"So are you going to tell me, or do I have to guess?" Naruto was sitting at a table, sharing a pot of tea with the Fire Lord and the Hokage.

"Tell you what?" The black-haired man grinned behind the cup.

"Are we really doing this? You dragged me out of bed at the crack of dawn. I seriously doubt it was just for a civil chat and a cup of cold tea."

"Out of bed and away from company, I'd wager."

"I'm telling Nō." Naruto glared at the most powerful man in the Land of Fire.

"Fine, be that way. Spoilsport." Nobunaga sighed before shifting in his seat, setting the cup down and lacing his fingers together in front of him. "Tell me about this so called 'Kingpin'."

"Self-titled, I assure you. The man's real name is Gato, and a couple of years ago he basically took over the entire, admittedly small, country in a comparatively low amount of time."


"As far as I gathered he used thugs and mercenaries to eliminate all his competition, cementing himself as the only viable boat shipping company in a country completely surrounded by water. Once he did that he let his… whims let's call them, reign free and brought the country almost to extinction."

"And why didn't anyone try to rise against him." Sarutobi interjected.

"Oh they tried. One even came close. Gato had them all killed in a particularly brutal way as examples of what would happen if anyone had such ideas in the future."

"So what ultimately happened?"

"A bridge builder happened. The father of the widow of one of the 'examples'. He decided to take matters into his own hands and make a bridge that would connect him to the Land of Fire and eliminate Gato's stranglehold on his land."

"And that's where we come in." The Hokage spoke, bringing all the attention to him. "Tazuna, the bridge builder in question, came to request a C-Rank escort mission to his home."

"So why did you decide to send two teams of mere Genin on this mission?"

"Mere Genin?" Naruto muttered, offended.

"I am the Hokage. I rarely have to excuse my actions, and such decisions…" He trailed of when he saw two almost identical amused looks. "The Haruno girl was annoying me, and I sent Naruto to actually finish the mission."

"Well that's nice. At least someone has faith in me." He glared at the Fire Lord. "Mere Genin, really."

"Oh get over it. Please continue." Nobunaga prompted the Hokage.

"Yes, as I was saying, I decided to send two Genin teams because it was a simple escort mission, nothing they couldn't handle. I never thought the client would outright lie to us. It's just not something that's normally done. Nobody respects the proper traditions anymore."

"Anyway…" Naruto deadpanned.

"Yes, apologies."

"So why this discussion?" Naruto asked Nobunaga.

"With Wave now officially connected to the rest of the world again it won't be long until word spreads. The islands are in a very favorable position for sea trade. We have to be the first to talk with them. If we can get an exclusive trading contract then we'll have a whole new avenue to explore. And if someone else does they could seriously cut into our potential funds. Which brings me to you, Naruto." The blonde raised an eyebrow. "You're their hero, right?"

"Well, something like that, I guess."

"Get me a meeting with their leader as soon as you can."

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." Nobunaga nodded and returned to his tea. "I've noticed your wife's not here."

"She's out." Nobunaga shrugged. "With your girlfriend, I believe."

"Oh. Hell."


Kurenai was very confused at the moment. At a time that was far too early for her tastes Naruto's bedroom was invaded and Naruto was dragged off by the Fire Lord himself, presumably after he was allowed to change, but she couldn't be sure. Then, no more than ten minutes later the Fire Lord's wife had come to pick her up. For shopping.

Because of course it was for shopping.

"So…" Nō piped up next to her. They were waiting in a line for the changing rooms in a boutique filled with expensive clothes and very helpful employees. Especially when they recognized Kurenai's companion. "This… thing you have with Naruto. How serious is it?"

"Um…" Kurenai blinked in confusion. "I… I'm not entirely sure."

"Oh?" The woman raised an eyebrow.

"I mean, I like him a lot, but I'm not sure if…"

"I understand." Nō commented. "My marriage with Nobunaga was arranged, and it took us a while to connect, and even longer to actually fall in love. But now I can't say that I am displeased with the arrangement. Your relationship will probably be a little less complicated, but give it a little time and I think you may come to conclusions."

"I want it to work out." Kurenai muttered.

"Than what are you so unsure of?"

"I don't know."

"Just a hint, then. Make sure you do know at least that before you commit completely." Nō's eyes were steely now as she glanced at Kurenai. "I know it may seem like the two of us don't really like each other, but I consider Naruto my friend, and I'm positive my husband does as well. And he likes you, a lot. It's really evident to someone who knows him. That would be us. The most powerful man in the Land of Fire and his poison snake-loving wife." Kurenai blinked again, hiding a gulp. "Just something to keep in mind."

Alright, so maybe this trip had absolutely nothing to do with shopping. But it wasn't every day you personally get threatened by the Daimyo's wife. A ninja might consider that a noteworthy achievement.

Kurenai just wasn't sure if it was a good or bad one.