He knew she was there. Even without looking, he knew. Her presence always stirred something in him. The urge to scream relentlessly at the heavens, or to break down completely into silent tears. He couldn't decide which, so instead he settled for staring at the ground from the stump he was sitting on. Eyes dry and face completely wiped of emotion. Just like before. Just like always.


He couldn't say anything. He couldn't. He knew that if he uttered the first word, all would be lost. Everything he'd been working towards these past two years; all the painful memories and promises he was breaking by continuing his actions. So he would say nothing. He would wait until she spoke first. Until she had had her say. Then he would speak. Only then.

But, damn if it wasn't painful as hell to keep his words inside him!

"You've gotten older... Taller too."

She was choosing not to bring it up. She wasn't going to give him the comfort of a furious outburst about how he was betraying her; about how he was breaking his promise to her and her father.

"Don't remember you having only one eye, though... You were being reckless again, I suppose."

She was giving him no choice.

A long, heavy sigh escaped the green-haired swordsman's lips as words began to flow. Low and tired-sounding, but still distinguishable.

"Yeah...I guess I was."

Her laugh sounded so clear in his ears, it took all his strength not to reach out to touch her. To try and prove to himself that she was really here. That nothing was wrong and everything was as it should be.

But it was different now. He was different now. And he knew he had to tell her so.

"It's not just about you anymore... I'm no longer fighting for your sake alone. Nor mine."

"I see."

"They're too precious to me. I don't want to lose them like I lost you."

"I understand."

"I don't regret it."

"I know you don't. You've never regretted anything."

"You're not angry?"

"I'm not angry."

There was quiet. A moment to reflect on words that had been spoken. A moment to try and understand one's train of thought. Where it began and where it ended.

"...You thought I would be?"

He couldn't respond to that. He didn't know how.

"Ba~ka... You're still an idiot. I see that hasn't changed."


"So, you've found it?"

A small smile graced his ever-frowning face. A rare expression for the swordsman indeed. And yet, in this moment, it feels as natural as breathing.

"Yeah...I think I have."
