarpi's face. "Besides, L-Gurl didn't want this story to turn out like all the other Mary-Sue stories--"

AHHH "MARY-SUE" SHUT UP!!! *cowers*



Meanwhile, in Hyrule...


Link looked up at the soft humming as the blue light lowered him right in front of the Pedestal of Time.

He stared blankly at it and then looked around. "The Temple of Time..."

Suddenly, Navi began flittering away from him, saying nothing.

"Navi?" Link asked. No answer. "Navi, where are you going?"

The blue fairy turned to him. "Sooomewheeere over the raiiinbooooow!"

Link sweatdropped. "Uh... why are you leaving me?"

"So L-Gurl could make a sequel!"

"But... nooo! Navi, don't leeeave meeee! I'll miss you!" He then broke down sobbing, falling to his knees. Navi looked at him, turned around to the window, and then sighed annoyingly, turning around again. She flittered towards the weeping Link and stood in front of him.

"Aww, Link! I won't be leaving for long! The only way you'll find me is if you LOOK for me!"

"B-BUT NAAVIIII!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO LEEEAVE!" He cried, scooping Navi up into a hug.

"X____x;;; LINK... CAN'T... BREATHE... WINGS... //BREAKING//..." She choked.

Link reluctantly let go of her, wiping his eyes with his tunic. "S-So... y-you m-mean, if I-I look for you, t-then I'll f-f-find you?" He stuttered.


"W-Will you b-be in H-H-Hyrule?"


He sobbed harder. "NOOOOO!!!"

Sweatdropping, Navi flew up again. "Aww, Link, just... take care of yourself, okay?" She said softly, touching his cheek briefly before flying up to the window. "I'll see you later! Look for me, okay?" With that, she grinned at him widely and sped out of the window.

Link sniffed and looked up at the window. "Look for you...?" He then stood up, wiping his eyes. "Fine! I'll look for you! And when I find you... uhh... uhhh... I'll do something! Yeah, that's it!" He said, getting up. "I'll find ya Navi! Dontcha worry about it!" He yelled confidently before striding out of the Temple.

Navi, from the outside of the window, raised an eyebrow. "He //still// changes moods too quickly." Then she flew away in a random direction, hoping that one day Link would REALLY find her.


Bah, that was a bad epilogue. _ Buuut, that means I AM making a sequel! *hears people cheering* Yah, but you probably won't read it. XD

Anyway, I'll start on the sequel very soon. My other fic, "Boredom", got deleted... *glare, glare, glare at Fanfiction.net* Darn their stupid rules and restrictions.... JEEZ!!! *to FF.Net* T__________T;;

*cough* .; .... So yeah, the sequel will come out soon. ^^V But not TOO soon. Because I want to take a long, relaxing break from writing. __;;

Also, one more thing!! I've read this fic over and noticed that there were OH SO MANY unanswered questions. I haven't really caught them all, though. So I need the reviewer's help. If there's a question in WIHs (there's A LOT. .), then tell me in the review and it'll all be answered in the first chapter of WIHs's sequel. And I need title help, too. ^_^; What should I name WIHs's sequel? It has to be something related to Majora's Mask, okey? Thanks!!

Until Next Time! ^__^V
