Hey guys. This is a new story I wanted to try out. It is a historical fiction. I don't know if you are into those things, but I was inspired to write one. Tell me if you like it. It's just an idea. I don't know where I'm gonna with the pairings in this one, but if you have any suggestions, please tell me. I need help with this new story.


As the 18th century began, most of the European powers vied for control of land and territory, but only two were the main powers. Spain and Portugal were met with an incredulous decline, even though they controlled the majority of the world in 16th and 17th century. Their decline marked the rise of the nations of England and France who had an unsteady relationship through alliances and trade.

As Queen Anne's war came to end, France found itself having the upper hand against England. To strengthen their bonds, George I's closest friend Baron Hiram proposed that his daughter, the beautiful and vivacious Rachel, marry the French king's advisor Cardinal Coligny's son Finn. If Rachel were to marry Finn, then the alliance between England and France would be secured as both Baron Hiram and Cardinal Coligny were in their respective kings' graces.

France knew its own abilities. If it were to fight a war against England during the time, they would surely win. After all, France controlled the majority of the sea trade of the New World. Having a strong relationship with the Iroquois Indians, France dominated the New World, dubbed "America", and its sea trade, therefore they had a strong economy. However, there was something that annoyed the French and the English more than anything else...Pirates.

Louis XIV, the current king of France, was dying due to old age. Cardinal Coligny knew that once the current king dies, the new king would be under his control. Cardinal Coligny was a very conniving and meticulous person. He proposed the marriage between England and France, but under the condition that England would rid of the four Pirate Lords terrorizing the delicate sea trade in the world. Knowing England would waste their Royal Navy upon this task, Cardinal Coligny planned on taking over the English throne and installing his son as the new king in a swift plan after his son marries the baron's daughter. He knew he had Spain and the Hapsburg supporting the revolution to throw England into turmoil.

The four Pirate Lords were dubbed as having an "unholy" alliance, terrorizing the seas of Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Without a doubt, these four Pirate Lords had a secret cove in which they would hide out from the navies of the European powers, usually a deserted island. Though they would only rob and pillage the ships of the surrounding territories, the four Pirate Lords would often find themselves attacking ships from their own ally's territory. Because of this, all four of the Pirate Lords had an uneasy alliance. When allied together, however, their ships and men would rival even the Royal Navy of England themselves.

The first Pirate Lord's name was "Kutlass" Kurt. His features would throw off the common sailor into thinking that Kutlass Kurt was easy to beat, but his true persona is as deadly as a viper. Kurt is a homosexual. Other pirates thought it strange that he was elected as one of the Pirate Lord. He currently controls the Asian seas, robbing merchant ships of their latest fashionable clothes. Not much is known of the Kurt's past life.

The second Pirate Lord (or rather Lords) is the duo of Quinn and Puck. They control the prostitution and opium trade in Africa and the lands of Persia and ship them to the four corners of the Earth. Though they never indulged in drugs or prostitution themselves, they are brutal in their trade. One time, the previous Pirate Lord Idra insulted Quinn, stating that she was a woman and made fun of her personal features. No one knows why, but to this day, other pirates speculated that Puck must've felt insulted that Quinn was being dishonored and proceeded to punch Idra's face in. Idra resigned from his post and Puck, with Quinn, became the next Pirate Lord. It is unknown of the relationship between Quinn and Puck. Some say they are lovers while others say that the both of them are brothers and sisters. One thing is known for sure. It is that only through piracy can they find a common bond and become a dynamic duo.

The third Pirate Lord is the most ruthless of all the four Pirate Lords. His name is Carl the Damned. He earned the epithet rightfully so. His reputation caused him to be feared above all the other Pirate Lords. He was brutal and aggressive both to his enemies and his friends. In one instance, when one of the pirates that worked for Kutlass Kurt refused to bow to Carl in respect, Carl grabbed the pirate by his head and drove a knife into the man's head, nailing it to the wall. In another instant, after Carl the Damned defeated his enemies for control of territories within the Indonesian borders, he proved unmerciful to his enemies. He ordered his men to rape all the women in front of the men and right before ejaculating, have the men cut the women's heads off. Afterwards, Carl ordered his men to throw all his enemies overboard to feed the hungry sharks in the water. Any that resisted to comply with his order were swiftly executed. Carl the Damned grew more in infamy each and every day and he is poised to defeat the other Pirate Lords and crown himself the one true Pirate King, but as long as there is the fourth Pirate Lord, Carl cannot proceed with his plans.

The fourth Pirate Lord was a man that didn't even act like a pirate. Whereas most pirates would act like savages, like the men of Carl the Damned, the fourth Pirate Lord commanded his men to act in a gentlemen-like manner. Don't kill unless bloodshed is needed was one of his commands. Most would deem him as a pushover, but the fourth Pirate Lord was anything but a pushover. He was a calculating and an observant Pirate Lord with the ability to win almost any of the engagements he is put in. Because of him, Carl the Damned wouldn't dare to attack "Kutlass" Kurt or the duo of Puck and Quinn. The fourth Pirate Lord's name was William Schuester.

William Schuester, nicknamed the "Silent" due to his uncanny ability of being silent whilst observing, was a man with a troublesome past. Born into a rich English family, William had the lifestyle anyone could wish for. William trained in the Royal Navy and even fought in Queen's Anne's war. He had a beautiful wife named Emma and was expecting a child. His family was stationed in the Barbados Island when Will was called away in the early phases of the war. Will left his wife behind and that was the last he heard of her. While away in Europe winning battles, Will received news that the island he was staying was attacked by an unknown group. His wife disappeared, but the news seemed to imply that his wife was kidnapped and then killed. Though he was furious, he didn't want to let the news affect him during the times of war. That was when everything changed.

During a skirmish with the Bavarians in the Atlantic, Will commanded his fleet to a surprise victory, even though the Bavarians outnumbered the English, but word reached him that an impressive armada of French and Spanish ships was heading towards their way. Will sent a message to the full English Royal Navy in hopes of reinforcement. A reply never came back. Will saw all of his men killed right before his eyes. The French Admiral was lenient towards Will; he decided that the sea will take care of Will as the Frenchmen threw Will overboard.

To a man who believed his wife to be dead and a man whose reputations were gone in a second, Will was a man who lost everything. That was until he met Charles the Brave, who rescued him from the sea. Charles was an old pirate who was looking for someone to take his place. He didn't find anyone worthy until he met Will. At first, Will didn't like the idea of being a pirate, but he realized that he had lost everything. As a pirate, he found his priority to find the ones who were responsible for killing his wife. In the meantime, he would steal from the English ships as retribution for their refusal to supply him with reinforcements. He started off at a lower rank, but with each passing day, Will grew in the knowledge of the sea and became a better pirate. After Charles' death, Will replaced Charles as captain. He continued to build his reputation and when it came time to elect the new Pirate Lords, Will was elected as one. Will gained his reputation by only attacking English ships. He was a thorn for England and the English placed Silent Will at the head of their most wanted men.


Rachel and Finn were childhood friends. When Rachel stayed in the French countryside on vacation with her father when she was 8, she met Finn within the Versailles palace. While her father and Finn's father were off discussing politics with, Finn showed Rachel a wonderful time in France. They played music together, ate together, and even swam in King Louis XIV's personal lake. Rachel was a very obedient girl and never broke any rules, but with Finn, Rachel found it very easy to bend the rules. He made a rebel out of her, something she did not expect. Before Rachel left, she and Finn promised that they will meet each other again. Finn took it a step further and promised to marry Rachel when he grew up. Rachel returned his promise with a kiss.

Now that it was 1715 and nearly 15 years later, Finn received the opportunity to keep his promise. A marriage alliance was proposed by his father on the condition that the English would capture all four of the infamous Pirate Lords. There were other parts to the proposal, but Finn didn't care. He wanted to marry Rachel even though he hadn't met her in for 15 years. He doubted that she did not grow in beauty because she was so beautiful even as a child when Finn first met her.

Rachel was as equally excited, but she was also nervous when she heard her father told her about the marriage proposal between her and Finn. She was worried about marrying someone that she hadn't seen for 15 years, even if it was a promise. It was a little kid's promise, Rachel thought in her mind. But she was loyal to her country and if this could make England become even stronger, then so be it, she decided. In a week, Finn and Rachel would be married and spend their time together in a British-controlled island. No one was aware of the events that were to come when their lives collided with pirates.

LIKE/DISLIKE. Please tell me. This is just a prologue. I have several ideas in my head, but if you have any ideas, shoot me up. If you are a new reader, check out my other stories "Don't Ever" and "Known Unknowns". Thanks for reading. Any suggestion would be nice. Happy holidays!