Because I am stupid and gay the sequel is just the same name with a number '2' If you ever have a suggestion for a title I am more than glad to hear it. After I get several names I'll do a poll. Also the reason that it was named 'No Names' is well if you review asking I'll Pm you or Put it in a different Authors note.

"Momma, when are we going to find-" The little boy hesitated in asking about his father. His mother had always said that when he was five or six they would go and see him. She had said that only when he reached that age would he understand.

"Snake Eyes. Your father's name is Snake Eyes. And we will find him soon. I have to get in contact with the twins." The little boy wanted to jump around happily but he was five, and as most of the kids at the park said 'five year-olds don't do that'. "Liam, what are you thinking?"

"What's he like mama? Snake Eyes I mean." Liam, whose name is short for William started to fidget and became nervous. The orange haired woman, who looked almost nothing like Liam squatted down and put a hand on the small boys head. He looked into his mothers eyes. They were mirrors of his. His left one was blue and right one green, so when she looked into his eyes her blue eye met his and her green eye met his. Yet his blue eye was more of a pale blue and his green had flecks of blue. This was one of the only things he had in common with his mother. And her nose, everyone said he had her nose.

"You look so much like him." Her hand tugged on a strand of Liam's dirty blond hair. "Your blue eye is even the same color as his, except for the bark blue around your pupal. When you are older you will be just as handsome as Snake Eyes. I know it." The woman smiled at her son.

"What was he like though. I figured that I looked like him but what about who he was? Mama, what if he doesn't like me? You couldn't have me when you were with him." Tears escaped Liam's eyes. He had figured out for himself that she had left Snake Eyes because she had him in her stomach. And now he had gotten the fear that his father wouldn't like him in his mind.

"William Eyes Godfrey, You can be so bipolar some times that I wonder if you really are mine, but then I remember some of Snake Eyes' moods and have to laugh. You are the exact boy that I would have though your father had been." She wiped the tears from the little boys eyes and continued on. "He was such a gentleman. He was also a good cook." When Liam winced, remembering all the times his mother had tried to cook but ended up screeching and stumbling away from the stove when the food made sounds which meant the majority of food ended up burnt, his mother winked at him. "He loves kids but wasn't ready to be a father. And I haven't had the guts to tell him that he really is a father."

Liam looked up at his mother in awe. All his life his mother has been head strong and never afraid of anything, she has been his teacher ever since he could remember and has never once faltered. She has taught him everything he knows, from martial arts to sign language to reading and writing. And hearing that this whole time she has been afraid of telling his father about him worried Liam. "Why- why were-are you afraid?"

"Because love is a fickle thing. Your heart may say it is right while your mind says no. I fear that he will be upset that I ran instead of immediately telling him. Not that he won't like you. I know for a fact he will like you a lot. Love you even. Come on, we have to bring this garbage down stairs." The orange haired woman stood up, tall and proud. Well not tall exactly she had only reached four feet eleven inches at most. She grabbed a shopping back filled with garbage and held it out to Liam. "You wanna help?"

Liam's eyes light up. He loved to help his mother in any way he could. "Yeah." When he went to reach for the bag she lifted it just out of his reach and pointed to his feet. "Oh, I'll go put my shoes on. Don't leave with out me."

"Wouldn't think of it kid." Setting the garbage down she zipped up the hoodie she had on. Once upon a time ago she had had a black one but that got destroyed when she had given birth on a train and they needed something to wrap her baby in. And now she had a form fitting red hoodie that has what liked like the fur of a male lions mane around the edge of the hood, it said Aeropostal 1987 New York City in white letters.

"I'm ready." Liam had pulled on his miniature black converse, just like his mothers, and a zip up sweatshirt that was black and had no hood. He reached out his hands for the bag and she handed it over while grabbing the two bigger bags. Nodding towards the door she signaled him to go and open it. He raced to do it because he like to help his mother. When they had gotten down the stairs of the apartment building the two exited through a door to an ally. Dumping the bags in a large bin they made their way back to the door but when Liam's mother halted and made sure to stay standing right in front of him. "Mama?'"

"Hush." She hissed at her child so that he would understand the direness of the situation. Liam was quite smart for a five year old and shut up immediately instead of trying to find out what was going on. "I know you're here." Her voice boomed in the quiet and seemingly empty ally way. "Storm Shadow, come out." She could feel Liam grab onto the back of her hoodie and back him and herself up to a wall in a better way to protect her child.

"Perceptive as always I see. How have you been?" A whit clad ninja stepped from the shadows. "I'm honored that you remember me, it been what? Five years? Six years?"

"Not long enough Storm Shadow. What do you want?" She got in a defensive position just incase he tried to attack she would be ready.

"Nothing much. I'm just on a mission to retrieve and deliver. And the package is you." He launched at her and she held her ground and pushed him back. Somebody grabbed Liam and he screeched. All of a sudden it seemed that she had disappeared but looking around the ally Storm Shadow saw the woman kill his Viper with little effort. What truly surprised him was that in the woman's arms was a child, no older than six, and no younger than five. "So you have a brat. Snake Eyes' I'm guessing."

A cord was suddenly around the woman's throat threatening to choke her if she moved an inch. "Mama!" Liam cried out. He was about to grab the rope when Storm Shadow spoke.

"Try it boy and we will kill her." Liam froze at his words and looked into his mothers eyes.

"Don't worry kid." She only called him kid if she was joking or wanted him to do as told. She also called him by his full name to get him to do as told but that wasn't the point. "We'll come Storm Shadow."

"Good, now let us hurry." He paused then looked back at the woman. "It is nice to see you again, Avery."