Here is chapter 5, but first...

Chloe: Why do you keep us here.

Me: Cuz I can.

Chloe: No You can't Your not Kelley Armstrong

Me: Yea but if I want to, in MY story, I could kill you

Chloe: *pales*

Here is Chapter 5...

Simon was right. After not even twenty surprisingly short minutes, we were pulling into a long dirt and partly gravel drive way. It was so far in the forest, all you could see were trees and bushes for what seemed like miles. A large gray house was beginning to come into view and dang was it huge. It looked like it had at least four stories including a basement. When the van began to slow down, Derek jumped out and started running. Simon and Tori came out just as he began to turn in a circle.

As I followed out I heard Tori yell over to Derek" Hey wolf-boy, stop acting like a psycho retard, and get over here!"

"Tori," kit said sympathetically " He is a werewolf, and after a long time in one place, werewolves begin to get antsy and-" can he ever just give the easy answer instead of being all smarty pants...Really

"He means to say is that he needs to stretch his legs," I say giving the short and sweet answer. Derek started to walk back now and dang did he look hot! I'm not lying, but there is no one to convince here. That's why he's all mine :).

"OK, now that that is over with," Kit starred over at Derek and then said" Let's go in an meet the others. Allen is a sorcerer and has two daughters, his um- wife left after finding out his kids will be a mixed power so don't mention it really."

Wow, who leaves their house, husband, and kids? I wonder what made her so mad about them having mixed powers. Well look at Tori she is a hybrid witch/sorcerer. Well maybe she doesn't like having so much power... Nah she absolutely loves it.

We all walked up the steps leading up to the house. Kit knocked on the door. No answer. He knocked again. No Answer. Aunt Lauren began to look worried. "Kit do you think-" She couldn't continue.

A girl peeked through the slightly ajar door. "Hello? Wait'" she looked over at Kit "Are you Mr. Bae?"

"Yes, yes I am." he replied. She nodded

"I guess I'll go get Allen," she said skeptically. The door slammed in our faces. After a few minutes of awkward waiting, the door finally opened.

After a few minutes of awkward waiting, the door finally opened. I finally got a good glimpse of the girl at the door way. She had long brown hair with blue streaks running wildly through it. Her eyes were a contorted sea green that swirls around,the green shade mixing with the blue like water.

"You can come in now, sorry for slamming the door," she now was grinning. When we stepped in through the door a man was walking through another door with a dish towel in his hand.

"Kit, I was surprised that you called, I haven't seen you since you lost-" he looked over at Derek and Simon "Well, I guess these grown men aren't missing anymore." A smile played on his lips.

"Well They have grow-" he couldn't finish. Someone had called for daddy. Allen turned around and started to walk away. Over his shoulder he said "Take your stuff to the living room and I'll get the others for introductions."

We started to walk in a general direction which turned out to be the right way. As we entered the room, someone was already there. He looked to be around Derek's height, build, and age. His dark brown hair hung loosely in front of his charcoal black eyes. When we came closer together, Derek began to growl. The other guy looked over at me, stared, looked back over at Derek, then growled straight back to him.

Simon coughed a little, I'm guessing to break the quite, then walked over to a couch and sat down. Tori blew out a deep breath, Or maybe it was a sigh. She then began walking over to the couch with her fists on her hips. As she sits down on the opposite side of the couch from Simon, he gives her a bad excuse of a death glare. Tori smirked then rolled her eyes, the weird thing is, Simon did the exact same. I could swear that at some points they look related.


Derek was still looming over the other guy, and trust me no one can loom like Derek can. I lightly put my hand on his forearm to calm him down, but of course, it works. He turned sharply on his heel and walked across the room to a single plush arm chair. The brunette boy just stared at me, and watched my every move. I walked over to Derek, but on the way I tripped over the leg of either a person, or table. All I saw was the floor rushing up at me. The only guy quick enough to save me now is at the other side of the room. The floor was coming closer, lurking up at me almost, if i do say so my self...and Yes I do.

I heard my name being called a panicked tone I presume is Derek's. Before my head was about to be come as squished as an old Halloween pumpkin, I felt strong hands wrap around my waist and chest. My hero had saved me from a horrific fall. Before I saw my hero, I put my arm around him or her and gave them a hug. I pulled up to their ear and whispered a thank you. When I pulled back, the face of my hero surprised me.


I know it's been a while, but how I do my writing takes a while. Thanks to those who have been following this whole story. I've already started writing chapter 6. Please Read & Review.