Matts P.O.V.


Well, at least I won't be bored.

I admit, it slightly worried me when Mello just laughed at my completely relevant question. I mean, yeah I was completely taken with the way his eyes lit up and the way his hair shifted as he tilted his head back and the slight shake of his shoulders as though he was trying to hold the laughter in, worry was still there. Barely. Like that small, small whisper you hear across the room but can't quite make out what it is. The one you decide not to listen to because you are either to drunk, too high, or a hot piece of ass just walked in front of you. That kind of worry, and Mello just so happened to be the alcohol, cocaine, and hot piece of ass at this minute.

We made it to my apartment faster than I would have thought possible, even with breaking the speed limit and running every stop sign. My bag was packed in record time, stripping down to the bare minimum of 3 portable game devices, two lap tops, and a portable hard drive. The only reason I ended up with any cloths in the bag was Mello taking out my third laptop and replacing in with 2 pairs of pants two shirts and three pairs of socks (where he found clean ones I will never know). It did kind of make me suspect he had the same in his bag only instead of electronics it was chocolate. For some reason that would not surprise me at all.

"As for your earlier question, passports are for when you enter a country legally, so no you will not need one." He commented casually as he walked out the door. It seemed weird that this is what already felt natural. He will go, and I will follow. If he tells me not to follow, I will just follow at a further distance.

Once outside we got into a car that had been waiting in front of the building. With 14 rights, 9 lefts, 5 red lights, 6 corners that were not turns just bends in the road, and what I approximate to be 45 minutes later at about 80 MPH most of the way (I was too focused on my psp to pay too much attention) we made it to a little airport. We ended up pulling in just as I beat the game. So I didn't need to save or anything. It is kind of thrilling to be on a plane and have no idea of the destination. I wasn't even allowed to look outside in fear of ruining the surprise. Turns out it was Ireland. Nice place.

It was just before we got off the plane that Mello had tossed me the gun. Asking if I could shoot. I nodded, smiling faintly at the remembrance of the neighbor kid teaching me to shoot for the first time. One of the few moments that almost beat video games. Almost.

It was hiking for an hour and a half in the rain and mud that had me wondering if I really should have brought my new game system with me before we finally caught sight of a building in the slight clearing of the trees. No words were spoken as Mello motioned forward with his hand. Slowly, slowly we crept closer, making sure the silencers were on before slipping into the building through a cracked window. Obviously the Neanderthals who operated out of this place were far too arrogant, not having lookouts or an alarm system set up. Most likely thinking they were safe so far into the hiding.

It was only about two minutes in when I felt warmth splatter on my arm, courtesy of the body lying on the ground with a hole in his head and the gun that had been pointed at me now in Mello's hand. My hero. As we are still on stealth mode I settle for a kiss on the cheek instead of commenting. Sometimes a physical representation of a thank you is best anyway. Nothing shows 'I care' like painting the wall with the blood of the man who threatened someone you cared about.

It was so much fun! Better than most of the shooting games currently sitting on the floor back at my apartment. The adrenaline, the atmosphere, it was just so much more intense. And playing with someone who already knew the ropes, new how to play the game. A teammate who had no fear, as though they were not playing a game that did not offer any extra life's, no save zones. You can't just go back and make everything right, change the route, and fix all of the mistakes. There was no do over. Just the one chance to go in, guns blazing and hope to see the light of another day.

Maybe I should work on improving my survival instincts…

Mello's P.O.V.

After the raid…

I couldn't take my eyes off the red head as we made our way into the hotel room for the night. The blood trail we were leaving behind us was ignored. The stupid fucks running this building of my operation would fucking deal with it, or be eliminated and replaced. Finding semi competent people who can run a hotel cover wouldn't be to hard anyway.

They bowed respectfully as we passed; as well they should, shaking in fear slightly. They made no comment on our state of being, or the mess we left after us as we came through the doors. Just handed over the key to my room (yes I have one on reserve in all my buildings), and left us be.

A.N. : Sorry guys for the late update i have had this part finished for a while but school keeps getting in the way of doing more to it at this time, so i figured i would post this part and see what you guys think. Also I noticed how much the 'tone' of the story had shifted and wanted to know if you guys would prefer it how it was before. Let me know if I should change it or just continue on. Any ideas or recommendations or even just things you might want to know more on or see in the story let me know! It might just make something happen!

Thanks for putting up with me and sorry again! 3
