Five Golden Rings

Author: MoonStarDutchess

Chapter 1: Everyone Except You

Disclaimer: I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist and gain no profit from this fanfiction but I do own my plot idea.

Everyone Except You

"Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell," Grumman began as he sipped on his tea, "are already married."

Riza sighed. "Yes, I know. I was able to attend their wedding."

"They just turned twenty from what I hear," he said.

"Yes, I'm aware of that too," Riza replied and took a drink of tea. It was times like this when Riza could understand why he and her late mother became estranged. He was annoying when he felt he was right.

"Denny Broch and Maria Ross are engaged," Grumman said. "They've known each other since high school apparently."

Riza nodded. She wasn't interested in the conversation and focused solely on the warm, chewy chocolate chip cookie she was eating. She didn't know Maria Ross well enough to care about whom she married or her background with her groom. "Why are you mentioning those two couples? Any reason in particular?" She instantly regretted the question when Grumman put down his tea and leaned forward.

"You've known Mustang longer than Denny and Maria have known each other."

Oh here it comes. I should have known this was going to hit. "Yes, that's true."

"And you two are far from twenty." Riza narrowed her eyes and the room grew a few degrees cooler. Grumman coughed and sat back; he'd forgotten that his granddaughter was sensitive about her age. "Forgive me."

Riza shook her head and pursed her lips. "Grandfather, please forget about it."

"You're age?"

"Weddings and marriage." Her voice volume increased in pitch but it was so insignificant that only Roy would be able to tell the difference.

"How can I forget those things when they are all around me. Everywhere I turn! Rebecca and Havoc are getting married too." His tone came out as a pleading pout more suitable for a teenage girl rather than a man in his mid sixties. "Havoc and the harpy!"

Riza laughed inwardly. That sounded like the name of one of those corny romantic comedies playing in the theatres. Havoc and the Harpy, coming soon from Amestris Family Films. She then realized the words her grandfather used to describe Rebecca and knew he got the reference from Roy.

"Havoc and Rebecca have dated for a year. Both of them had horrible luck before they got together. I'm extremely happy for them."

"Yes, Yes, as am I. But I would be much happier if it were you walking down the aisle soon at your own wedding."

"Roy and I have only been dating for a few months Grandfather. It's too soon."

"I don't give a damn about dating. Dating is just going out somewhere to get to know one another. You and Mustang don't need to do that a bit. You know each other better than you know yourselves. You were molded to fit together."

Riza shuttered at the dirty route her mind took upon hearing that last sentence. Since officially dating Roy, her mind stayed right near the gutter and her body loved it. She coughed to clear her throat and nervousness and tried to ignore the fact that her grandfather had a point. ". . . Molded or not. I don't think he's going to propose anytime soon."

"And if he did?"

"If he did?" Riza repeated.

"What would you say?"

Riza looked to her right, away from her grandfather, and found that she was struggling to answer that question. If he were to ask, right that moment, would she say yes?

She'd loved him since she was a teenager, so a question of feelings was not an issue. But was it enough to marry him. They hadn't confessed in word before, instead expressing it in more subtle ways. Before they started dating the messages of their feelings were in casual brushes of fingertips. It was a hand resting at the small of her back a bit longer than necessary when he guided her through a door first. It was in the way she gently touched the back of his neck when standing behind him at his desk as he did his work. Expressed through smiles, gazes, and an occasional humorous note being flown via paper airplane to her desk.

Now, the gestures, at least outside the working atmosphere, were more amorous. Kisses, hugs, and the way they took each other with such trust and fervor until they were tangled and exhausted among the bed sheets.

"Well?" Grumman prompted.

Riza opened her mouth but the doorbell saved her from answering. "I'll get it."

"Riza I have a butler to get tha-" Grumman wrinkled his nose when she left the room in a hurry. "Damn doorbell."

"I'll get it Frank," Riza said to the butler as she passed him on the way to the door. The older man stopped and without a word, turned to go back to his previous location. She opened the door and a smile washed over her lips. Roy stood there, a dusting of snow on his head and shoulders and his new dog, Glacier, standing beside him. The canine was positioned in an ever loyal posture but Riza could tell what she really wanted was to pounce onto her.

From the first time Roy saw the snow colored dog, yet another Fuery rescue, he wanted her. It didn't take long before Roy had her checked out by a vet and officially registered with the city. Riza kneeled. "Come here girl!" The dog barked and rushed to Riza as Roy dusted the snow off himself and entered the home.

A familiar bark sounded behind her and Glacier took off towards the canine verbalization. Riza got to her feet and turned just in time to see Glacier and Hayate rush into the living room followed by a yell from Grumman. "Even the damn dogs are together!"

She laughed then turned to Roy, who was closer than she expected. He grinned. "Do I get a kiss or did Glacier take them all?"

His sleek tone of voice sent shivers through her. Those chills only escalated when he grabbed both of her hands, entwined their fingers. He skimmed his lips across hers before applying more pressure, his lips working slowly and softly, as if he was a thief trying to steal her breath.

She pulled away and then gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Grandfather is up to his ways again."

"Which ways? He's always up to something."

"His, why aren't you married yet when everyone else around you is getting married, ways."

"Ah, those ways. I've been on the receiving end of those. Well, part of them at least."

They walked into the living room where Grumman was. The old man muttered something incoherent as he watched the dogs snuggled in front of the fireplace. He pointed at them. "That!" he said and looked at Roy. "Even the dogs are married."

"Sir, the last time I checked dogs don't get married," Roy said.

Grumman glared at him. "I picked you as my successor because I thought that you'd give my granddaughter a ring by now!"

"We all know that's not the only reason that you support Roy," Riza said.

"Fine fine, that's true." Grumman looked at Roy. "You are a good man."

"Thank you Sir," Roy said. While Riza found it annoying, he was amused at all the poking and nagging Grumman did, trying to get them married.

"Everything is straightened out now though. The fraternization laws don't apply now. She's not under your direct command anymore yet you are dallying."

Roy smirked, pulled Riza closer and kissed her forehead. "Isn't it enough that she's more important to me than anyone else in this world?"

"That's all well and good but —"

"Grandfather, please. That's enough. Just because everyone else is getting married doesn't mean we have to. If everyone else jumped off a bridge would you do it too?"

"Will it get you two married?"

Riza's eyebrow twitched.


Roy couldn't keep his eyes off Riza as they made their way down the street that headed toward the shops. She had the cutest frown on her face, an expression he'd only seen her wear twice in her life. It was rare that she let her grandfather rile her up so much.

"Grumman really got to you this time," he said as he tried to keep his amusement from seeping into his tone.


"Since you are in a bad mood do you want to wait and do this last minute shopping later?"

She looked at him from the corner of her eyes. "It can't get much more last minute than it is now."

"Yes, you are right."

"Why can't you just do your holiday shopping in advance?"

"I always forget."

Riza's lips quirked up with a small smile. She knew that wasn't the case at all. Roy was always the most consummate of procrastinators. She started to speak about that but a voice shouted his name.

"Roy! Oh Roy!"

The couple looked in the direction of the voice. Riza narrowed her eyes. A woman with black hair and walnut colored skin was waving at him. She was standing behind a cart with lines of bracelets and necklaces hanging upon small hooks. "Roy! Come over here!"

She turned to him. "That's not one of Christmas's girls . . ." She narrowed her eyes. "Is it?"

"Um… well no… her na..." Instead of continuing Roy wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her nearer to him. "I can't. I'm spending time with my girlfriend!" he yelled to the girl.

Riza didn't have time to turn to see the girl's face since Roy was leading her down the walkway. "I suppose I should get used to women doing that."

"You aren't jealous are you?"


Roy stopped walking. "What? Really?"

Riza turned to him. "Yes, what's so surprising about that?"

Roy laughed and started walking again. "Nothing really, I just wasn't expecting you to admit it."

"Why not? I've never lied to you before so I'm not going to start doing it now."

"And I appreciate that more than you know."

She grinned and leaned her head against his shoulder. She'd often scoffed inwardly at women that did that but now she realized why they did. It was pleasant, warm, and a chance, for her at least, to feel a bit more feminine than usual. Roy hugged her tighter.

"So, who do you have to shop for?"

"Well, I've got Grumman's gift already and I picked yours up after work yesterday. So I just have to buy for Christmas, the girls, Elecia, and Gracia."

"Elecia and Gracia are easy but not sure about Christmas and the girls. I don't know them that well."

Roy opened the door to the shop and let her through before entering behind her. He grabbed a cart and they made their way down one of the aisles. The first aisle they found a silver candle set for Gracia and the next they found a doll for Elecia.

"Well that was easy," Roy said. "Now there's Christmas to contend with."

"Yes. Do you know what she wants?"

"She wants for Christmas what your Grandfather has been wanting for us all along."

"She doesn't even know me well and she wants that?"


They walked over to a large area in the middle of the store; Roy looked around for something his mother would like before his eyes fell on Riza. She picked up a scarf and let the silk drape across her palm. "You should you know."

Riza looked at him. "I should what?"

"Get to know Christmas and the girls better."

"I . . . um . . . maybe later Roy." Her reasons for avoiding them were stupid, but the shy, insecure side of her just wouldn't go away. The last thing she needed was a hit to her self-esteem on Christmas, and seeing all those gorgeous girls in one place at the same time would definitely do that.

"Why later? They are having a Christmas party. Come with me."

"No," she said and held up the scarf to eyelevel. "Do you think any of the girls would like this?"

"All of the girls would like that."

"Why don't you get each of them one in a different color?"

"Stop changing the subject. Why won't you come with me? We can stay there overnight in my old room and-"

"No Roy."

Roy sighed. "Well it was worth a try." Riza turned back to look at the clothing as something caught Roy's attention out of the corner of his eye. He grinned and stared at the item.

"What are you looking at?"

Roy jumped and coughed. "Nothing."

She walked beside him and saw a tiny miniskirt on the hanger. "You want that for Christmas?"

"It would be a really nice present," he said.

Riza stared at the skirt a moment before going through each of them, looking at the tags. "Okay."

"What? Really? Honestly?"

After a moment of silence, she shook her head. "Too bad. They just don't have it in your size," she said then looked up at him, trying not to laugh at his facial expression.

He growled, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her against him. "Tease."

"I do own miniskirts you know?"

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"Why haven't I seen you in one then?"

Riza smirked and kissed the tip of his nose before pulling away from him. She still wasn't used to public displays of affection, especially affection of this magnitude.

Roy watched with a smirk as she walked off. "If I asked," he said catching up to her as she made her way down the aisle, "would you actually wear one? For a Christmas present for me?"

"I -"

A series of deafening cracks soared through the air. Riza launched off her feet and hit the floor with a harsh thud as glass and debris shot toward them, shelves toppled, and smoke filled the confines of the building. Instantly her body went into soldier mode.

She forced herself to stand, her legs shaking like a newborn taking its first step. She squint her eyes against the black and grey smoke filling the room. It was fortunate that could make out her surroundings directly in front of her, which was better than nothing in a situation like this. The majority of the smoke hadn't reached back there yet.

She could only hear a slight lull of screams she knew were close but sounded more as if they were sounding from across the street.

"Roy!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, the coughing as the smoke sucked into her throat. She used her handkerchief to cover her mouth and shouted once more as she made her way over to where she last saw him. "Roy!" She forced her mind to process that she would find him; they weren't close enough to the explosion to be killed. She made sure to keep the fact projectiles could do it, from entering her mind as she yelled his name again. And received no answer.

AN: This story will be a lot different than my previous Christmas fictions but as per my tradition, posted on Christmas and continued into the New Year. This story will only be about four chapters. I hope you like what I have so far and please review if you have the time. They are much appreciated. Happy Holidays!